
  • 网络strategic transformation;Strategic Transition;Strategy Transition
  1. 从TD到TD-S:建立在制度供给约束下中国电信业战略转型的一个分析框架

    From " TD " to " TD-S ": An Analysis Framework for Strategic Transition of China 's Telecommunication Industry Under Constraints of Institutional Supply

  2. 传统型通信企业向新媒体企业的战略转型研究

    Study of Traditional Telecommunications Enterprise to New Media Enterprise Strategic Transition

  3. 论加入WTO后我国保税区开发公司的战略转型

    Strategic Transformation of Free Trade Zone Developing Company in the Context of China 's Accession to WTO

  4. 第三章是针对以上的问题,对Z公司重新进行战略转型设计,并制定的具体的战略方案;

    The third part redesigns its transformation strategy for Z Company and makes specific strategic proposal .

  5. 为满足中国联通的战略转型支撑多业务融合的预付费计费模式,在线计费系统(OnlineChargingSystem)的建设已经提上日程。

    In order to meet the strategic transformation of China Unicom and support multi service converged prepaid billing model . The construction of Online charging system has been put on the agenda .

  6. 随着礼品行业竞争加剧和利润率下滑,H集团面临着围绕产业价值链的提升,向高附加值产业战略转型的问题。

    With the gift industry competition and margins , the H Group is facing around the industry value chain to enhance the transition to high value-added industrial strategy .

  7. “战略转型是艰难的,”该公司CEO史蒂芬•埃洛普(StephenElop)在一份声明中称,“我们认识到需要推出优秀的移动产品,因此我们必须加快转型的步伐。

    " Strategy transitions are difficult . " CEO Stephen Elop said in a statement .

  8. 作为其中之一的G公司,在初步完成国家赋予的政策性收购、管理和处置国有商业银行的不良资产任务后,正面临着自身的战略转型。

    When it finishes the task given by the government to buy and manage and dispose the bad asset of the stated merchant bank , G Company will face the strategical transformation .

  9. 尽管X城市商业银行在国内同业中综合竞争力位居前列,战略转型过程中一定程度上也受到了风险管理水平的制约。

    Although X city commercial bank is in the forefront in overall competitiveness in business , its strategic transformation process has been constrained to some extent by the level of risk management .

  10. X航空是典型的国有民用航空运输企业,目前正处在整个公司战略转型和二次创业的关键时期,同时却又面临着诸多困难和问题。

    The X Air is a typical state-owned civil aviation enterprise , although it is in a crucial period of strategic transformation and second undertaking , the whole enterprise faced with many difficulties and problems .

  11. XA电信分公司战略转型期人力资源培训方案设计研究

    Research for the Training Program Design of Human Resource about XA Branch of China Telecom during the Strategic Transformation

  12. 基于内外部环境的变化,中国电信提出战略转型的目标,G电信公司是中国电信集团下属的省级公司,作为西部地区的主流电信运营商之一,具有一定的代表性。

    In order to adapt change of internal and external environment , China telecom put forward the strategic aim of transforming . G Telecom Company is a subsidiary of China Telecom Groups , one of the major telecom companies in the western region of China .

  13. 去年11月,他开始实施业务的战略转型,进军零售业务,在位于上海附近的家乡杭州开设了精品商城——娃欧商场(WAOWPlaza)。

    In November he began a strategic shift in his business , branching into retail operations with the opening of WAOW Plaza , a boutique shopping mall in his home town of Hangzhou , near Shanghai .

  14. AYM公司战略转型期的人力资源管理变革

    HR Management Reform of AYM Company in Strategy Transformation

  15. 中国电信在获得移动牌照后将实现从传统固网运营商向全业务运营商的战略转型,中国电信发展3G业务将为中国电信成为世界级企业奠定一定的基础。

    China Telecom will realize its strategy transition from traditional fixed-line telephone network operator to comprehensive business operator after get the license of mobile business . The developing of 3G business is the basic for China Telecom step into the first class enterprise in the world .

  16. PD银行中小企业金融服务创新的背景在于中小企业金融服务创新是PD银行战略转型的任务、是履行社会责任的要求以及中小企业产权融资市场的逐步放宽。

    PD Bank small and medium-sized enterprise financial service innovation is the background of the small and medium enterprise financial service innovation is the transformation of PD Bank strategic task , to social responsibility is the requirements of small and medium enterprise property rights and the financing market gradually relaxed .

  17. 另外在中国电信企业战略转型的大背景前提下,重点对以客户为中心的OSS系统建设进行分析,结合97系统改造提出相关的模块建设方法。

    Moreover under the big background premise of the strategic transformation of Chinese telecommunication business enterprise , point to with the customer first to carry on the analysis for the system construction of OSS , combining 97 system reformations to put forward a construction method .

  18. 文中介绍KEPCO在韩国电力改革中采取的积极应对措施,并对我国电网企业的战略转型提出了相关建议。

    After taking a close eye on the measures taken by KEPCO according to the demand of the reform , we give some advices on the strategic transformation of our domestic grid companies .

  19. 上述新产品将以联想ideapad和ideacentre的子品牌销售,目标定位是中高端客户,这些新产品的推出标志着联想的一次重大战略转型。

    The new machines , which will be sold under the Lenovo ideapad and ideacentre sub-brands , are aimed at mid to high-tier buyers and their introduction marks a big strategic shift .

  20. 并以XH集团为例,结合当前十二五规划中文化类企业发展的普遍特点和运行轨迹,明确财务管控模式需跟随企业战略转型进行相应调整。

    Take XH group as an example and take into account of the common features and path of development for culture enterprises in the current twelfth Five-Year Plan , this paper comes up with the issue of adjustment in financial management and control as a result of the strategic transformation .

  21. 实施战略转型占领高端市场&访上海建工集团董事长蒋志权

    Change of implementation strategy and to occupy high - end market

  22. 服务链延伸:传统航空货运企业的战略转型

    Extension of Service Chain : Strategic Transition of Traditional Cargo Airlines

  23. 企业战略转型中的人力资源外包决策研究

    The Study on Human Resource Outsourcing Decision-making in Enterprise Strategic Transformation

  24. 运用内部沟通促进银行战略转型

    Implementing Intra-organizational Communication to Improve the Transformation of Bank Strategies

  25. 企业战略转型的直接动因包括外部动因和内部动因。

    Direct inducement of strategic transformation includes external inducement and internal inducement .

  26. 德国商业银行战略转型的经验与借鉴

    Experiences and Lessons from Strategic Transformation of Germany Commercial Banks

  27. 基于战略转型背景下的公立医院专业技术岗位设置管理的研究

    Professional post setting management of public hospital in transfer period

  28. 江苏省城市化战略转型的理性思考

    A Rational Thought of the Urbanization Strategy Transition in Jiangsu

  29. 民办教育发展的战略转型与政策应对

    The Strategic Transformation and Policy Response of the Development of Non-governmental Education

  30. 中国企业的战略转型与文化变革

    Strategical Conversion of Mode of China Enterprises and Cultural Transform