
  • 网络surgical approach;operative route
  1. 结论SCT三维重建和MPR对复杂的髋臼骨折的术前分类、指示手术入路及估计预后均有重要的临床意义。

    Conclusion Spiral CT 3D and multiplanar reconstruction play an important role in the preoperative classification of the complex acetabular fractures , and are useful for the selection of surgical approaches and for the evaluation of prognosis .

  2. 颈静脉孔区肿瘤手术入路的对比研究颈静脉孔区的解剖学结构与影像显示

    Comparative Anatomical Study on Surgical Approaches to Tumors in Jugular Foremen Anatomy and imageology of the jugular foramen region

  3. 应用三维CT血管造影模拟颅内动脉瘤手术入路

    Three-dimensional CT angiography simulates operative approaches for intracranial aneurysms

  4. 用MRI选择大型垂体腺瘤手术入路

    MRI guided choice of surgical approach to large pituitary adenoma

  5. 目的构建基于PC的经皮穿刺椎间盘手术入路可视化模型。

    Objective To build a PC-based visualization model for the path of the percutaneous lumbar vertebral disc centesis .

  6. CTA对髋臼骨折手术入路选择的解剖与临床研究

    The Anatomic and Clinical Study of Surgery Approach in Acetabular Fracture by CTA

  7. 方法回顾性分析一组32例侧脑室肿瘤,CT、MRI作为术前诊断及设计手术入路的主要依据。

    Methods 32 cases with lateral ventricular tumors were analyzed retrospectively . The preoperative diagnosis and the designs of operative approaches were based on CT and MRI .

  8. 目的为经对侧手术入路治疗颈内动脉(ICA)床突旁动脉瘤提供解剖学依据。

    To provide the microsurgical basis for contralateral approach to paraclinoid-process-process internal carotid artery ( ICA ) aneurysms .

  9. 目的:为经皮穿刺颈椎间盘切除术(PCD)的手术入路提供解剖学基础。

    Objective : To provide anatomical basis for percutaneous cervical diskectomy ( PCD ) .

  10. 结论眼眶血管性肿瘤和畸形的超声检查与CT扫描联合应用对判断病变的性质、范围、位置及手术入路的选择至关重要。

    Conclusions Combined ultrasonography with CT scan can estimate the nature , extent and location of orbital vascular tumors and malformations and can be useful for selection of the route of orbital operation .

  11. 改良Dandy手术入路切除脑干腹外侧肿瘤

    Resection of tumor lateral to ventral brain stem via the advanced Dandy approach

  12. 目的:探讨AO骨折分型、Loadsharing及IG评分法则,在胸腰段椎体骨折手术入路及内固定植入物选择中的临床价值。

    Objective : To investigate the clinical value about the combination of AO classification , Load-sharing and IG grade rules in selecting the proper surgical approach to thoracolumbar vertebral fractures .

  13. 结论:动态颈椎MRI可以更客观真实了解脊髓受压情况,帮助术者更准确地选择手术入路及术式,取得更好的治疗效果。

    Conclusion : Dynamic cervical vertebra MRI can objectively indicate the true condition of spinal cord compression , it is helpful to select a right surgical approach and method and get a better outcome .

  14. 结果通过使用不同角度的显微镜经眶上锁孔手术入路可达WILLIS环和鞍区。

    Results Willis circle and sellar region can be reached via the approach by using microscope with different angle .

  15. 结论:AO分型结合Loadsharing及IG评分法则,对胸腰段骨折手术入路及内植物选择具有指导意义。

    Conclusion : The combination of AO classification , Load-sharing and IG grade rules is a perfect assessment in guiding proper surgical approach and the choice of instrumentation in thoracolumbar vertebral fractures .

  16. 目的探讨上颌骨LefortⅡ型骨折的手术入路。

    Objective To discuss the approach the maxillary Lefort II fracture .

  17. 结合应用ny-around、SVR和MIP技术,对诊断很有帮助,也可为外科手术入路等方面提供重要的信息。

    Fly-around in combination with SVR and MIP technique are very helpful to diagnose intracranial aneurysms , and can provide important for surgery in operative paths .

  18. 目的通过对鼻腔-鼻窦-翼腭窝(pterygomaxillaryfossa,PMF)-颞下窝(infratemporalfossa,ITF)手术入路的相关结构进行解剖,为手术入路提供解剖学基础。

    [ Objective ] To provide anatomy base of the operative route by dissecting the dependency structure of nasal cavity-nasal sinus-PMF-ITF .

  19. 常用手术入路为Kocher-Langenbeck入路、髂腹股沟入路和前后联合入路;

    Kocher Langenbeck , ilioinguinal and combined anterior and posterior approach were adopted .

  20. 结论:3D-CTA能清楚显示脑膜瘤的立体结构和与周围血管、骨结构的立体解剖关系,通过骨切削技术可模拟颅骨开瓣和手术入路。

    Conclusion : 3DCTA can display the threedimensional structure of meningioma and demonstrate the stereoanatomic relationship with surrounding blood vessels and bone structures clearly .

  21. 改良Watson-Jones手术入路行人工股骨头置换术

    Artificial Femoral Head Replacement Through The Modified Watson-Jones Approach

  22. 方法根据颅内动脉瘤所在位置,精确设计锁眼手术入路,以2cm左右直径的骨窗进行颅内动脉瘤夹闭等手术。

    Methods According to the position of aneurysm , keyhole approach was designed precisely for microsurgery and the bone window was about 2 cm in diameter .

  23. 36例肝血管瘤患者中有27例瘤体超过15cm,均按设计的手术入路与方式完成剥离切除手术。

    Results Stripping resections of huge CHL with diameter exceeding 15 cm in 27 patients were successfully performed according to the designed operation route and mode .

  24. 切开复位有多种手术入路,较早的病例截骨有Salter和Pemberton等多种术式,较大龄儿童亦有多种姑息手术方法。

    Open reduction had multiple operative approach , and early case had Salter and Pemberton , etc. Children aged older had many methods of palliative operation .

  25. 目的介绍一种新的手术入路放置Kugel补片治疗腹股沟疝。

    [ Objective ] To introduce a new surgical approach through internal inguinal ring to repair inguinal hernias by using Kugel patch .

  26. MSCT通过重建技术能够清晰显示Pilon骨折的全貌(立体结构)为临床医务人员制定诊疗计划、手术入路、术中整复、是否植骨等提供了可靠的依据。

    MSCT can clearly show by reconstruction technique the whole of Pilon fractures ( three-dimensional structure ) for clinical diagnosis and medical personnel , and formulate plans and surgical approaches , whether such reduction bone graft provides the reliable basis .

  27. 本研究结合断层解剖学与应用解剖学,为FESS技术设计出一条新型手术入路,即经鼻腔自然通道行额鼻区手术入路。

    By using sectional and applied anatomy , we design a new operative approach , namely , an approach to frontonasal region through the natural nasal cavity . The instrument should enter from middle nasal meatus .

  28. 利用游标卡尺(精度0.02mm)和圆规,测量该区域手术入路相关的重要解剖结构。

    Use vernier caliper ( accuracy 0.02mm ) and compasses , measure related important anatomic structures in surgical approach in this region .

  29. Tew等提出最佳的手术入路应当距离病变最近、能够垂直显露病变、脑组织牵拉最轻,且不经过重要结构。

    Tew thought that the best approach need to meet the conditions that is distance recently , vertical exposure lesions , traction lightest , and not through the important structure .

  30. 分别运用Photoshop和3D-Doctor软件,对主要结构进行分割、着色,将分割提取后的断面图像进行重建,建立了经鼻蝶手术入路相关结构计算机三维模型。

    After semi-automated segmentation on the serial cross-sectional image data with Photoshop and 3D-Doctor software , the related structures for transsphenoidal approach were reconstructed and visualized on personal computer with the software for tridimensional reconstruction .