- 网络sensory cortex;sensory cortices;primary somatosensory cortex

Results : Right hand sustained muscle contraction activated the left primary motor cortex , the left primary sensory cortex and right cerebellum .
The mirror was giving visual feedback that the sensory cortex was interpreting as a real hand .
No significant changes in ERK1 / 2 protein expression were found both in somatosensory cortex and hippocampus after ischemic preconditioning .
Group map analysis showed activation in bilateral motor cortex , right somatosensory cortex , bilateral basal ganglia , and bilateral insula .
Results The phosphorylation level of ERK 1 in somatosensory cortex increased significantly ( P < 0.05 ) after ischemic preconditioning , while no significant changes in ERK 2 and that of ERK 1 / 2 in hippocampus .
Putaminal hemorrhage disrupts thalamocortical projection to secondary somatosensory cortex : Case report
Progress of Synaptic Plasticity in Primary Somatosensory Cortex
The influence of noxious stimulation on somatosensory cortical unit activity and the effect of Acupuncture
Different from the widely used event-related potential technology , SSEPs provide a continuous measurement of brain activities over the corresponding sensory cortices .
Trigeminal evoked potentials ( TEPs ) were recorded before and after radiofrequency therapy in 42 patients with tic douloureux , and compared with 40 normals .
Conclusion somatic stimuli can evoke significant activations in bilateral primary and secondary somatic cortex . THE INFLUENCE OF NOXIOUS STIMULATION ON SOMATOSENSORY CORTICAL UNIT ACTIVITY AND THE EFFECT OF ACUPUNCTURE
In fact , if you draw a diagram of a person , what their body is corresponding to the amount of somatosensory cortex , you get something like that .
The first step in analyzing these images is to align their common anatomical structures , such as the " central Sulcus ," a fold that separates the motor cortex from the somatosensory cortex .
Results The activation areas were found in bilateral or unilateral motor cortex , somatosensory cortex , prefrontal cortex , temporal cortex , premotor cortex , insula , frontal operculum , basal ganglia ( putamen ), parietal cortex and cingulate .
And hyper signals can also be found in the sensor-motor cortex area , but it disappeared 24 hours after SE .
The influence of pyramidal tract pathway of sensorimotor cortex on the effects of acupuncture analgesia on NRM neurons
Unlike Dr Dresler , who focused on the sensorimotor cortex , which controls movement , Dr Gallant and his team looked at the visual cortex .
" Selective bilateral , unilateral left and unilateral right LC lesions impair recovery after subsequent right sensor motor cortex injury " .
Besides , the significant connectivity between bilateral hemisphere putamen , hippocampus and cingulate was found , but the connectivity was weak intrathalamic and between cortex and thalamic .
In sensory organelles and tubercles , there was extensive or local lysis of internal structure .
Electrocorticogram ( ECOG ) were recorded in sensorimotor area of rat cortex after 300 μ g / kg ciprofloxacin ( CPLX ) injected into right ventricle of brain .
Vision is a sensory produced by object images stimulating the retina and intuitions obtained in the cerebral cortex .
Secondly , image schemas are found to have their neurobiological grounding in the sensorimotor cortex performing sensorimotor and multimodal imagery tasks .
FLN densely distributed not only in the ⅰ、ⅱ layers of trigeminal caudal nucleus , but also in interpolar nucleus , oral nucleus , main sensory and body cerebral cortex .
Recent studies suggested that the hippocampal system receives inputs from multisensory and high order sensory and motor cortical areas , and integrates them with inputs concerning emotion and motivation , including internal sensor signals concerning the degree to which the needs of the organism have been fulfilled .
Those with pain lacked this visual feedback system , and showed no activity in the sensory or motor cortex .