
  • 网络strategy;Strategic Policy;strategic principle
  1. 由于“东方人”和“西方人”之间存在巨大的分歧,战争期间的战略方针没有得到切实的执行。

    Strategic policy during the War was vitiated because of a sharp division between ' easterners ' and ' westerners '

  2. 实行对外开放是我国坚定不移的战略方针

    Opening to the Outside is the Unswerving Strategic Policy of China

  3. 第三部分在新时期党和国家确定的预防为主的战略方针的指导下,详细剖析甘肃H县在预防腐败机制中存在的主要问题。

    The third part under the guidance of the Party and the state for prevention-oriented strategic approach , a detailed analysis of the main issues in the prevention of corruption in H County , Gansu mechanisms exist .

  4. 本文分析了当代企业生产经营环境变化和科技新发展,针对国企在推行和实施工业工程(IE)过程中存在的问题及误区,提出迈向21世纪推广现代IE的战略方针与实施方案。

    The paper analyses the changes of productive environment of modern enterprise and new development of science and technology , points out the problems and misunderstanding existed in the application of IE , and advances some methods to apply modern IE in 21st century .

  5. 论中国国家安全战略方针

    On the Guiding Principle of China 's National Security Strategy

  6. 长征时期红军战略方针的转变

    The Change of Strategic Policy During the Red Army 's Long March

  7. 我国新型建材第二次飞跃战略方针的研究

    Study on strategical policy of the second leap for new building materials industry

  8. 宁夏战役战略方针的制定及被迫中止的原因

    The strategical planning of NingXia compaign and suspensive cause

  9. 以守为本,建立在农业经济基础上的防御性的战略方针;

    Setting up the strategic defensive policy on the basis of agricultural economy ;

  10. 但是转换全局的战略方针,必然要是运动战。

    But the pivotal strategy must be mobile warfare .

  11. 改革开放是我国长期的战略方针。

    The reform and open policy is the long term strategyof our country .

  12. 安第斯集团战略方针计划

    Strategic Design for the Orientation of the Andean Group

  13. 武汉市交通发展战略方针与措施研究

    Research of Strategies and Measures for Wuhan Transportation Development

  14. 60年来新中国军事战略方针的创新发展

    Innovative Development of Military Strategic Principles in New China over the Sixty Years

  15. 从短期应对之策,到长期的战略方针。

    From short-term policies to long-term strategical ones .

  16. 坚持扩大内需,是中国经济发展的一项长期战略方针。

    Enlarging domestic demand is a long-term strategic principle for China 's economic development .

  17. 在制定战略方针时,我们必须考虑到我们的猜测有可能是错误的。

    Our strategy must take into account the possibility that our guesses are wrong .

  18. 务实工作、不断创新、超越发展、不断进取是我们的战略方针。

    Practical work and constant innovation , beyond development and progress of our strategic policy .

  19. (七二)现在来研究抗日战争中的具体的战略方针。

    Now let us examine the specific strategy of the War of Resistance Against Japan .

  20. 嗯,我们也许可以明天早上8点先开一个战略方针会议。

    Well , we could probably get started with a strategy meeting tomorrow morning at8:00 .

  21. 在这个估计之下的战略方针,就是红军打武汉。

    The strategy based on this estimate was that the Red Army should attack Wuhan .

  22. 这是一个战略方针。

    It is a strategic policy .

  23. 这些战略方针对指导我国油公司今后的跨国勘探有重要意义。

    Exploratory right MARINE EXPLORATION All these strategies have very important significance for guiding the future .

  24. 建国以来若干军事战略方针探析

    An Exploratory Analysis of Several Guiding Principles of Military Strategy since the Founding of the PRC

  25. 资源的综合利用是我国经济建设中的一项重大技术经济政策,也是国民经济和社会发展中一项长远的战略方针。

    Comprehensive utilization of resources is a great long-term strategy in national economy construction and development .

  26. 这是整个抗日战争应该采取的战略方针。

    Such is the strategy to be adopted in the War of Resistance as a whole .

  27. 伯承这种态度,堪称执行党的各项决议和中央战略方针的典范。

    In carrying out the party 's resolutions and strategies , Bocheng set a fine example .

  28. 协调发展适度超前是邮电通信的战略方针

    Moderately getting ahead of and in concerted with developing - strategic principle of post and telecommunication

  29. 新世纪中国远程高等教育发展的战略方针和战略构想

    On Strategic Principles and Strategies For Developing CHINA 's Higher Distance Education in the New Century

  30. 扩大内需是推动我国经济发展的战略方针。

    The expansion of domestic needs is the strategic principle to propel China 's economic development .