- 名antigen recognition

But up to new , a few ligands recognized by γδ T cell receptor ( TCR ) have been identified and the details of antigen recognition are not clear yet .
This effect on transplantation immunity may associate with escaping MHC compatible HSC from antigen recognition and suppressing activation and proliferation of nonspecific lymphocytes .
Localization studies of a monoclonal antibody against human complement C3 with recombinant DNA and immunological techniques
Discovery of MHC Restriction in Antigen Recognition of T Cells
Objective To determine the affinities of 10 monoclonal antibodies specific for recombinant human tumor necrosis factor α and 5 monoclonal antibodies recognizing antigenic epitopes of TNF α .
The monoclonal antibodies were identified by assessment of cross-reactivity , relative affinity , antigenic epitopes they recognized and the immunoglobulin class determined by Western blot , immunofluorescence assay and enzyme linked immunosorbent assay ( ELISA ) .
The mechanism of recognizing antigens is different not only between CD1 molecules and MHC molecules , but also among different CD1 subsets .
Objective : The purposes of this study were to clone and sequence the major histocompatibility complex type ⅰ ( MHC ⅰ) molecular antigen recognizing gene ( H-2K + k ) of 615 mice , and to provide the functional gene for transgenic therapy .
Chicken CD3 is one of the most important cell surface markers of T cells . During antigen recognition , CD3 complex are involved in signal transduction , which ultimately leads to T-lymphocyte activation after the initial recognition steps .
It differs significantly in different regions and races , which can be regarded as the best sign of colony genetic character and used for investigating disease susceptibility group distribution and disease association study . It plays an important role in antigen recognition , presentation , immune response and regulation .
GVHD is the major complication of allogeneic stem cell transplantation . Recognition of host antigens by donor T cells , and the subsequent T cell activation and cytokine production , play an important role in the induction and progression of GVHD .
Recognition analysis of monospecific antibodies against FP of Cysticercus cellulosae
A preliminary study on targeting antigenic epitopes of monoclonal antibody against human TNF - α
Allorecognition and T Cell Activation
In general , xeno-islets are mainly rejected by T lymphocytes activated via the indirect pathway of antigen recognition .
OBJECTIVE : To study the mechanism of molecules recognizing tumor-antigen against cancer in the serum of lung cancer patients .
In this paper , an immune clustering algorithm is presented , which includes antibody production , antigen recognition , and antibody optimization .
As a result , the donor lymphocytes may recognize minor histocompatibility antigens on the patient 's blood cancer cells as foreign to the body , identifying the cells as a target for attack .
It suggested that it wasn 't benefit for the immunoreaction against lung cancer . The less expression of HLA - II antigens on AM from patients with lung cancer maybe influence the prognosis of lung cancer .
To localize immunosuppressive signals to the region ( s ) of antigen presentation and recognition and to modulate the immune system at the level of antigen-specific lymphocyte priming and activation is a good method to avoid systemic immunosuppression .
Utilizing functions of self-adaptive , antigen recognition and memory of immune system , this method has combined with genetic algorithm to segment image . The experimental results indicate that this new approach is effective for image segmentation , which overcomes the limit of object comparing with other traditional ways .
Probes fabricated based on electrode surfaces , modified by nano-technologies and aptamers , were used for antigen identification .
PASA achieve the dynamic expansion of the Self-set by adding the subordinate Self-set and the antibodies generated by immune tolerance enhance the space of antigen recognition space .
Recognition and Responses of EBV Specific Cytotoxic T Cells Against Target Antigens in NPC Patients and Normal Individuals
The key event of host vs graft disease is that T cell recognizes major histocompatibility ( MHC ) antigens of transplanted organ and rejection occurs following allotransplantation .
Characterization of lung cancer associated antigen by monoclonal antibody N 35
Pregnancy and childbirth of cow is a process of the same half with typical immune process . The main role of Major histocompatibility complex ( MHC ) is antigen recognition and response .
The experimental study on antiphospholipid antibody induced by plasmin
T cell antigen recognition is the initial behavior of cellular immune system against dangerous signals .
Meanwhile biological immune system shows lots of intelligent characteristics , like recognizing and replying different antigen .