
  • 网络Fannie;fannie mae;FNM;fnma
  1. 房利美成立于大萧条(greatdepression)时期,职责是从银行购入抵押贷款,重新打包后出售给投资者。

    Fannie Mae was founded during the Great Depression to buy up mortgages from banks , package them and sell them on to investors .

  2. 那么,房利美(FannieMae)作出该决定将产生什么后果呢?

    But what is the potential fallout here of this one decision by Fannie Mae ?

  3. 可以是房利美(FannieMae),房贷美(FreddieMac)或者联邦房屋贷款管理局(FederalHomeLoanAdministration,FHA)。

    It 's Fannie Mae , it 's Freddie Mac or the Federal Home Loan Administration , which is FHA .

  4. 而更糟糕的是,房利美(fannie)和房地美并未获准对其贷款进行再融资。

    Worse still , Fannie and Freddie are not allowed to refinance their loans .

  5. 房利美(FannieMae)为什么这样做呢?

    Why is Fannie Mae doing this ?

  6. 房利美(Fannie)和房地美(Freddie)在美国银行(BankofAmerica)及其收购的Countrywide承销的债券上损失的钱更多。

    Fannie and Freddie lost more money on bonds underwritten by Bank of America ( BAC ) and countrywide , which BofA acquired .

  7. 盖特纳指出,政府改组了房地产贷款巨头房利美和房地美以及保险公司美国国际集团(AIG)的董事会。

    Geithner noted the government overhauled the boards of mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and insurance company AIG .

  8. 雷曼破产,美林(merrilllynch)出售,房利美、房地美和aig国有化,都是明显的标志性事件。

    The collapse of Lehman , the buy-up of Merrill Lynch and the nationalisations of Fannie , Freddie and AIG were obvious landmarks .

  9. 今年8月,受政府保护的两家抵押贷款巨头房利美(FannieMae)和房地美(FreddieMac)的股价从0.6美元左右反弹至2美元。

    Shares of two government wards , mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac , bounced between about 60 cents and $ 2 in August .

  10. 当富兰克林•雷恩斯(FranklinRaines)于1999年接管房利美时,他设定了将每股收益加倍的目标。

    When Franklin Raines took over Fannie Mae in 1999 , he set an objective of doubling earnings per share .

  11. 美联储(FederalReserve)目前仍持有1.14万亿美元的机构按揭债券,而且美国财政部向房利美和房地美累计投入的资金已达1500亿美元,以消化泡沫时代的按揭担保损失。

    The Federal Reserve continues to hold $ 1.14 trillion of agency mortgage bonds , and Treasury has put $ 150 billion and counting into Fannie and Freddie , mostly to soak up losses on bubble-era mortgage guarantees .

  12. 房利美和房地美将继续向美国证交会(SEC)递交季度财务报告,而它们的股票仍将在场外交易市场,即所谓粉单市场(pinksheets)交易。

    Fannie and Freddie will continue to file quarterly financial statements with the Securities and Exchange Commission and their shares will still be traded on the over-the-counter market , known as the pink sheets .

  13. 房利美以这种形式一直运作到1968年,时任美国总统的林登•约翰逊(LyndonJohnson)使其变成了政府赞助企业(GSE)。

    It survived in this form until 1968 , when Lyndon Johnson , then the US president , turned Fannie into a government-sponsored enterprise .

  14. 三个月前,当信贷紧缩延续数月,房利美(fannie)和房地美(freddie)宣告陷入困境时,股市投资者们就已经感到恐惧。

    Stock market investors were fearful three months ago , after months of credit crunch and the announcement that Fannie and Freddie were in serious trouble .

  15. 国会预算办公室主任彼得奥扎格(peterorszag)表示:“预算办公室认为房利美和房地美应直接纳入联邦预算。”

    Peter Orszag , CBO director , said : " it is the CBO view that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac should be directly incorporated into the federal budget . "

  16. 看看不久前美联储的低息贷款、房利美(FannieMae)和房地美(FreddieMac),以及那些次级抵押贷款给我们造成的苦果吧。那几乎导致整个经济崩溃。

    Just look at what the Fed 's easy money , Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and all those subprime mortgages did to us not too long ago . It almost killed us .

  17. 欧元区债券的传统投资者(就像在2008年持有房利美和房地美债券或AAA抵押贷款资产的投资者一样)在评估信用风险方面几乎没有任何经验。

    The traditional investors in eurozone bonds ( just like the investors who were holding Fannie and Freddie bonds or triple A mortgage assets in 2008 ) have little experience in assessing credit risk .

  18. 也就是说,实际上,他们可以支付,但是他们选择使自己更加轻松,所以直接放弃房屋,这就是问题。这就是房利美(FannieMae)希望制止的现象。

    So , they can technically pay but they 're opting to kind of get the easy out , is the problem , and that 's what they want them to stop .

  19. 涉及房利美和房地美的CDS确切数额尚不可知,这反映出这一市场的隐秘性,但这些合约是广泛交易的指数的一部分,因此可能数额巨大。

    The exact amount of CDS on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are not known , reflecting the private nature of the market , but they are part of widely traded indices and the amounts are likely to be significant .

  20. 保险业集团aig去年9月一度濒临破产,该公司股票自8月3日以来已大涨150%,而现由政府掌管的抵押贷款融资机构房利美和房地美,其股价涨幅近250%。

    AIG , the insurance conglomerate that came close to collapse last September , has soared 150 per cent since August 3 , while government-run mortgage financiers Fannie and Freddie have both gained nearly 250 per cent .

  21. 由于房利美和房地美难以筹集足够的资金来抵消亏损,美国财长汉克•保尔森(HankPaulson)在7月份获得国会授权,可以开展援救行动。

    With Fannie and Freddie finding it difficult to raise capital to off - set their losses , Hank Paulson , the Treasury secretary , sought powers in July to allow him to mount a rescue operation .

  22. 对美国国库的一个巨大考验将是它如何迅速地认识到将房利美、房地美,这l两个摇摇欲坠的贷款巨人国有化的必要性。

    A big test for America 's Treasury will be how quickly it recognises the need to nationalise Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac , the teetering mortgage giants .

  23. 这令房利美一举超越福特(Ford)、惠普(Hewlett-Packard)等状况良好的大工业公司&虽然房利美亏损140亿美元,美联邦救助成本已达到910亿美元。

    The rise vaulted Fannie past giant , reasonably healthy industrial companies such as Ford ( f ) and Hewlett-Packard ( HPQ ) & even as Fannie lost $ 14 billion and the tab on its federal bailout ran to $ 91 billion .

  24. 相反,正如我的同事尼科尔布洛克(nicolebullock)最近所报道的,房利美的30年期当前票面利率债券(行业基准)息差近日跌至仅比美国国债高出57个基点的水平。

    On the contrary , as my colleague Nicole Bullock reported this week , the spread between the 30-year Fannie Mae current coupon bond ( the sector benchmark ) fell to just 57 basis points over Treasuries this week .

  25. 在2008年美国住房市场陷入衰退期间,非机构担保住房贷款抵押债券(nonagencyRMBS)是最不受欢迎的;也就是说,这些债券的房屋抵押物没有房利美(FannieMae)或房地美(FreddieMac)提供担保。

    During the housing downturn of 2008 , few assets were more unloved than so-called nonagency residential mortgage-backed securities-those backed by home loans that weren 't insured by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac FMCC - 23.33 % .

  26. 而房利美(FannieMae)和房地美(FreddieMac)近期推行的举措也是一项不利因素,两家机构宣布,从2014年年初开始,将对信用分数较低,无力全额支付20%购房首付款的借款者收取更高的抵押贷款担保费用。

    Unhelpful on that score was the recent announcement that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac would be charging higher fees at the start of 2014 to guarantee mortgages of borrowers with lower credit scores and an inability to put up the full 20 % down payments on home purchases .

  27. 房利美案例:基于控制环境的分析与启示

    Fannie Mae Case : Inspirations Based on the Control Environment Analysis

  28. 这些贷款是得到房利美和房地美担保的。

    These are loans backed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac .

  29. 那是为了处理房利美和房地美的问题。

    That was to deal with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac .

  30. 这项准备金只覆盖房利美和房地美的回购指控。

    The reserve only covers Fannie and Freddie repurchase claims .