
  • 网络outlet;discount store;Discount
  1. 从政府风格的建筑环绕着的中央广场处,我们开始了参观之旅【一家罗意威(Loewe)的名品折扣店就坐落于市政大厅的一楼】。随后我们穿过了一个舒适的中产阶级社区,来到整洁的工厂区。

    We start our tour in the central plaza surrounded by government-style buildings ( a Loewe outlet sits on the ground floor of the town hall ) , then pass through a comfortable bourgeois neighborhood and into a very tidy version of a factory zone .

  2. 据奢侈品行业调研机构奢侈品协会(LuxuryInstitute)CEO米尔顿o佩德瑞扎表示,如果一个奢侈品牌经常在名品折扣店或通过限时抢购的方式在线打折出售,消费者会认为,他们就没有必要全价购买这个品牌的商品。

    If a luxury brand frequently discounts its goods at outlet stores or online via flash sales , consumers will perceive that they don 't have to pay full price for that brand , says Milton Pedraza , CEO of Luxury Institute , a luxury industry research group .

  3. 1979年,LiquorBarn烈酒折扣店的生意十分红火。

    In 1979 , Liquor Barn thrived as a discount merchandiser .

  4. 它已计划开设更多的“幕后梅西”,这个新的打折店可能有助于梅西百货更好地对抗野心勃勃的T。J。Maxx折扣店。

    It   has plans   to   open   more   locations   of   Macy 's   Backstage ,   a   newly-developed   off-price   concept   which might   help   it   better   compete   with   ambitious   T.   J.   Maxx .

  5. 而更为时尚的竞争对手&塔吉特(Target),通过把自己定位为具有时尚意识的折扣店,排名上升了25位。

    Target , its more fashionable rival , has risen 25 places by positioning itself as fashion-conscious discounter .

  6. ICAAB有5个不同的概念:百货商店,超级市场,超市,便利店和折扣店。

    ICA AB has5 different store concepts : Hypermarkets , Supermarkets , Superstores , Convenient stores and Discount stores .

  7. 据报道,黑客窃取了数百万在SaksFifthAvenue(萨克斯第五大道精品百货店)、SaksOff5th(萨克斯第五大道精品百货折扣店)和Lord&Taylor(罗德泰勒百货)等门店使用过借记卡或信用卡的顾客的信息。

    It is reported that hackers stole information from millions of customers who used debit or credit cards at Saks Fifth Avenue , Saks Off 5th and Lord & Taylor stores .

  8. 不过维沙尔相信,CombatGent可以提供比高端服装店价格更低的服装,却又不会让购物者把它与低端折扣店联系在一起。

    But vishaal believes that combat gent can find a place for itself by providing lower cost clothes than high-end boutiques without the stigma some shoppers associate with low-end discount stores .

  9. 杰米o诺德斯特龙也表示,该技术可能会在NordstromRack折扣店起到作用,尽管目前还没有在那里试点的确切计划。

    Indeed , Jamie Nordstrom said the tech could potentially work at the off-price Nordstrom Rack stores , though there are no firm plans for a pilot there .

  10. 在假日销售季,西尔斯(searsholdings)旗下的美国第三大连锁折扣店凯马特(kmart)开始在电视广告上宣传其分期预付服务。

    During the holiday season , Kmart , owned by Sears holdings and the third largest US discount chain , started drawing attention to its layaway service in television advertising .

  11. Poundland折扣店:这家连锁商店于1990年在英国成立。

    Poundland : The chain was founded in 1990 in the UK .

  12. 街道不远处,有一家齐曼纺织品(ZeemanTextiel)折扣店,店门外,妇女们在网格篮里翻找,仔细打量着0.99欧元一件的T恤衫。

    Up the road , women fished into a wire basket outside Zeeman Textiel , a discount store , inspecting T-shirts for99 ( euro ) cents .

  13. 从记事起,丽莎·萨塔的梦想就是在名品折扣店T.J.Maxx的8号鞋子通道举行婚礼。

    Lisa Satayut 's dream was to get married in the size 8 shoe aisle at T.J. Maxx for as long as she could remember .

  14. 这包括盎格鲁&瑞士的一家音乐流媒体服务Spotify公司,其注册用户超过1000万;而法国服装折扣店VentePrivée每年的收入约$10亿美元。

    These include Spotify , an Anglo-Swedish music-streaming service with more than10m registered users , and Vente Priv é e , a French clothing discounter with annual revenue of some $ 1 billion .

  15. 这包括盎格鲁—瑞士的一家音乐流媒体服务Spotify公司,其注册用户超过1000万;而法国服装折扣店VentePrivée每年的收入约$10亿美元。

    These include Spotify , an Anglo-Swedish music-streaming service with more than 10m registered users , and Vente Priv é e , a French clothing discounter with annual revenue of some $ 1 billion .

  16. 大卫多数衣服都是折扣店和二手店淘来的。

    He buys most of his clothes at bargain racks and thrift shops .

  17. 它位于偏僻的地区,而名品折扣店还是个没有被证明过的概念。

    It was in the middle of nowhere and outlets were an unproven concept .

  18. 我国发展名品折扣店的生机与危机及其对策

    The Developments and Countermeasures of Famous Brand Discount

  19. 一些人从折扣店中得到启示,开始提供一些特价食品和药品。

    Taking their cue from discount chains , some are offering specialized food and pharmacy items .

  20. 以大量数据说明:在发达国家,折扣店已成为最重要的零售业态之一。

    In the developed countries , the discount store has become one of the most important retail formats .

  21. 您可以找到“讨价还价”(好买),折扣店,如果您在购物时与照顾。

    You can find " bargains "( good buys ) at discount stores if you shop with care .

  22. 不过,得益的企业很可能集中在零售市场中的折扣店和超市。

    However , gains were likely to be concentrated at the discount and supermarket ends of the market .

  23. 另一方面北京品牌折扣店营销组合与市场定位之间关联度低,营销组合不能很好的与市场定位相吻合。

    On the other hand , the relationship between marking mixture and marketing localization of outlets in Beijing is low .

  24. 可以是高级折扣店的、拖车公司的、社交类的、抑或是健身房会员卡。

    This could be a senior discount club , a car towing membership , a social club or gym membership .

  25. 受此影响,此前避开欧洲折扣店的消费品制造商现在越来越多地为这种商店制造价格便宜的产品。

    In response , consumer-goods makers who had shunned discount stores in Europe increasingly are making less-expensive products for such outlets .

  26. 举例来说:香奈儿和爱马仕从来不在店铺中举行特价活动,而且名品折扣店的数量也极其有限。

    For example : Chanel and Herm è s do not hold sales in their stores and they have a limited number of outlet stores .

  27. 分析师称,2011年的大部分时间里,奢饰品店的销售增长额已经赶超了开业至少一年的折扣店和中档品店。

    Analysts said that luxury stores had outpaced discount and midtier stores in sales growth at stores open at least a year for most of2011 .

  28. 但是当地的抗议者们则认为沃尔玛折扣店会对遗址造成破坏,挤垮小型商店,改变这一地区人们的生活方式。

    But local protestors say the discount store will spoil the site , kill small enterprise and change the way of life in the area .

  29. 折扣店、厂家直销店和像玩具反斗城这样的品类杀手吞食了它们的利润。随着中年顾客开始消失,住在商业街的青少年开始倍受关注,使得形势更加糟糕。

    As middle-aged shoppers began to disappear , the teenagers who had inhabited malls from the beginning became more noticeable , which only made things worse .

  30. 几十年前,随着低价超市、仓储式会员店和连锁折扣店的兴起,食品价格的上涨得到了抑制,大部分美国人早就不再囤积食品了。

    For most Americans , stockpiling fell out of favor decades ago as the rise of lower-price supercenters , wholesale clubs and discount chains curbed food-price inflation .