
  • 网络orbit
  1. 黑洞可以推断通过跟踪运动的一组恒星轨道区域在空间看起来空。

    A black hole can be inferred by tracking the movement of a group of stars that orbit a region in space which looks empty .

  2. 网格环境下银河系铁元素丰度梯度的统计分析实现包括注册服务、数据服务、恒星轨道计算服务和可视化服务等网格服务,组成一个完整的网格应用系统。

    Statistical analysis of Fe abundances gradients in the Galaxy based on grid environment implements grid services including registry service , data service , stellar orbit calculating service and visualization service . All these grid services constitute an integrated grid application system .

  3. 密度波牵涉到恒星轨道的同步化。

    The wave involves the synchronization of stellar orbits .

  4. 如果接近恒星轨道旋转的行星,眼尖的观察员能发现他们在放大光存在的细微线索。

    If the nearer star has orbiting planets , keen-eyed observers can spot the subtle clues of their presence in the magnified light .

  5. 行星、卫星和恒星处于轨道之中。

    Planets and moons and suns are in orbit .

  6. 往南看,恒星的轨道简直成了一些很大的圆周。

    Looking to the South , the paths of the stars are simply very large circles .

  7. 还有助于说明,巨大的气态外部行星如何这么近地围绕起源恒星的轨道运行。

    It could also help illuminate how giant , gaseous exoplanets often come to orbit their parent stars so closely .

  8. (太阳)系外行星通常是间接被发现的,当恒星的轨道受到附近的行星影响时,能探测到恒星的光发生变化。

    Exoplanets are generally discovered indirectly by detecting changes in the light coming from a star as its orbit is affected by nearby planets .

  9. 目前存在着数千个可能的行星候选者,科学家希望能从这些候选者中确认,还有几百个运行在其它恒星周围轨道上的行星。

    Several thousand possible planet candidates exist , of which scientists expect to be able to confirm several hundred more planets in orbit around other stars .

  10. 同我们太阳系的巨形气态行星不同,炽热的木星具有更靠近恒星的轨道。西恩·雷蒙德说。

    Unlike gas giants in our solar system , hot Jupiters have orbits that swing tightly around their stars , says Sean Raymond , study co-author and astrophysicist at the University of Colorado in Boulder .

  11. 所以从原则上来说,你们可以决定任何,恒星在轨道中的速度,轨道的半径以及,当然,二元体系的周期。

    So , in principle , you can determine for each one of those stars the velocity in orbit , the radius of their orbit and , of course , the period of the binary system .

  12. 近日点是最接近母恒星的轨道上的点,而序号为2000BD19的小行星拥有最小的轨道,与太阳无限接近。太阳是巨大的伴有核爆炸的火球,它为人类提供了温暖和生命。

    Perihelion is the point in orbit nearest the parent star , and asteroid 2000 BD19 has the smallest orbit , getting incredibly intimate with the giant , hot ball of nuclear explosions that keeps us warm and alive .

  13. 一位画家描绘出的一颗外天体绕着恒星HD209458的轨道运行。

    An artist 's conception shows an alien planet orbiting star HD209458 .

  14. 可是,论文发表之后,巨蟹座55恒星系统的轨道特征发生了较大的改变,2008年的预测明显落伍了。

    However , since the paper was published , the orbital characteristics of the system have been revised significantly , throwing off the predictions of the2008 study .

  15. 科学家周四宣布,在围绕一颗遥远恒星运行的轨道上,天文学家首次发现了一颗大小与地球相近、并且可能存在水这种生命液体的行星。

    For the first time , astronomers have discovered a world nearly the size of Earth orbiting a far star where water might exist as a life-giving liquid , the scientists announced Thursday .

  16. 适合居住的地带指恒星周围的轨道空间,不会因离恒星太近而导致行星表面处于沸腾状态。或者距离太远以致所有东西都被冻结。

    The habitable zone refers to the orbital space around the star that 's not so close to the star that the planets surface would boil . Or so far that everything would freeze .

  17. 开普勒69c围绕一颗类太阳恒星运转,其轨道类似于金星围绕太阳公转的轨道。

    The planet Kepler 69c follows a Venus-like orbit around a sunlike star .

  18. 基于恒星观测的静止轨道成像仪指向偏差在轨修正

    On-Orbit Modification of Pointing Error for Imager in Geostationary Satellite Based on Star Sensing

  19. 可动心轨道岔一动心轨转换结构优化研究基于恒星观测的静止轨道成像仪指向偏差在轨修正

    Transfer Structure Optimization of First Drawing Point in Turn-out with Movable-point Frog On-Orbit Modification of Pointing Error for Imager in Geostationary Satellite Based on Star Sensing

  20. 除了这个,还能得到半径的大小,速度以及周期,假设你在地球上,和这些恒星环绕的,轨道同处一个平面。

    And out of this information you get the radius , the velocity and the period , assuming that you are on Earth in the plane of the orbit of the stars .