
  • 网络mother-to-be
  1. 在小学时仅受到优秀老师一年的教导就可以降低学生在十几岁成为母亲的可能性,他们更有可能上大学,并在28岁赚更多的钱。

    Just having a strong teacher for one elementary year left pupils a bit less likely to become mothers as teenagers , a bit more likely to go to college and earning more money at age 28 .

  2. 他来到医院,给刚成为母亲的林赛和男婴带了礼物。

    He turned up at the hospital bearing gifts for the new mother Lindsey and her baby boy .

  3. 她拒绝和雄鹤一起生活,据说她曾杀死其中的一些雄鹤,这让她不可能成为母亲。

    She refused to live with male cranes , and even had a reputation for killing some of them , which made it impossible for her to become a mother .

  4. 成为母亲让她们每周需要多工作21个小时。

    Becoming a parent added about 21 hours a week to a mother 's work .

  5. 这位四十岁的女歌手即将成为母亲,昨天她在HomeShoppingNetwork上推销她的新款服饰和鞋子,它们的价格都是可以接受的。

    The40-year-old songstress and expectant mother appeared on the Home Shopping Network yesterday to promote her new line of costume jewellery and shoes , all of which is listed at affordable prices .

  6. Salem刚刚成为母亲,她在梦到被鳄鱼袭击前,已经哺乳了女儿5个月,每天只睡4个小时。

    Salem , a new mother , had been breast-feeding her daughter for five months before the croc-attack dream , living on four hours of sleep a night .

  7. isme.com的代表CarolVorderman补充道:“随着成为母亲和新陈代谢缓慢的损害,女性年老以后体型变化巨大并不意外。”

    Carol Vorderman , ambassador for isme.com , added : ' It 's no surprise that women 's body shapes change so dramatically as they get older , with motherhood and a slowing metabolism taking its toll .

  8. 女人因为要成为母亲而成熟,她们要忘记自己。

    Women blossom because as mothers they must forget themselves .

  9. 不过我更希望你成为母亲。

    But I 'd like you to be a mother .

  10. 当你成为母亲的那天,你就会理解这些。

    You will understand this one day when you become a mother .

  11. 我只是个想要成为母亲的女人。

    I 'm just the woman to be .

  12. 两年前,她在接受《品味生活》杂志采访时表示,成为母亲是她的一大梦想。

    Two years ago , she told Lifestyle magazine that becoming a mother was one of her dreams .

  13. 在女性成为母亲之前,她们的职业和同行业的男性一样成功,甚至更成功。

    Before women became mothers , they had careers equivalent to or more successful than their male peers .

  14. 结果表明童年时期患有癌症的幸存者,等她们成为母亲后,可以从母乳喂养中获益。

    It turns out that childhood cancer survivors who decide to become mothers can benefit from breast-feeding their babies .

  15. 故事关于年轻的农场主内特和他的妻子很快成为母亲的奥利弗。

    It is about a young farmer Nate and his wife Olive who is soon to become a mother .

  16. 过具体的生活,成为母亲,妻子,你就得停下来,过平稳的日子,这样你的孩子们才能长大。

    You build a life of details , you just stop and stay steady so that your children can move .

  17. 就在这时,刚刚成为母亲的妻子已经被安顿在护理病房,准备要见自己的孩子了。

    By this time , the new mother was settled in the recovery room and ready to meet her new baby .

  18. 无论后来的结果是什么,成为母亲已是事实,同时承担的相关义务也不会改变。

    Whatever further results would be achieved , motherhood would remain a fact , and the commitment to completion won 't change .

  19. 那不是一个年轻妻子应该看到的事情,特别是她即将成为母亲。

    It wasn 't something a young wife should see , especially a young wife who would soon be a mother herself .

  20. 奔驰车展后台,一名怀孕的模特在与朋友们分享即将成为母亲的喜悦,墨西哥城。

    A pregnant model showed off her baby bump to fellow models backstage at a Mercedes-Benz Fashion event in Mexico City Tuesday .

  21. 洛克伍德医生说,不幸的是,对很多25岁的女性来说,成为母亲并不在她们的优先任务清单上面。

    Unfortunately , says Dr. Lockwood , it 's also the age when motherhood is low on many women 's list of priorities .

  22. 研究表明,已经成为母亲的职业女性每生一个孩子,就有可能损失她们工资的5%。

    Studies have shown that career women who become mothers lose as much as 5 percent of their wage for every child they have .

  23. 这位出演《金装律师》的女演员不只是急着想成为母亲,Nelthorpe-Cowne女士还在该纪录片采访中披露了其他信息。

    The former Suits actress ' desire to become a mother isn 't the only snippet of information that MsNelthorpe-Cowne revealed during the interview .

  24. 在19世纪,康宁耐心,尤其是粉色的康乃馨成为母亲节的象征。

    During the 19th century , carnations , especially pink ones , became the traditional flower of Mother 's Day symbolizing mother 's undying love .

  25. 女性与男性同工同酬,当她成为母亲,她会受到支持,而不是被拒之门外。

    Women are paid equally for the work that we do and when a woman becomes a mother , she is supported , not shut out .

  26. 林心如承认,她收藏了相当多的精致珠宝,并表示在成为母亲之后,自己更加深刻的意识到了自己的开销。

    Admitting that she has a fairly extensive collection of fine jewelry , Ruby said she has become more aware of her spending after becoming a mother .

  27. 人们常常会说怀孕的女人会容光焕发,但是大多数人只是把这当成是成为母亲后女人的兴奋表现。

    Saying a pregnant woman is glowing is a common expression , but most people chalk it up to the woman 's excitement about becoming a mommy .

  28. 产前保健的目标是监测一个怀孕的进展,并确定潜在的问题,他们要么成为母亲或婴儿严重。

    The goal of prenatal care is to monitor the progress of a pregnancy and to identify potential problems before they become serious for either mom or baby .

  29. 在第三章中,本文将集中论述女儿对母爱的再度寻找与皈依,分析当女儿成为母亲后的心理变化及其与母亲关系的变化。

    In the third chapter , this paper elaborates that daughters seek maternal love once again and are converted to maternal love . It analyses after becoming a mother , daughters ' psychological change and the change of mother-daughter relations .

  30. 就在几年前,娜塔莉•吉尔感到自己好像跌入了“谷底”:她刚成为母亲,又在离婚阶段,经济紧张,还超重60英镑左右。

    Just a few years ago , Natalie Jill felt as if she 'd hit " rock bottom " : As a new mom , she was in the middle of a divorce , struggling financially , and about 60 pounds overweight .