- product of inertia

This paper introduces a method of determining missile 's product of inertia by a series of moment of inertia measurements with the missile oriented in six different positions in addition to calculating principal axis orientation .
A method for testing missile 's product of inertia using torsion pendulum
Mohr 's circle and axis moments of inertia , inertial product
The effect of the products of inertia of cardan bracket on the motion of free gyroscope
On the basis of considering all kinds of factors , it is added how the cross inertia moment effects the steady spin characteristics .
The products of inertia of the inner or outer gimbal ring may not be equal to zero , if the rings have not been dynamically balanced .
The results show that the influence of the products of inertia of the inner gimbal ring on the drift is as important as that of the moments of inertia .
Mass property of measuring equipment for measuring the Mass , center of mass , moment of inertia , Product of inertia and other Mass property parameters of special equipment .
The diagrammatical analysis of moment of inertia & product of inertia 's rotation axis formula
A novel method and some tips were proposed to calculate the ichnography geometry quality such as center of shape , moments of inertia , product of inertia , and so on in AutoCAD .
The solid modeling for all parts has been created in terms of the concept design of CAE . The files which give the attributes such as volume weight , center of gravity moment of inertia , product of inertia for every part are generated .
Diagram Method to Get Moment of Inertia and Product of Inertia
Inertia of seat / man system can be calculated accurately by this method .
Using the Unit of Coordinate to find Moment of Area , the Moment of Inertia and The Product of Inertia
This paper puts forward a geometrical method of determining inertial moments and products & drawing the inertial circle , which is straight , convenient and simple .
Change of components of inertia tensors in rotation of coordinates and calculation of principal moment of inertia is particularly complicated . MOHR 'S CIRCLE AND AXIS MOMENTS OF INERTIA , INERTIAL PRODUCT
By measuring the swing cycles and balances of the body on the four spring handstand equipment , we can determine not only the inertial moment and products of the body , but also the center of mass .
: The unit of coordinate of the vertex on the triangle can find the moment of area , moment of inertia and the product of inertia on the cross - section , by which the problems on the cross - section of complex shape can also be solved .
Formulas of the moment of inertia , product of inertia and sectional area for shear lag warping geometrical properties are derived according to the chosen displacement functions . A cantilever box girder under concentrated and uniformly distributed loads is analyzed .
Based on half body cross section bending stress , the paper introduces the calculated methods on contained angle 、 horizontal moment of inertia , vertical moment of inertia and longitudinal bending stress in detail .
Inertial parameters of objects included objects ' center of mass , moment of inertia and inertia .