
  • 网络batch management;lot management
  1. 批次管理的思想是实现货物跟踪的基础,货物的追踪模型是为了实现生产过程中追踪货物而提出的,该模型以类似BOM的结构对货物的生产进行追踪和追溯。

    Batch Management thinking is the basis for the realization of tracking materials . In order to achieve cargo tracing of the production process the study proposes a tracing model .

  2. 首先重点研究了批次管理的方法、批次关联、追踪BOM模型,接着在此基础上提出了产品跟踪模型,并提出了基于时间的跟踪BOM生成算法。

    First , we focus on the method of batch management , batch association , tracking BOM model , then propose the product tracking model and the algorithm that makes the tracking BOM based on time .

  3. 批次管理的思想是实现产品跟踪的基础,追踪BOM模型是为实现产品生产过程追踪而提出的,该模型以BOM结构对产品的生产进行追踪,可以对产品生产过程的任何可追溯对象进行跟踪。

    The batch management is the base of implementing product tracking system ; Tracking BOM model is to depict the product process , this model can track any object through product process as the BOM architecture .

  4. 首先,阐述了港口实行可追溯性管理的前提条件,其次,研究了适合港口的批次管理的方法及模型,最后,在此基础上通过追踪BOL(批次清单),提出了适合港口的货物追踪模型。

    Firstly , this paper describes the precondition of implementation of traceability management . Then studied the batch management methods and models for the port .

  5. 自动化软件批次管理组件模型研究及设计

    Research and Design of Batch Management Component Model in Automation Software

  6. 着重介绍五点法和批次管理的有机结合在手机组装过程中的物料管控流程、坏机的处理以及物料管控方法的应用问题。

    Especially in five point management and lot management application in assembly process .

  7. 强化批次管理,保证产品质量

    Reinforced Batch Management for Quality Product

  8. 航空标准件制造企业实行的这种批次管理,对原材料,生产设备和作业人员都有严格要求和限制。

    The batch management of manufacturing enterprise of aviation standard parts has strict demands and restrictions .

  9. 阐述了批次管理的意义和做好批次管理工作的原则及注意事项。

    Importance of batch management is hilighted and regulation plus caution involved with batch management is given hereunder .

  10. 该模型以一个批次管理模型为基础,能够实现从物料采购到产品销售的各个环节的产品跟踪。

    Based on a batch management model , this tracking model can trace all the processes from material purchasing to product sale .

  11. 高校数字离校管理系统集中了离校数据管理、离校批次管理、离校数据查询、离校统计管理等大类,优化业务流程,数据共享一致。

    Digital departing college management system centralized data management , management , data checking , statistical management , optimized business process , data sharing agreement .

  12. 最后提出了批次管理追踪的优化建议。最后,开发了基于批次管理对虾产品进行追踪的原型系统。

    At last , batch management track optimization suggestions were put forward . Finally , based on batch management of shrimp product tracking , a prototype system was exploited .

  13. 在库存管理中,实现了配送中心对库存的统一管理和集中存储,并着重设计了库存批次管理、单品管理、商品预警和自动补货处理。

    In inventory management , realizing uniform management and centralized storage by distribution center . The author emphasizes to design stock batch management , commodity alarm and automatically replenishing inventory handling modular to reduce the stock cost .

  14. 其中,在库存管理方面,主要从库存管理的效率、细化、量化、辅助化四个方面来设计,并着重设计库存批次管理、商品预警和自动补货处理模块,降低库存成本。

    As to the stock management , the writer designs it from four sides : efficiency , elaboration , quantity , assistance , and emphasizes to design stock batch management , commodity alarm and automatically replenishing inventory handling modular to reduce the stock cost .

  15. 第三章产品可追溯性管理本部分主要分析了可追溯性管理的批次追溯方法及其管理要点;

    The third chapter analyses the batch tracing methods and management outline of the traceability management ;

  16. 依据《模具批次规定》进行批次管理。

    Conduct batch management according to " moulds batch regulation " .