- 网络mother-to-be

Just having a strong teacher for one elementary year left pupils a bit less likely to become mothers as teenagers , a bit more likely to go to college and earning more money at age 28 .
He turned up at the hospital bearing gifts for the new mother Lindsey and her baby boy .
She refused to live with male cranes , and even had a reputation for killing some of them , which made it impossible for her to become a mother .
Becoming a parent added about 21 hours a week to a mother 's work .
The40-year-old songstress and expectant mother appeared on the Home Shopping Network yesterday to promote her new line of costume jewellery and shoes , all of which is listed at affordable prices .
Salem , a new mother , had been breast-feeding her daughter for five months before the croc-attack dream , living on four hours of sleep a night .
Carol Vorderman , ambassador for isme.com , added : ' It 's no surprise that women 's body shapes change so dramatically as they get older , with motherhood and a slowing metabolism taking its toll .
Women blossom because as mothers they must forget themselves .
But I 'd like you to be a mother .
You will understand this one day when you become a mother .
I 'm just the woman to be .
Two years ago , she told Lifestyle magazine that becoming a mother was one of her dreams .
Before women became mothers , they had careers equivalent to or more successful than their male peers .
It turns out that childhood cancer survivors who decide to become mothers can benefit from breast-feeding their babies .
It is about a young farmer Nate and his wife Olive who is soon to become a mother .
You build a life of details , you just stop and stay steady so that your children can move .
By this time , the new mother was settled in the recovery room and ready to meet her new baby .
Whatever further results would be achieved , motherhood would remain a fact , and the commitment to completion won 't change .
It wasn 't something a young wife should see , especially a young wife who would soon be a mother herself .
A pregnant model showed off her baby bump to fellow models backstage at a Mercedes-Benz Fashion event in Mexico City Tuesday .
Unfortunately , says Dr. Lockwood , it 's also the age when motherhood is low on many women 's list of priorities .
Studies have shown that career women who become mothers lose as much as 5 percent of their wage for every child they have .
The former Suits actress ' desire to become a mother isn 't the only snippet of information that MsNelthorpe-Cowne revealed during the interview .
During the 19th century , carnations , especially pink ones , became the traditional flower of Mother 's Day symbolizing mother 's undying love .
Women are paid equally for the work that we do and when a woman becomes a mother , she is supported , not shut out .
Admitting that she has a fairly extensive collection of fine jewelry , Ruby said she has become more aware of her spending after becoming a mother .
Saying a pregnant woman is glowing is a common expression , but most people chalk it up to the woman 's excitement about becoming a mommy .
The goal of prenatal care is to monitor the progress of a pregnancy and to identify potential problems before they become serious for either mom or baby .
In the third chapter , this paper elaborates that daughters seek maternal love once again and are converted to maternal love . It analyses after becoming a mother , daughters ' psychological change and the change of mother-daughter relations .
Just a few years ago , Natalie Jill felt as if she 'd hit " rock bottom " : As a new mom , she was in the middle of a divorce , struggling financially , and about 60 pounds overweight .