
  • 网络stellar activity
  1. 这种元素在恒星活动末期特有的爆炸中被抛向空间。

    Such elements are ejected into space during the explosions characteristic of the final stages of a star 's active life .

  2. 重新研究了恒星的活动性(包括黑子活动)和星团中恒星的不均匀红化效应对Li丰度弥散的影响。

    The effects of stellar activity ( including stellar spots ) and inhomogeneous reddening over the cluster on Li abundance dispersion are studied .

  3. 我们认为,是A2255中子团的并合历史导致了星系团中星系与星系之间的碰撞概率增加,从而使团中心附近的晚型星系的恒星形成活动增加了。

    Compared with the merging cluster A2255 , the star formation history for the late-type cluster galaxies is likely closely related to the virialization stage of parent cluster .

  4. 这种不寻常的爆发和剧烈的恒星形成活动有星暴的资格。

    This unusual explosive and intense star formation activity qualifies as a starburst .

  5. 发现大多数的研究者低估了昴星团恒星的活动性。

    It has been found that the stellar activity is underestimated by the most authors .

  6. 但是细致分析显示演化恒星色球活动水平随恒星自转周期间的分布对恒星光谱型和恒星表面有效温度有很强的依赖,并对这些现象提出了几种可能的解释。

    But meticulous analysis show chromospheric activity of evolution stars depend on stellar spectral type and effective temperature strongly .

  7. 演化恒星的色球活动与恒星自转周期间存在很好的相关性。

    The relation between stellar chromospheric activity and rotation of evolution stars have a good relativity .

  8. 然而,观察其他恒星的磁活动是很重要的,因为没有其他的恒星作对比,天文学家们无法确定太阳的磁活动是否正常。

    It 's important to do so , however , because without other stars for comparison , astronomers can 't determine whether the sun 's magnetism is normal .

  9. 因为恒星的电磁干扰活动所致。明白了?

    Due to stellar EMI activity . acknowledge ?

  10. 晚型恒星的类太阳活动

    Solar-like Activities on the Late-type Stars

  11. 然后,借助多普勒成像技术得出了这两颗恒星的光球黑子活动区的结构,利用综合光谱减技术计算了它们的色球活动指标。

    Then , we have obtained the structure of photospheric spot active regions for above two stars by using Doppler imaging technique , and their chromospheric activity indicators with the aid of synthesized spectral subtraction technique .

  12. Li丰度-恒星自转关联很可能只是Li丰度-恒星活动性关联的一种反映。

    The Li abundance-rotation relation may be a reflection of Li abundance-stellar activity correlation .

  13. 这个星系对是红外光波段天空最亮的光源之一,它们喷出由恒星、云气和尘埃所组成的扭曲潮汐尾,而本内部也出现剧烈的恒星诞生活动。

    One of the brightest sources in the infrared sky , the merging galaxies spew distorted tidal tails of stars , gas , and dust and undergo frantic bursts of star formation .