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  • 网络Run Run Shaw;Sir Run Run Shaw
  1. 20世纪中国电影工业的开拓者之一邵逸夫爵士于今晨逝世,享年107岁。

    Sir Run Run Shaw , one of the pioneers of the 20th century Chinese film industry , has died age 107 .

  2. 已届101岁高龄的媒体大亨邵逸夫爵士,夏天的时候准备把他旗下的香港无线电视公司出售给一个富有的中国地产开发商。

    Sir Run Run Shaw , a101-year-old media mogul , had hoped to sell his Hong Kong broadcasting company in the summer to a ( briefly ) rich Chinese property developer .

  3. 邵逸夫将股份出售给中国房地产开发商碧桂园(countygarden)董事长杨国强的计划已几近成功,但由于金融市场危机的影响,最终于10月份取消了出售计划。

    He was close to selling his stake to Yeung Kwok-keung , chairman of country garden , the Chinese property developer , but scrapped his plans in October amid the financial markets crisis .

  4. 邵逸夫自己也拥有tvb6.23%的股权。

    Sir Run Run himself also owns 6.23 per cent of TVB .

  5. 多年来,邵逸夫一直设法出售所持邵氏兄弟75%的股权,今年夏季,曾与中国房地产开发商碧桂园(countygarden)董事长杨国强进行了谈判。

    Sir Run Run has been trying to sell his 75 per cent stake in Shaw Brothers for years , and was in talks with Yeung Kwok-keung , chairman of country garden , the Chinese property developer , this summer .

  6. 就在上个月,邵逸夫还在香港接受了英国电影和电视艺术学院(BAFTA)授予的特别奖。

    He was last month honored in Hong Kong by the British Academy of Film & Television Arts .

  7. TVB的日常运营交由现年74岁的方逸华负责。方逸华以前是一名歌手,她是邵逸夫的第二任妻子。

    Daily operation of TVB is left to 74-year-old Mona Fong , a former singer and Sir Run Run 's second wife .

  8. 拜媒体大亨邵逸夫爵士(SirRunRunShaw)和香港首富李嘉诚(LiKa-shing)等富豪所赐,香港的慈善传统要比中国内地深厚。邵逸夫爵士已于今年早些时候辞世。

    Hong Kong has had a stronger tradition of philanthropy than China thanks to tycoons such as Li Ka-shing , Asia 's richest man , and Sir Run Run Shaw , the media mogul who died earlier this year .

  9. 根据香港电视广播有限公司(TVB)发表的声明,邵逸夫安祥地在香港家中去世,家人们陪伴在旁。

    Shaw died peacefully at his home in Hong Kong , surrounded by his family , his company , Television Broadcasts Limited ( TVB ) , said in a statement .

  10. 一位有着多年业内经历的TVB前雇员表示:邵逸夫(爵士)不经常上班,从不在会议上说太多话,方逸华代表他发言。

    [ Sir ] Run Run does not go to work very often and never says much in meetings . Mona Fong speaks for him , said an industry veteran and a former employee .

  11. 1967年,邵逸夫联合创建了TVB——香港电视广播有限公司,TVB是香港主要的免费播放的广播公司,如今也还是香港地区内容生成和人才管理的重要力量。

    Shaw was also founder in 1967 of Television Broadcasts ( TVB ) , Hong Kong 's dominant free-to-air broadcaster and still one of the major forces of content production and talent management in the region .

  12. 一位拒绝透露姓名的分析师表示:出售TVB是邵逸夫(爵士)长期以来的愿望,但就短期而言,是希望完成这笔地产交易。

    A sale of TVB is what [ Sir ] Run Run wants in the long run , but in the short run it is the property deal , said an analyst who declined to be named .

  13. 邵逸夫是一位上海纺织商人的第六个孩子,因此被称为六叔。六叔在上世纪50年代移居香港,并于1958年创立了邵氏兄弟公司,其后在1967年投资于TVB。

    Known as uncle number six for being the sixth child of a Shanghai textile merchant , Sir Run Run moved to Hong Kong in the 1950s and in 1958 set up Shaw Brothers , before investing in TVB in 1967 .

  14. 虽然邵逸夫可能觉得精力足够充沛,明年可以再次走下红地毯,但他努力撮合的一桩交易,可能终结他在TVB的统治。41年前,他协助创立了这家广播电视公司。

    While Sir Run Run may feel spry enough to walk down the red carpet again next year , a deal he is trying to broker may bring an end to his reign as chairman of the broadcaster he helped found 41 years ago .

  15. 分析师表示,将邵氏兄弟公司私有化,可能是完全出售前的序幕,这将标志着邵逸夫对TVB姗姗来迟的道别。

    Analysts say a buy-out is likely to be a prelude to an outright sale of Shaw Brothers , which would mark Sir Run Run 's long-delayed farewell to TVB , the television station in which Shaw Brothers has a 26 per cent stake .

  16. 邵逸夫科学馆岩溶地基勘察与评价

    Karst ground site investigation and assessment of Shao Yifu Science Museum

  17. 2006年获邵逸夫数学科学奖。

    He also received the Shaw Award in 2006 .

  18. 返回邵逸夫奖的主页继续浏览最新资料。

    Visit the The Shaw Prize homepage and browse the most updated content .

  19. 这使邵逸夫成就辉煌的事业。

    This makes Shaw achievements of the cause .

  20. 邵逸夫先生是一个大慈善家。

    Shzo Yifu was a great philanthropist .

  21. 年届103岁的媒体巨头邵逸夫先生的隐退似乎就显得风平浪静。

    Sir Run Run Shaw , a103-year-old media mogul , appears to be retiring in peace .

  22. 有报道称,邵逸夫与其首任妻子所生的两子两女均对接手他的媒体帝国不感兴趣。

    His two sons and two daughters from his first wife are reported to be uninterested in running his media empire .

  23. 午餐后将有专车送嘉宾前往邵逸夫堂出席典礼,并于合照后接载同仁返回书院。

    Shuttle buses will be arranged to take staff members to Sir Run Run Shaw Hall for the Ceremony and return .

  24. 邵逸夫医院的总务工作在借鉴国外先进管理模式,改变传统观念,建立强有力的后勤保障体系方面做了大量卓有成效的工作。

    By introducing advanced logistic management model from overseas , Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital has achieved effectively in establishing an efficient logistic system .

  25. 通过深入剖析邵逸夫医院案例,从中抽象出公立医院改革面临的共同问题及在公立医院实行公益法人治理结构的约束条件。

    Finally , the common difficulties in the reform of public hospital and restrictive condition in the public corporation framework of public hospital were summarized .

  26. 邵逸夫生于1907年,当时中国还处于清朝的统治之下,他练习气功、服食人参,以保持身体健康灵敏。

    Born in 1907 when China was in the Qing dynasty , Sir Run Run practises qigong and eats ginseng to stay healthy and alert .

  27. 参照美国的医院管理模式,结合中国国情,邵逸夫医院成功地探索出了与国际接轨的现代化医院运作机制。

    Referred to American hospital management pattern and linked with Chinese practical instance . Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital has successfully groped for a modern world-class hospital running system .

  28. 邵逸夫与哥哥邵仁枚一起创办了邵氏兄弟电影公司,自19岁开始就在上海和新加坡涉足电影产业。

    Shaw , who co-founded the Shaw Brothers film studio with his brother Runme , had been involved in the film industry in Shanghai and Singapore since age 19 .

  29. 现代的中国名人有著名作家鲁迅,当代媒体大亨邵逸夫,艺术家齐白石,功夫明星李小龙和110米栏选手刘翔。

    Modern Chinese figures include renowned writer Lu Xun , contemporary media mogul Run Run Shaw , artist Qi Baishi , Kung Fu star Bruce Lee , and hurdler Liu Xiang .

  30. 王晓东博士2004年被评为美国科学院院士,并获得多项国际生物研究奖项,其中包括2006年的“邵逸夫生命科学与医学奖”。

    A recipient of numerous international biological research awards including the Shaw Prize in Life Sciences and Medicine in2006 , he was elected to the National Academy of Science , USA in2004 .