
  1. 有一个牌子,YorkshireTea(约克郡茶),逆市而上;他们的统计数据显示了在批量销售中增长了6.8%,这也不能都归咎于RussellCrowe(新西兰演员)。

    One brand , Yorkshire Tea , has bucked the trend ; their stats show a 6.8 % increase in volume sales , which can 't all be down to Russell Crowe .

  2. 我们的商店大批量销售水果和蔬菜。

    Our store sells fruit and vegetables in bulk .

  3. 今年4月,丰田在零售销量上再次超过福特(不含批量销售)。

    And this April , it bested Ford in retail units ( excluding fleet sales ) .

  4. 比亚迪设立北美地区总部。它将从海外进口电动小轿车和电动汽车,主要进行批量销售。

    BYD will import its electric cars and buses from overseas , concentrating on fleet sales but beginning consumer sales next year .

  5. 该企业约有一半的收入来自格里坎冰淇淋店的销售,一半来自于超市中冰淇淋的批量销售。

    The business makes about half its income through sales at the Grycan parlours , and half through selling bulk ice-cream in supermarkets .

  6. 更让人印象深刻的是,通用斩获如此可观的销量不是靠大幅打折或采用那些老套的花招,比如批量销售给短期租车公司之类。

    Even more impressive , GM accomplished such robust sales without deep discounts or shopworn gimmicks like volume sales to daily rental fleets .

  7. 不过,这些地方不太可能是决定汽车品牌知名度能否建立的市场,也不太可能是带来可观利润的批量销售得以实现的市场。

    These are hardly , though , the markets where automotive reputations are won or lost or where really profitable volume sales are made .

  8. 在规模经济的驱动力下,大众旅游以其固定的价格、标准化的服务以及大批量的销售形式成为逐渐兴起的旅游热点。

    With the impetus of scale economy , mass tourism rises due to its fixed price , standard service and large-scale selling .

  9. 本文研究生产企业为获取最大利润如何确定原材料的经济批量及产品销售价格。

    This paper studies the problem that how the productive enterprise determines its raw material economic ordering quantity and products ′ sale price in order to get the maximum net profit .