
  • 网络strategic orientation;strategy oriented;strategy-oriented;strategy orientation
  1. 第六章站在战略导向的角度,讨论了战略导向的非营利组织预算目标的确定。

    Chapter VI stands in the strategy oriented angle discussed the establishment of the budget objectives in Non-profit organization .

  2. 另外,战略导向绩效管理体系的建立在客观上需要企业具备哪些条件,如何不断巩固和完善也是本文探讨的一个方面。

    Besides , another aspect the thesis probes into is that what conditions the enterprise should have to meet the criteria of the establishment of strategy oriented performance management system and how to consolidate and perfect the system .

  3. 基于战略导向的SF公司绩效管理体系设计

    SF Corporation Strategy-Based Designment of Performance Management System

  4. 作为一个面向内部的专业服务机构,现代内部审计的战略导向理念与BSC的理念是高度一致的。

    As the internal professional service organization , the strategic direction concept of the modern internal auditing is highly consistent with that of BSC .

  5. 关键绩效指标(KPI)体系是一种战略导向的先进的企业绩效管理方法。

    Key Performance Indicators ( KPI ) is a kind of strategy - oriented and advanced performance appraising method that is increasingly taken into account by more and more business managers .

  6. 第四章针对KT公司目前绩效管理过程中存在的问题,结合中层管理人员岗位的特殊性,为KT公司建立了一套战略导向的绩效管理体系。

    For KT corporate current performance management process in the exists of problem , combined particularity of middle management personnel position , in the fourth chapter , this article established a strategic oriented performance management system for KT corporate .

  7. 为克服传统预算管理模式上述缺陷,本文提出将战略导向预算管理作为传统预算管理的改进方向,并对比分析了平衡计分卡、作业管理法、EVA等管理工具在战略导向预算管理中的应用。

    In order to overcome the limitation , this article proposed the strategic guidance budget management as improvement direction . We contrast and analyze balance improvement budget and Balanced scorecard ( BSC ), activity-based management ( ABM ), EVA as managed the strategic tool .

  8. 战略导向的组织模式选择

    The Selection of the Organization Structure Based on the Business Strategy

  9. 基于战略导向的饭店绩效管理体系建设研究

    Study on Hotel Performance Management System Construction Oriented By Enterprise Strategy

  10. 基于战略导向和绩效基准的非营利组织预算研究

    Research of Non-profit Organizations Budget Based on Strategic Orientation and Performance Benchmark

  11. 战略导向的动态全方位绩效考核体系设计与应用研究

    Construction and Empirical Research of Strategic Omni-directional Achievements Inspection System

  12. 分析了战略导向绩效反馈的三维体系;

    This paper analyses the strategic three-dimensional performance feedback system .

  13. 因此,战略导向是理性薪酬设计不可或缺的原则。

    Therefore , strategy-led is an indispensable principle for sensible salary design .

  14. 基于战略导向的全面预算管理框架探讨

    Based on strategic guidance comprehensive budget management frame discussion

  15. 战略导向、内部控制和技术创新的关系分析

    A Study on the Relationship among Strategic Orientation , Inner Control and Technological Innovation

  16. 中国盐业总(集团)公司实施战略导向的全面预算管理研究

    The Research on Strategy-Oriental Comprehensive Budget Control Implemented by China National Salt Industry Corporation

  17. 本文还分析了战略导向绩效管理系统的作用机理,研究了战略导向绩效管理系统构成,指出该系统应该由内部循环系统和外部支撑体系共同组成,并构建了战略导向绩效管理系统模型。

    The strategic performance management system is consisted of the interior and exterior systems .

  18. 战略导向企业全面预算管理模式研究

    Research on Strategy-oriented Enterprises Comprehensive Budget Management Model

  19. 战略导向绩效管理系统研究

    Study on the Strategic Performance Management System

  20. 企业战略导向下人力资本的配置

    Human Capital Allocation under Enterprise Strategic Orientation

  21. 建立战略导向的企业绩效考评机制

    Establishing Strategy-oriented System for Enterprise Performance Appraisal

  22. 企业战略导向的薪酬观

    Salary Outlook Directed by Enterprise Strategy

  23. 企业社会绩效战略导向的推进和实现在很大程度上取决于高管的价值观和决策。

    Strategic direction of corporate social performance depends largely on the promotion and decision-making of executives .

  24. 战略导向下的集团公司预算管理体系构建及应用研究

    A Study on the Budget Management System of Group Company Constructed and Applied under Strategic Orientation

  25. 在选择具体的军事著作暨战略导向上,斯皮尔格和墨菲戳破了关于高科技企业家的两个神话。

    In choosing that particular military-treatise-cum-strategy-guide , Spiegel and Murphy punctured two myths about tech entrepreneurs .

  26. 知识产权战略导向下技术引进再研发过程机制。

    Third , under intellectual property rights strategy guidance technical introduction R & D process mechanism .

  27. 战略导向的商业银行作业管理研究

    Strategy-oriented Commercial Bank Activity-based Management

  28. 最后,论文提出了发展高新技术产业集群的战略导向和政策建议。

    Finally , the paper propose the development of high-tech industry cluster strategy orientation and policy recommendations .

  29. 本文认为战略导向绩效管理系统是企业适应当今全球化、信息技术革命和数字经济时代的必然选择;

    The strategic performance management system is the necessary choice to enterprises in the new economy times .

  30. 战略导向型的薪酬设计机理

    Strategy-oriented Mechanism of Compensation Design