  • grace;kindness;favour
  • 好处,深厚的情谊:~爱。~赐。~宠(指帝王对臣下的优遇和宠幸)。~德。~典。~惠。~仇。感~。开~。


(恩惠; 恩德) kindness; favour; grace:

  • 报恩

    requite a kindness; pay a debt of gratitude;

  • 感恩

    feel grateful; be thankful;

  • 施恩

    bestow favours


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 恩谊

    En Yi

  1. 救了魏颗一命。夜里魏颗梦见老人对自己说:“我是你嫁出去的那个女人的父亲,结草绊倒杜回,是为了报答你对我女儿的救民之恩。”

    During the night , Wei Ke had a dream , and in his dream an old man said to him , " I am the father of the concubine that you saved by letting her to marry again . I made knots to trip down Du Hui because I wanted to reciprocate1 your kindness of saving my daughter . "

  2. 你是否愿意来恩待青年人?

    Are you willing to show kindness to our youths ?

  3. “下士,您去哪里?”骑兵费恩毕恭毕敬地问道。

    ' Where to , Corporal ? ' asked Trooper Fane respectfully .

  4. 他将康恩逼进一个角落,用拳头暴打了他半分钟。

    He trapped Conn in a corner and pummeled him ferociously for thirty seconds .

  5. 伟大如穆恩者,也有状态起伏的时候。

    Moon , as great as he is , has had some inconsistent days .

  6. 满全我们众弟兄亲属对救恩的期求,并赏赐他们永恒的生命。

    Grant our brothers and relatives their saving petitions and eternal life .

  7. 施加压力和粗暴地使用恩主权力,已不是伯德机器取得成功的什么秘密。

    Arm-twisting and the brute use of patronage power were not the secret of the Byrd machines success .

  8. 我对您的救命之恩深表谢意。

    I give you my profound thanks for saving my life .

  9. 我是可怜的本·葛恩,他继续说,我一个人在这儿三年了。

    Poor Ben Gunn , he went on.Alone for three years .

  10. 菜恩认为精神病的概念是不科学的和诬蔑性的

    Laing regards the concept of mental illness as both unscientific and stigmatizing .

  11. 大夫讲完以后,我给他们讲了我的历险,以及遇见本·葛恩的事。

    After the doctor had finished , I told them my story , andabout Ben Gunn .

  12. 我去看看本·葛恩的小船。也许我们什么时候用得着它。

    I would go and look for Ben Gunn 's boat ! Perhaps we would need it some time .

  13. 那船又转了个方向,一点一点向本·葛恩的船靠拢过来,显得又大又危险。

    Then the ship turned again , big and dangerous as she came closer and closer to Ben Gunn 's little boat .

  14. 当老恩萧发现他的儿子这样虐待他所谓的可怜的孤儿时,这种逆来顺受使老恩萧冒火了。

    This endurance made old Earnshaw furious , when he discovered his son persecuting the poor , fatherless child , as he called him .

  15. 朋友家中人来客往,十分拥挤,著名的侠客陈遵也在吊唁的队伍中。由于赠送的东西格外多,陈遵的脸上止不住流露出有恩于人的神色。

    Many people came and went , and it was crowded in the friend 's house , the celebrated2 knight-errant , Chen Zun , was also among the condolence procession , as he had presented numerous presents , he could not help assuming an air of benefactor3 .

  16. 贝加因、恩替卡韦和三苯氧胺与蛋白质、DNA相互作用的电化学研究

    Electrochemical Studies on Interactions of Baicalein , Entecavir and Tamoxifen with Protein and DNA

  17. 沃西基姐妹在古恩高中(GunnHighSchool)就读时开始修习新闻课程,从而掌握了写作。

    The Wojcicki girls learned to write by taking journalism at Gunn high school .

  18. 恩,Roman和我买了下来。

    Mmhmm , Roman and I bought it . -

  19. 例子包括恩颐投资(NewEnterpriseAssociates)、Greylock风投公司和MenloVentures投资公司。

    Examples include new enterprise associates , Greylock and Menlo ventures .

  20. celebrate(v.)庆祝一星期后,在朗恩的餐�

    A week later , at Ron 's restaurant

  21. 2005年,私募机构贝恩资本公司(BainCapital)提出以35亿美元的价格,收购全国冰球联盟(NationalHockeyLeague,NHL)旗下全部30支球队。

    In 2005 , private equity firm Bain Capital offered to buy all 30 National Hockey League teams for $ 3.5 billion .

  22. 比如,1995年,贝恩资本的第四支私募股权基金购入了佛罗里达上市唱片公司AllianceEntertainment的股份。

    In 1995 , for example , the firm used its fourth private equity fund to purchase shares in a listed Florida record label called Alliance Entertainment .

  23. 消费者经历了贝恩咨询公司(BainCompany)所说的标识疲倦,因此古驰(Gucci)、普拉达(Prada)和路易威登等品牌的增长都放缓了。

    As consumers have experienced what Bain Company calls logo fatigue , growth for brands including Gucci , Prada and Vuitton has slowed .

  24. 2002年又被转手卖给一批私人股本投资者:德克萨斯太平洋集团(tpg),贝恩资本和高盛。

    In 2002 it was sold to a group of private-equity investors : TPG , Bain Capital and Goldman Sachs .

  25. 恩替卡韦(entecavir,ETV)是环戊基鸟苷类似物,作为一个新的抗HBV有效的药物,最近获得美国FDA上市的批准。

    Entecavir ( ETV ), a cyclopentyl guanosine analogue , acquired the admission of FDA on sale as an new potent anti-HBV drug recently .

  26. 目的观察椎管内麻醉时静脉给予恩丹西酮对经皮肾穿刺取石(PCNL)患者寒战的预防效果。

    Objective To observe the preventive effects of ondansetron in percutaneous nephrolithotomy ( PCNL ) after intraspinal anesthesia .

  27. 尽管身陷囹圄,但他在狱中仍能行使股东参与权,成功赶走了公司董事,并阻止了美国私人股本集团贝恩资本(BainCapital)的投资。

    In spite of his incarceration , he has been able to exercise his shareholder rights to campaign from prison to have directors removed and block investment in the company by US private equity group Bain Capital .

  28. 目的观察恩丹西酮对乳腺癌根治术后曲马多病人自控静脉镇痛(PCIA)疗效的影响。

    Objective To investigate the effect of ondansetron on the analgesic efficacy of tramadol for postoperative patient-controlled intravenous analgesia ( PCIA ) .

  29. 在库仑坡恩交换近似及被我们改进了屏蔽常数定义和算法的Z标度类氢模型下,计算了类锂钙离子被电子碰撞的共振电离截面和速率系数。

    The resonance ionization cross sections and rate coefficients for electron impact on Li-like Ca have been obtained by using Coulomb-Born exchange approximation and Z-scaled hydrogenic model in which the definition and evaluation of the screening constant were improved .

  30. 教育官员KimMi-Young说:机器人看来,恩,可爱又有趣,所以孩子们看起来很喜欢它。

    Education official Kim Mi-Young , said : ' The kids seemed to love it since the robots look , well , cute and interesting .