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  1. 慎海雄用下面这句话迎合了大众:在中国富人群体当中,茅台酒的受欢迎程度(和价格)从未像今天这样高。

    Shen is playing to the peanut gallery with this one : among rich Chinese , Moutai has never been more popular ( and costly ) .

  2. 中央广播电视总台台长慎海雄表示,这部纪录片以历史事实为基础,旨在帮助观众更好地了解中国的革命历史。

    CMG president Shen Haixiong says the documentary is based on historical facts and aims to help the audience better understand the history of China 's revolution .

  3. 但在慎海雄看来,这只会使情况变得更糟:据我所知,政府不得采购奢侈品。他补充称,茅台酒价格已经失控。

    But for Shen , that just makes things worse : as far as I know , the government is prohibited from luxury consumption , he said , adding that Moutai prices are out of control .