
  • 网络maturation index;RMI;PPI
  1. 服药后血清FSH与LH亢进情况改善,阴道脱落细胞成熟指数上升。

    The maturation index of the desquamated vaginal cells was increased .

  2. E2水平上升后,测定基础体温,每周做阴道脱落细胞检查,计算成熟指数(MI)。

    After E2 was increased , basal body temperature was measured for three months and vaginal hormone cytology was examined weekly for maturation index ( MI ) and four times recorded as a cycle .

  3. 采用国际统一细胞分类标准和成熟指数(MI)及成熟价值(MV),对212例正常妊娠妇女和50例同龄非孕妇女的舌象和舌印片的对照观察。

    The observation of tongue as well as M. I. and M. V. of tongue printing slide were studied on 212 cases of pregnancy contrasted with 50 cases of control females in same ages .

  4. 原发性肝癌组正常舌象舌尖微循环总积分和舌苔脱落细胞成熟指数均明显高于健康人组(P0.01,P0.05)。

    The total score of microcirculation of tongue tip and the maturation index of exfoliated cells from tongue coating were both higher in patients with primary liver cancer than those in healthy adults with normal tongue manifestation ( P0.01 , P0.05 ) .

  5. 记录舌象后,进行舌苔脱落细胞形态学指标成熟指数(MI)、成熟价值(MV)及化学指标乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)、酸性磷酸酶(ACP)检测。

    After recorded tongue picture , we detected the changes of morphological index of exfoliated cells of tongue coating : maturation index ( MI ), maturation value ( MV ) and chemical index : lactate dehydrogenase ( LDH ), acid phosphatase ( ACP ) .

  6. 不同舌象舌印片脱落细胞成熟指数与成熟价值的观察

    A Study on MI & MV of Exfoliated Cells from with Tongues Different Images

  7. 目的建立本地区健康成年人群网织红细胞百分率及网织红细胞成熟指数的正常参考值,同时与贫血患者群进行比较。

    Objective To establish the normal range of reticulocyte percentage and reticulocyte maturity index in healthy people and to compare it with anemia patients .

  8. 结论利用流式细胞仪进行网织红细胞百分率及网织红细胞成熟指数的检测,快速、客观、准确,可作为临床检验指标之一。

    Conclusion Flow cytometry determining reticulocyte percentage and reticulocyte maturity index seems to be rapid , objective and precise method , and appropriate for clinical detection .

  9. 灌草丛中的土壤线虫属数、线虫总成熟指数、营养多样性指数和食真菌线虫相对多度均显著低于次生林和原生林,但在次生林和原生林之间没有显著差异。

    Nematode generic richness , Maturity Index ( MI ), trophic diversity and relative abundance of fungivores were lowest in shrub-grassland , but the differences between secondary forests and virgin forests were not significant .

  10. 雌激素水平轻度影响时,阴道细胞成熟指数中表层细胞占13.51±2.65%,中度影响时占36.39±11.07%,高度影响时占82.19±10.46%。

    Under the influence of mild , medium and high estrogen level , among vaginal cell maturation index , superficial layer cell occupied 13.51 ± 2.65 % , 36.39 ± 11.07 % , 82.19 ± 10.46 % respectively .

  11. 与其他指数相比,成熟指数更能敏感地反映土壤环境的受胁迫程度,基于营养类群的指数和分析方法可以在生态系统功能水平上更好地揭示土壤环境的健康状态。

    Compared with other indices , Maturity Index can reflect the stressed degree of soil more sensitively , and the indices and analyzing methods based on their trophic groups can well reveal the state of soil health based on ecosystem functioning .

  12. 水稻亲本、杂交后代的成熟期倒伏指数及关系研究

    Lodging Index of Rice Parent Varieties and Their Hybrid Progeny in the Maturation Period and Their Relationship

  13. 但是目前较成熟的商品指数主要以期货价格为主,针对现货市场的商品价格指数还比较少,而且当前现货指数的构造方法与期货指数基本一致。

    However , most of the current commodity indexes mainly focus on futures pricing , while the commodity price index for the spot market is still relatively few .

  14. 试验结果表明:1粉红女士苹果在成熟期间淀粉指数呈直线增加,淀粉指数可作为判断粉红女士苹果成熟度,确定采收日期的可靠指标。

    The result shows : ( 1 ) The starch index can be used to determine the maturity and the harvest date of ' Pink Lady ' apple .

  15. 目前,我国对城市交通评价的研究还处于初期探索阶段,相关的理论和方法还不成熟,交通指数的研究更是少之又少。

    At present , the studies on urban transportation in China are still at the initial stage , related theories and methods are not mature , and the study on transportation index is even fewer .

  16. 首先从国际比较着手,通过对国际较为成熟的股票指数期货市场风险的法律监管体制的比较,提出发展我国股票指数期货应选择的风险监管体制;

    First , by the international analysis , I bring forward the legal supervision system of risks for developing China 's stock-index futures through comparing the legal supervision of risks in the international mature stock-index futures market .

  17. 随着大宗商品市场的迅速发展和商品指数的日趋成熟,商品指数在大宗商品交易中的作用日益突出,其变化也往往会影响股市、债券市场以及外汇市场的走向。

    With the rapid development of commodity markets and the increasing maturity of commodity index , commodity index plays a growing prominent role in commodity trading , and its variations have an impact on the stock market , bond market , and foreign exchange market .

  18. 各处理杂交后代F1和F2的成熟期变黄指数与苗期的杂交后代呈正相关,但不显著。

    The deal with F1 and F2 hybrids of yellowing index at maturity stage was positively correlated with seedlings of hybrid offspring , but not significantly . 3 .

  19. 水分敏感指数在果实膨大期最大,开花坐果期次之,苗期和成熟期水分敏感指数较低;

    Water sensitivity index went down successively from fruit spreading growth stage , blossoming and bearing fruits stage , fruit maturing stage and seeding stage .

  20. 编制我国商品期货价格指数的方法是在借鉴国际成熟商品期货价格指数的基础上提出的,指数的特点和性质从理论分析和实践检验两个角度进行了论述。

    On the basis of the international mature commodity futures prices index the index is calculated , the characteristics of which are discussed from the two perspectives of the theoretical analysis and experimental testing .

  21. 卵巢的大小重量与蛛体重量成正相关,而成熟的蜘蛛性腺指数仅随卵细胞的发育而变化,不随蛛体大小改变。

    There are positive correlation in the size and weight of the ovary with the weight of the spider 's body . The sexual gland exponent of the spider is changing with the oocyte developing but not with the size of the mature individuals .

  22. 本文章通过对沪深300指数在2007年7月至2010年1月期间的历次调整事件进行研究,得出沪深300指数的指数效应确实存在,但并不像国外成熟市场上的指数效应那样显著。

    This article studies on the events of previous adjustments in the Shanghai and Shenzhen 300 Index from July 2007 to January 2010 , and we get that 300 index effects does exist , but not as mature foreign markets as the index effects significant .