- 名shearing strength

Thus it is proposed that the error grade iterative BP neural networks method be applied to the asphalt mixtures shearing strength forecast .
The BP artificial neural network prediction model is established for forecasting the shearing strength of new to old concrete with cutting groove .
Shear strength and microstructure in Fe_3Al / Q235 diffusion bonded joint
The Study of Effect on the Reliability of Rock Slope by Different Probability Distribution of Shear Strength c ,φ
Relationship between the shear strength indices of φ and C and the moisture content Q
Design calculation of shear strength of concrete beams strengthened with external bonding FRP
Finally , for an application this paper still gives an example practical engineering about analyzing and calculating the indexes φ, c of shear strength of soil .
Modeling and prediction of externally prestressed concrete beam shear strength based on Radial Basis Function neutral network
Shear strength characteristics of municipal solid waste
A locate large-scale shearing test was designed and carried out at the experimental road and the shear strength index c , φ could be worked out with relative theory applied .
The coherence force C and the inner friction angle of composite increase 115 % - 205 % and 11 % ~ 15 % respectively more than that of no rootstalk soil .
The water content and void ratio of soft mucky clay could be considerably reduced and the vane shear strength was increased 1.13-4.50 times after treatment .
By means of changing vertical pressure and shearing rate , two regression equations of APP modified asphalt waterproof roll are got .
In this paper , the method of calculating rock shear strength value , C , f with the M robust estimate is presented , the calculating model and method are given .
Also , investigation shows the differences of the beams strengthened with CFRP and GFRP wrap in negative moment area .
The shear strength of matrix layer in rolled compact concrete ( RCC ) provides important effect to the safety of RCC dam .
Considering the nonlinear failure character , a new method determining shear strength of isotropic rock foundation with Hoek Brown strength criterion is put forward .
The soil coefficients of deep foundation reinforcing engineering , especially soil shear strength index of C and φ value are analyzed , and the different testing methods are proposed according to various soil qualities , dewatering and excavating conditions .
Ascertaining of rock joint roughness coefficient accurately effects rock stabilization greatly .
It is indicated that the cement mixing ratio , density and age of the lightweight soil have different influences on the results of stress-strain properties and shear strength indexes of the soil in triaxial compression tests under unconsolidated-undrained and consolidated-undrained conditions .
The indexes of unconfined compressive strength and saturation shear strength are increased observably after immersion when using the lime-ash with SH , and the water stability is improved effectively .
Many factors which influence the shear strength of vertical alveolus connection in PRC structures were analyzed . The paper points out that : connection style influences the shear strength in many ways ;
In the model , shear intensity of elements in intact state can be calculated by Duncan-Chang model and which in critical state by Mohr-Coulomb theory .
Finally , the shearing strength parameters of East Gobi open pit slope are identified with the RMR , GSI and Hawk-Brown criterion . 2 .
The FRP tendons have a lot of attractive properties , and the performance of ground anchor is briefly effected by FRP materials properties , such as corrosion-resistance , tensile strength , shear stresses , long-term behavior of FRP .
In order to get mechanics parameters and contact explosion capability parameters , some RPC samples with 5 % steel fiber were tested , many groups data were obtained with compressive strength , shear strength and fracture toughness .
When σ _3 > 6MPa , the shear stress strength can be expressed by parabolic yield criteria .
Consequently , during the course of welding , the temperature of diamond layer of PDC should be controlled under 700 ℃, at the same time the sufficient resist shearing intensity between PDC and bit body should be ensured .
Based on the test results of 2 PPC T-beams with straight tendons and 4 PPC T-beams with bent-up tendons , the effects of degree of stress (λ) and shear-span ratio ( m ) on diagonal cracking behaviour and shear strength are studied .
For landslide with a few test values , the shear strength parameters can be optimized by Bayes estimation ; and for neogenic landslide without test values , the shear strength parameters of slide zone clay can be obtained with some data of neighbouring and similar landslides by Bayes estimation .