
  1. 邵雍的天人关系说&兼评王夫之对邵雍的批判

    SHAO Yong 's Theory on the Relationship between Nature and Man

  2. 邵雍是著名的易学家和思想家。

    Shao Yong is a renowned Yi Jing scholar and thinker .

  3. 邵雍自然哲学中的科学精神

    On the Scientific Spirit of Shao Yong 's Philosophy of Nature

  4. 邵雍易数哲学探微

    On SHAO Yong 's Philosophy of Number Based on Yi

  5. 浅论邵雍宇宙系统论的哲学意义

    Philosophical Significance of Shao Yong 's World System Theory

  6. 为邵雍正名&关于几个邵雍生平与学术问题的澄清

    On the Clarification of Some Problems of Shao Yong 's Life and Academia

  7. 第二章分析了邵雍诗歌的题材类型。主要有五类,即咏史诗、游历诗、酬唱诗、安乐诗和哲理诗。

    Chapter Two is a typographical classification of the poetic themes of Shao 's poems .

  8. 以往对邵雍诗学的研究,多从理学角度着眼。

    Most previous studies on Shao Yong 's poetics are from the perspective of Li-Xue .

  9. 邵雍的哲学思想是典型的儒道互补的架构。

    Shao Yong s philosophical ideology is the typical cognition of complementary Confucianism and Taoism .

  10. 这三种落花的形象同时也代表着邵雍生命境界的三层次。

    These three kinds of poetry also represent SHAO Yong 's three levels of life boundary .

  11. 邵雍的快乐诗学

    The Happiness Poetics of Shao Yong

  12. 但这并不意味着邵雍诗歌与时代诗歌风尚完全分离。

    However , this does not mean his poems are separated from those of that time .

  13. 除诗歌外,邵雍还有若干篇散文存世。

    In addition to poetry , Shao Yong also created many essays handed down in the world .

  14. 邵雍极端重视艺术的社会道德功效,这秉承了儒家美学传统。

    Shao Yong greatly promoted the social and moral function of art , which inherited Confucian aesthetic tradition .

  15. 邵雍观物论与电、弱、强相互作用耦合常数试解

    Theory of Observing of Shao Yong and the Explanation of the Coupling Constants of Electromagnetic Interaction , Weak Interaction and Strong Interaction

  16. 落花意象与生命精神&从邵雍落花诗看他生命境界的三层次

    Image of Fallen Flowers and Life Spirit & Analysis of the Three Levels of SHAO Yong 's Life Span by His Fallen Flowers Poetry

  17. 相对于其他理学家来说,邵雍其实是有着自觉的文学追求的,他的文学观念也极为开通。

    Compared to other Neo-Confucianism scholars , Shao Yong had his literature pursuit on his own initiative , and his literary concept was also very open .

  18. 这表现了邵雍在天道观问题上向心性与理性方面的突破,而恰恰就是在这些方面引起了王夫之的激烈批判。

    It represents SHAO Yong 's breakthrough in the aspects of centrality and logos on Taoism . It is this breakthrough that aroused WANG Fuzi 's furious animadvert .

  19. 邵雍是北宋著名的理学家,他在哲学史上的地位远远超过了他在文学史上的地位。

    Shao Yong is a renowned Neo-confucianist in the North Song Dynasty , whose position in the history of philosophy is far important than in the history of literature .

  20. 出发点是邵雍的诗歌创作在很大程度上是服从于表现他的哲学思想的需要。邵雍最重要的诗歌理论,就是其诗道合一的诗学观,他的道心就是诗心。

    The face that Shao 's poems have a close bearing on his philosophical ideas is , to a great extent , out of the necessity of preaching his philosophy .

  21. 同其他四子相比,邵雍除了哲学与史学的建构外,在文学尤其是诗歌领域也取得了令世人瞩目的实绩。

    Compared to other four scholars , Shao Yong made extraordinary achievements in the literary field , especially in the poetry field in addition to the construction of philosophy and historiography .

  22. 二是有我之境与无我之境的区分虽然化用了邵雍的观物说,却没有得到较好的阐释,尤其足与叔本华审美学说嫁接时出现观念混乱。

    Secondly , although the distinction between me and no-me employed shaoyong 's saying of xianwu , it has not been well interpreted , especially when perception confusion arose in engrafting with the theory of taste .