
  • 网络strategic elements;strategic factors
  1. 本文以在华合资企业为研究对象,探究跨文化管理中的战略要素及其对企业管理的影响。

    It emphasizes on the strategic elements in cross-cultural management and make clear how they are influencing the cultural management in joint ventures .

  2. 触发机制的实现是通过各种战略要素来触发科技园区的集群形成,使其构成正反馈效应,同时实现园区的经济实力和技术能力的同步提升。

    The trigger mechanism helps to integrate various strategic elements to trigger the cluster formation and positive feedback effect within the high-tech park .

  3. 综合运用DEA与SWOT方法,对公司生产经营效率、企业内外部战略要素进行了系统全面的深入研究,得出了公司综合战略发展态势的科学评价。

    The fourth , the DEA and SWOT methods are applied to evaluate the enterprises operation efficiency and strategic factors , and the synthetical development strategy is also established .

  4. 在电子渠道战略要素评价研究中,本文运用层次分析法和专家评分法的办法,采用EFE矩阵和IFE矩阵,对电子渠道内外部影响因素进行了评价,并进行了综合性的SWOT分析。

    AHP and expert score methods , the use of EFE Matrix and IFE Matrix , internal and external factors affecting the evaluation , and conduct a comprehensive SWOT analysis .

  5. 雷达图分析法、企业内部条件战略要素评价矩阵和SWOT分析法是企业内外部战略环境的综合分析技术。

    The strategy essential factor appreciation matrix for internal condition and the method of analysis in " radar " diagram and the method of the " SWOT " are the technique of synthesize analyze for the internal and external strategy environmental business enterprise .

  6. 文化发展战略要素及其策略选择

    Main Factors and Policy Selection of Culture Development Strategy

  7. 第二章为水流量传感器的战略要素分析和战略选择分析。

    The second chapter is strategic factor analysis and strategic selection analysis of water flux sensor .

  8. 并购作为一种新的战略要素,变得日趋重要。

    As a new strategic factor , company merger and purchase is becoming more and more important .

  9. 商业银行整体营销运作由内部营销、传统营销、互动营销三大战略要素共同构建而成,并分别详细论述了这三大战略要素。

    It includes interior marketing , traditional marketing , and mutual marketing . The paper discusses them in detail .

  10. 第三部分:在分析了我国研究型大学学科建设规划的基本理论,分别探讨了学科建设规划的战略要素,如何制定学科建设规划的战略目标、内容以及制定原则等。

    Section three is the analysis of the planning content and principle during the program of establishing the discipline construction , etc.

  11. 然后,研究了开发类科研院所内部资源条件评估方法和企业化转制内部战略要素定量评价方案;

    Thirdly , the evaluating method of interior resources and the evaluating scheme of interior strategic factors of the transformation is studied ;

  12. 其次,探讨了开发类科研院所外部环境扫描思路和企业化转制外部战略要素定量评价方案;

    Secondly , the scanning thought of exterior environment and the quantitative evaluation scheme of exterior strategic factors of the transformation are discussed ;

  13. 企业在国际化进程中要想保持长久的竞争优势就必须要取得知识这一战略要素的主宰权。

    Multinationals only in the knowledge elements of this strategy is the key to achieving the right , in order to maintain long-term competitive advantage .

  14. 企业分销渠道管理是企业的一项基础管理工作,同时也是企业获取长期竞争优势的战略要素。

    Enterprise management of distribution channel is a job of basic management , being also the strategy key element that enterprise gains the long competitive advantage .

  15. 因此,保护土壤资源,合理耕作与管理土壤,防止土壤退化是生物多样性保护的一个不可缺少的战略要素。

    Therefore , to protect soil resources , reasonably exploit and manage soil , and prevent soil degradation constitute an indispensable strategic measure for biodiversity conservation .

  16. 在这一过程中,影响资本结构决策的战略要素包含战略资产、公司战略、竞争战略和外部环境。

    In the process of value creation , the strategic factors of capital structure decisions include : strategic assets , corporate strategies , competition strategy and external environment .

  17. 基于关系的服务营销意味着将服务视为与顾客保持长期关系的关键性战略要素。

    The author puts forward that the service market based on relationship means regarding service as the key strategic element to maintain the good long-term relationship with customers .

  18. 然后分析了战略要素的构成,并认为战略风险因素是战略要素在一定条件下的转化形式,从而构建战略风险的层次模型。

    And then analyzes elements of strategy , builds a hierarchical model of strategic risk as strategy risk elements are transformation form of strategy elements under certain conditions .

  19. 现代社会,品牌作为企业巨大的无形资产,其重要性已经超过土地、货币、技术和人力资本等战略要素。

    In modern society , as the enormous intangible assets of business enterprise , the importance of the brand has been over land , money , technology and human capital strategy elements .

  20. 现代市场环境的改变,使得营销渠道管理在企业营销运作中的地位日趋重要,成为企业获取竞争优势的一个战略要素。

    Changing of the market environment makes the marketing channel management becoming more and more important to the marketing operation of enterprise , also is the strategic factor for achieving the competitive advantage .

  21. 同时,还利用行业关键战略要素评价矩阵方法,对黑龙江省电网公司与其他竞争对手在行业中的竞争优势和劣势进行了分析。

    At the same time the writer analyses and compares the competitive superior and inferior position between the Grid Company and competitors by using the method of evaluating matrix of strategic key factors .

  22. 从战略要素构成视角分析,预防战略近视症关键是做到战略核心明确、思想到位、资源到位、组织及制度保障到位。

    Analyzed in the view of strategic factors , the key to prevent short-sightedness on strategy is to confirm strategic core and put such elements as mentality , resources , organization and security with rules into effect .

  23. 知识作为一种独立的战略要素,已经超越了传统意义上的资本和劳动,是企业获得竞争优势和谋取可持续发展的首要资本。

    Knowledge , as an independent strategy elements , has gone far beyond the traditional capital and labor , and change to the primary capital that the enterprise can gain a competitive advantage and seek sustainable development .

  24. 随后,对水务企业的外部环境(包括宏观环境和微观环境)和内部条件进行了详细的分析,论述了如何确定企业的内部关键战略要素,从而确定企业的战略地位。

    As followed by analysing external environment ( macroenvironment and microenvironment ) and internal condition of water enterprises , this thesis discusses how to determine the internal key strategic factors and how to determine the strategic position .

  25. 本文从战略要素、成员要素、沟通要素、激励机制要素以及企业文化要素五个方面探讨了虚拟企业战略执行力提升面临的不利影响,并针对各方面的不利影响分别提出了相应的对策。

    This article discusses the adverse effects of improving the strategy implementation capability from five aspects of strategy , membership , communication , incentive mechanism , and corporate culture , and countermeasures are proposed for the various adverse effects .

  26. 探究产业集群技术创新优势产生的根源,阐明产业集群应作为企业获取创新资源进行区位决策的参考,及政府为培育区域创新中心而进行产业政策和区域经济规则的重要战略要素,尤为重要。

    Considering the origin of technology innovation advantage of industry clusters , they are the good reference for corporate to get innovation resource to make regional decision and important strategy factors for government to make industry policy and regional economy regulation to cultivate regional incubator center .

  27. 三是要认真识别战略产业要素,加大对其的投资;

    Finally , we must identify strategic industry factors and invest in them .

  28. 通过环境扫描理论和方法对战略风险要素进行了风险分布及损失可能性识别;

    Distributions of ESR and its loss are identified via environment scanning theory and method .

  29. 在组成反恐战略诸要素中,科技政策是核心要素。

    Science and technology policy is the key factor among all strategic elements against terrorism . Since Sept.

  30. 第五部分根据战略的要素阐明战略的具体方案;

    In the fifth part , the writer clarified the particular precept on the basis of the strategy elements .