
  • 网络Emotional debt;Kohi Apna Sa;Dette d'amour;Rapist Beckon
  1. 我欠了情债为了他帮我做的所有的事。

    I owe him a ( n )( debt ) of gratitude for all he has done to help me .

  2. 我无法向你形容这带给我的快乐。如果爱情也有账户,那我已经淹没在这份情债中。

    I cannot tell you what pleasure this gave me , because I always feel so overwhelmingly in your debt , if there can be accounts in love . '

  3. 和你谈恋爱三年,为你改变付出,分手了求你帮个忙,你却说这是最后一次全是以前欠的情债心好疼。

    And you fall in love for three years , for you to change your pay , break up ask you a favour , you said this is the last time is full of affection debt owed before heart aches .