
  • 网络Pedogenesis;Soil forming process
  1. 浑善达克沙地的沙粒较细在一定程度上也与该地区较湿润条件下的成土作用有关。

    The fine sands in the Onqin Daga Sandy Land may be in part caused by the pedogenesis occurring under the relatively humid conditions .

  2. 黄土钙质结核的形成以成土作用为主,剖面下部钙质结核可能是由成土和地下水淀积作用综合而形成的。

    Most of the calcareous concretions in the loess strata were formed by pedogenesis , where as the same in the substrata of loess profiles could be commonly formed by the illuviation of ground water and the pedogenesis .

  3. 地下水中REE的含量和分布模式主要受岩石风化和成土作用影响。

    REE contents and distribution patterns in groundwater are influenced by rock weathering and soil formation , more HREE than LREE inflow into groundwater so that difference in quantity between LREE and HREE in groundwater is not so great as that in soils .

  4. 碳酸盐岩风化壳及喀斯特成土作用研究

    Weathering Crust of Carbonate Rocks and Process of Karst Soil Formation

  5. 黄土与古土壤中重金属的存在形态及风化成土作用对其影响

    Distribution and fractions of heavy metals in Loess and paleosol and the

  6. 碳酸盐岩成土作用及其上覆土层成因的讨论

    A Discussion on the Pedogenesis of Carbonate and Soil Stratum Genesis Overlying It

  7. 喀斯特流域风化成土作用及其矿质元素行为与环境质量

    Weathering and Pedogenesis of Karst Catchments , Behavior of Mineral Elements and Environmental Quality

  8. 结果表明5种土壤的粒度成分都比较细,以细砂为主,铺砂对土壤质地的影响不显著,土壤质地特征主要是由土壤母质、成土作用决定的。

    The results show that the soil texture is very fine in 5 types of soil . The most component is fine sand .

  9. 岩石风化成土作用是生态系统矿质元素的重要来源,也是全球矿质元素生物地球化学循环的重要环节。

    Weathering and pedogenesis of rocks are important sources of mineral elements for ecological systems , and key processes of global biogeochemical cycling of mineral elements .

  10. 土壤频率磁化率因主要受风化成土作用强度影响,所以能够较好地指示土壤发育程度和相对成土年龄。

    Frequency dependent susceptibility , however , dominantly influenced by the intensity of rock weathering and soil formation , can indicate soil development degrees and relative soil ages .

  11. 这一结果有利于这样一种土壤发育机制解释,即古土壤发育与黄土堆积过程同时进行,只是在古土壤发育时期黄土的堆积过程缓慢,成土作用大于黄土堆积作用而发育土壤。

    This favors the soil-forming mechanism that the loess deposition and the soil formation take place simultaneously , with the soil developing as a result of greater rate soil formation .

  12. 成土作用主要是岩成草甸过程的有机质大量积累和富铁铝伴有表土层的生物富硅作用。

    The formation process of the soil is dominated by accumulation of organic matter which belongs to lithomorphic meadow type , and ferrallitization accompanied by the biological silicatization in A horizon .

  13. 不同时代古土壤成土过程水作用方式的这种差异,是由降水量、尘降速率等环境因素的改变引起的,在黄土高原具有普遍性。

    The variations of the paleosols ' morphological features , which are common in the Loess Plateau , were caused by the changes of environmental factors , mainly precipitation and dust accumulation rate .