
  • 网络Dane County
  1. 他们向威斯康辛州戴恩县的1000名成年人发送了调查问卷邮件。

    They sent a survey by mail to 1,000 adult residents of Dane County , Wisconsin .

  2. 戴恩县县长乔帕里西说,这些措施促使戴恩县的人们致力于发掘处理麦迪逊市污水的方法。

    Joe Parisi , who runs Dane County , says these have spurred the county into working on new measures with the Madison metropolitan sewerage district .

  3. 当地媒体报道称,戴恩和密尔沃基县的重新计票结果几乎没有改变该州80多万张选票的最终统计结果。

    Local media reported that the recounts in Dane County and Milwaukee County produced little change in the final breakdown of the more than 800000 ballots cast in the state .