
kànɡ jiǎn qiánɡ dù
  • shearing strength
  1. 因此,建议采用基于误差分级迭代法的BP神经网络方法,预测沥青握合料的抗剪强度。

    Thus it is proposed that the error grade iterative BP neural networks method be applied to the asphalt mixtures shearing strength forecast .

  2. 利用BP人工神经网络对沟槽式新老混凝土的抗剪强度进行了模拟和预报。

    The BP artificial neural network prediction model is established for forecasting the shearing strength of new to old concrete with cutting groove .

  3. Fe3Al/Q235扩散焊接头的抗剪强度及组织性能

    Shear strength and microstructure in Fe_3Al / Q235 diffusion bonded joint

  4. 抗剪强度c,φ值概率分布对边坡可靠性分析的影响

    The Study of Effect on the Reliability of Rock Slope by Different Probability Distribution of Shear Strength c ,φ

  5. 泥石流源地土抗剪强度指标φ、C值同含水量Q的关系

    Relationship between the shear strength indices of φ and C and the moisture content Q

  6. 采用外部粘贴FRP加固混凝土梁抗剪强度的设计计算

    Design calculation of shear strength of concrete beams strengthened with external bonding FRP

  7. 最后,作为应用给出了分析计算土的抗剪强度指标φ,c的实际工程例子。

    Finally , for an application this paper still gives an example practical engineering about analyzing and calculating the indexes φ, c of shear strength of soil .

  8. 基于RBF神经网络对体外预应力梁抗剪强度的建模与预测

    Modeling and prediction of externally prestressed concrete beam shear strength based on Radial Basis Function neutral network

  9. 城市固体废弃物(MSW)抗剪强度特性研究

    Shear strength characteristics of municipal solid waste

  10. 在试验路现场自行设计和实施了大型原位剪切试验并依据相关理论对试验数据分析得到了填石路堤的抗剪强度参数c、φ值,为验证参数反演的合理性提供了依据;

    A locate large-scale shearing test was designed and carried out at the experimental road and the shear strength index c , φ could be worked out with relative theory applied .

  11. 土壤-根茬复合体其抗剪强度τ与剪切面上的法向压应力σ成正比,复合体土壤凝聚力C比无根土壤增加115%~205%;内摩擦角φ增加11%~15%。

    The coherence force C and the inner friction angle of composite increase 115 % - 205 % and 11 % ~ 15 % respectively more than that of no rootstalk soil .

  12. 石灰桩可使淤泥质土的含水量和孔隙比明显降低,并使淤泥质粘土的十字板抗剪强度cu提高到原来的1.13~4.50倍;

    The water content and void ratio of soft mucky clay could be considerably reduced and the vane shear strength was increased 1.13-4.50 times after treatment .

  13. 通过改变垂直荷载和剪切速率,建立了APP防水卷材抗剪强度变化方程。

    By means of changing vertical pressure and shearing rate , two regression equations of APP modified asphalt waterproof roll are got .

  14. 提出了M-稳健估计计算岩体抗剪强度参数C,f值的计算模型和方法。

    In this paper , the method of calculating rock shear strength value , C , f with the M robust estimate is presented , the calculating model and method are given .

  15. 比较了梁负弯矩区段分别采用GFRP加固和CFRP加固时其抗剪强度之差异。

    Also , investigation shows the differences of the beams strengthened with CFRP and GFRP wrap in negative moment area .

  16. 碾压混凝土(RCC)层面抗剪强度关系到碾压混凝土坝的安全。

    The shear strength of matrix layer in rolled compact concrete ( RCC ) provides important effect to the safety of RCC dam .

  17. 本文针对岩体的非线性破坏特征,基于经验的Hoek-Brown强度准则,提出了确定近水平均质岩基抗剪强度参数c、的新方法。

    Considering the nonlinear failure character , a new method determining shear strength of isotropic rock foundation with Hoek Brown strength criterion is put forward .

  18. 针对深基坑工程设计中所需的各种土参数,特别是抗剪强度参数C和Φ值进行了分析,并依据不同的土体性质、排水条件和开挖条件,提出不同试验方法。

    The soil coefficients of deep foundation reinforcing engineering , especially soil shear strength index of C and φ value are analyzed , and the different testing methods are proposed according to various soil qualities , dewatering and excavating conditions .

  19. 岩石节理粗糙度系数JRC的正确确定对岩体结构面抗剪强度的计算有很大影响。

    Ascertaining of rock joint roughness coefficient accurately effects rock stabilization greatly .

  20. 试验结果表明,水泥掺入比、密度和龄期,对不固结不排水和固结不排水三轴压缩试验的应力应变特性和抗剪强度指标c,φ的大小有不同程度的影响。

    It is indicated that the cement mixing ratio , density and age of the lightweight soil have different influences on the results of stress-strain properties and shear strength indexes of the soil in triaxial compression tests under unconsolidated-undrained and consolidated-undrained conditions .

  21. 掺加SH后,浸水后的无侧限抗压强度和饱和抗剪强度指标明显增大,水稳性得到显著提高。

    The indexes of unconfined compressive strength and saturation shear strength are increased observably after immersion when using the lime-ash with SH , and the water stability is improved effectively .

  22. 分析了各种因素对PRC结构竖向齿槽接缝抗剪强度的影响,指出:连接形式通过多种因素影响接缝抗剪;

    Many factors which influence the shear strength of vertical alveolus connection in PRC structures were analyzed . The paper points out that : connection style influences the shear strength in many ways ;

  23. 模型中,完整状态时的桩土界面单元抗剪强度采用DUNCAN-CHANG模型计算,临界状态时的桩土界面单元承担的应力可采用传统的摩尔-库仑强度理论计算。

    In the model , shear intensity of elements in intact state can be calculated by Duncan-Chang model and which in critical state by Mohr-Coulomb theory .

  24. 最后,利用RMR和GSI以及霍克-布朗准则,确定了东戈壁露天矿露天边坡抗剪强度参数。

    Finally , the shearing strength parameters of East Gobi open pit slope are identified with the RMR , GSI and Hawk-Brown criterion . 2 .

  25. FRP筋具有优良的物理力学性能,且FRP筋的耐腐蚀性能、抗拉强度、抗剪强度及长期力学性能对锚杆性能影响较大。

    The FRP tendons have a lot of attractive properties , and the performance of ground anchor is briefly effected by FRP materials properties , such as corrosion-resistance , tensile strength , shear stresses , long-term behavior of FRP .

  26. 为了得到新型材料钢纤维RPC遮弹板的力学参数及接触爆炸性能参数,测试了5%纤维含量的试件的抗压强度、抗剪强度及断裂韧度,得到了多组试验数据。

    In order to get mechanics parameters and contact explosion capability parameters , some RPC samples with 5 % steel fiber were tested , many groups data were obtained with compressive strength , shear strength and fracture toughness .

  27. 当σ>6MPa时,抗剪强度可用抛物型屈服准则来描述。

    When σ _3 > 6MPa , the shear stress strength can be expressed by parabolic yield criteria .

  28. 因此,焊接过程中PDC金刚石层的温度要控制在700℃以下,并要求焊接后PDC与钻头钢体间有足够的抗剪强度,以使PDC能在井下长期工作不失效。

    Consequently , during the course of welding , the temperature of diamond layer of PDC should be controlled under 700 ℃, at the same time the sufficient resist shearing intensity between PDC and bit body should be ensured .

  29. 本文根据两片配有直线预筋和四片弯起预筋的PPCT梁的试验结果,分析了预应力度和剪跨比(m)对梁斜截面抗裂性能和抗剪强度的影响。

    Based on the test results of 2 PPC T-beams with straight tendons and 4 PPC T-beams with bent-up tendons , the effects of degree of stress (λ) and shear-span ratio ( m ) on diagonal cracking behaviour and shear strength are studied .

  30. 对于缺乏试验数据的新生型滑坡,可利用周边滑带土性质相似的滑坡抗剪强度参数作为先验分布,利用Bayes估计确定其抗剪强度。

    For landslide with a few test values , the shear strength parameters can be optimized by Bayes estimation ; and for neogenic landslide without test values , the shear strength parameters of slide zone clay can be obtained with some data of neighbouring and similar landslides by Bayes estimation .