
  • 网络Huidong County
  1. 惠州市惠东县城乡中学生矿物质每日摄入钾、钙、镁、锌等都显著低于推荐标准量(P0.01)。

    Daily intake of potassium , calcium , magnesium , zinc of students from both urban and rural middle school in Huidong County Huidong city is lower than the recommended standard amount . 8 .

  2. 惠东县乡镇学龄前儿童血铅水平分析

    Investigation on the Hematic Lead Level of Preschool Children in Villages and Towns , Huidong County

  3. 惠东县革行业总会的常设机构&秘书处,负责处理日常工作。

    Leather and footwear industry secretariat is our standing body , in charge of the routine .

  4. 惠东县高中学校体育教学选用比较随意,课时安排偏少。

    Third , Hui dong County high school sports teaching hour arrangement chosen arbitrarily for comparison , less .

  5. 第三部分对惠东县第五届村委会换届选举情况进行分析,深入探讨当前村委会选举出现的问题。

    The third part concerns the village committee elections of Huidong County for the purpose of finding the problems during the election .

  6. 惠州市惠东县城市的中学生肥胖和超重的学生越来越多,这样对孩子的发育很不好。

    Students with obesity and overweight from urban middle school in Huidong County Huidong city are more and more day by day . 6 .

  7. 惠东县高中学校学生对健美操比较感兴趣,但由于种种原因,不能正常进行健美操锻炼。

    Fourth , Hui dong County high school students aerobics more interested , but due to various reasons , can not be normal aerobics exercise .

  8. 研究结果表明:1.惠州市惠东县城市中学生的热量来源要比农村中学生热量供给要高。

    The heat source of students from urban middle school in Huidong County Huidong city is higher than that of students from rural middle school . 2 .

  9. 惠州市惠东县农村中学生每日摄入各种营养素里面大部分的营养素要比城市中学生每天摄入的量要低。

    Most of the daily intake nutrients of students from rural middle school in Huidong County Huidong city is lower than that of students from urban middle school . 7 .

  10. 惠东县高中学校缺乏专业的健美操教师,且现有教师的学历水平、专业水平及科研能力有待提高。

    Second , Hui dong County high schools , lack of professional aerobics teacher , and the current teachers ' education level , professional level and scientific research ability should be improved .

  11. 结论惠东县沿海地区为轻度缺碘地区,要实行全民食盐加碘防治碘缺乏病,其适宜盐碘浓度为25±5mg/kg。

    Conclusion There was mild iodine deficiency in coastal areas of Huidong County and the suitable salt iodine concentration should be 25 ± 5 mg / kg in order to prevent iodine deficiency disorders by utilizing iodine salt .