
  1. 真是赔了夫人又折兵。当乔伊和钱德去看球的时候,瑞秋和莫妮卡擅自把公寓换回来了。

    However , while Joey and Chandler are at a game , Rachel and Monica switch apartments .

  2. 地球的大气层会使光线弯折,因而当太阳实际碰到地平线的时候,你会发现太阳实际比地平线高出一个身位。

    The Earth 's atmosphere bends light , so when the Sun is at the horizon it appears about one Sun-width higher than it would otherwise .

  3. 云母粉不适合作为模型石膏的增强材料,云母粉降低模型石膏的吸水率和干湿态抗折强度,当云母含量为5%时,其干湿态抗折强度分别下降18.75%和28.20%。

    Mica isn 't suit to boost up the mould plaster because it will decrease the intensity and sop quotiety , Plaster mould 's break intension decline 18.75 % and 28.20 % when content of mica reach 5 % .