
  • 网络power law;Power-Law;powerlaw
  1. 具有幂律特性的P2P网络的构建

    A Construction of P2P Network with Power Law

  2. 基于幂律分布的结构化P2P覆盖网

    Structured P2P Overlay Based on Power Law

  3. AS级Internet拓扑幂律和节点时效分析

    AS-level Internet Topology Power-law and Node Aging Analysis

  4. B与口模长径比之间大致上成反比关系,而与壁面剪切应力之间基本上成幂律关系;

    The relationship between B and the die length-diameter ratio was proximately inverse proportion .

  5. 发现了Internet中吸引率与Internet中幂律之间具有的内在联系;

    There exist intrinsic relations between attraction coefficients and power laws in the Internet AS-level graph ;

  6. 同时,应用DNA序列分析法研究了我国银行间同业拆借利率波动的幂律特征。

    Using DNA series analysis method , this dissertation analyzes the power law in the interbank rates .

  7. 结果显示,它们的n边形分布和度分布都服从幂律分布。

    The analytical results show the polygon distribution and the degree distribution both have a power-law tail .

  8. 经分析认为非线性幂律指数n影响着非牛顿幂律流体的非线性压力特征。

    The analysis indicates that nonlinear power law exponent n affects nonlinear pressure characteristics of non-Newtonian power law fluid .

  9. 基于幂律型分布的动态VaR模型及实证研究

    Dynamic VaR Model Based on Power Law Distribution and Empirical Research

  10. 幂律流体的似Rayleigh问题的相似解

    Similar Solutions to Quasi - Rayleigh Problem for a Power Law Fluid

  11. 另外,稳定值Ic与修复几率p(re)也呈现幂律关系,在相同的修复几率下,幂指数τ与系统大小N有关,并随着系统大小的增大而逐渐减小。

    I_c also has a power-law relationship with the repair probability p_ ( re ), with the exponent τ decreasing with the increasing of network size N.

  12. 用群方法求解幂律非牛顿导电流体的Rayleigh问题

    Solution of the Rayleigh Problem for a Power-Law Non-Newtonian Conducting Fluid via Group Method

  13. 基于语言分类的www网络中社会经济指标幂律分布

    Power Law of Social and Economical Indexes Based on Languages on the Web

  14. 幂律流体偏心环空PIV实验与数值模拟研究

    Research of Power-Law in eccentric pipeline with PIV Experiment and Numerical simulation

  15. 幂律流体环空流场PIV实验研究

    An Experiment Study for Power-law Flow Field in Annulus Line with PIV Technology

  16. 分析结果表明,大型ISP拓扑确实具有某些幂律特征;

    The results suggest that some power laws indeed hold in some large-scale ISP topologies ;

  17. 按照临界点理论,在大地震或岩石等脆性材料破坏发生之前能量会加速释放(AER),这种加速过程呈幂律变化(PowerLaw)。

    According to the critical point hypothesis ( CPH ), energy release would accelerate in power law before occurrence of large earthquakes or failure of brittle materials .

  18. 幂律流体在偏心环空中流动的Hanks稳定性参数

    Hanks Stability Parameter of Power Law Fluid Flow in Eccentric Annulus

  19. 液池中牵引辊表面的流场分析&幂律流体和Maxwell流体情况

    Analysis of the Flow Field Near the Surface of Draw-off Roll in Liquin Tank & for power-law and Maxwell models

  20. 幂律流体偏心环空螺旋流轴向速度分布规律的PIV实验研究

    PIV experimental study on the axial velocity 's distributing law of power law fluid 's helical flow in eccentric annulus

  21. 人类通信模式的幂律分布和Zipf定律

    The Power Law and Zipf ′ s Law in Human Communication Patterns

  22. 就其流变性而言,聚合物溶液和碱表面活性剂聚合物(ASP)复合体系均属粘弹性流体,但在中等剪切速率的简单剪切流动条件下,其流变性可用幂律模式描述。

    The compound of Alkali Surfactant Polymer ( ASP ) is a kind of viscoelastic fluid , its rheological behavior can be formulated by power law model in simple shear flow within medium shear rate .

  23. 在本文中,首先导得了幂律流体的似Rayleigh问题的相似参数,把偏微分方程化为常微分方程。

    In this paper , similar parameters of quasi-Rayleigh 's problem for a power law fluid are derived first , and a partial differential equation is reduced to an ordinary differential equation .

  24. 随着幂律指数减小,C型室中上部混合变差,但振动力场使速度场随时间周期性变化,促进了流体界面再取向,进而提高混合效果。

    Mixing in the upper middle section became poorer with the decrease of power law index , while vibration force field made the velocity field vary periodically with the result that the mixing was improved owing to the reorientation of interface of the fluid element .

  25. 被加速电子近似呈幂律谱分布,其谱指数与耀斑脉冲相微波和硬X射线推断的电子谱指数基本吻合。

    The accelerated electrons approximately exhibit a power spectrum distribution . The calculated power index is basically consistent with the observed power index of electrons derived from the hard X ray and microwave burst in the impulsive phase of solar flare .

  26. 研究结果表明,在该状态下神经元上的输入连接不均匀分布,其度分布服从幂律分布,从而起到了优化CMAC结构的作用。

    The simulation result indicates that the input connections in this status are unevenly distributed and follow power-law distribution so as to playa role of optimizing CMAC structure .

  27. 基于Arrhenius幂律模型,给出了分析恒定应力加速可靠性增长试验分组数据的图方法。

    Based on the model of Arrhenius power law , the graphical methods for analysing grouped data of constant stress accelerated reliability growth test were given .

  28. 结果表明,挤出胀大比B与剪切应力近似呈幂律关系,而随口型长径比的增加呈指数衰减;

    The results Show that the power law relationship between the die swell ratio B for the sample melt and shear stress is approximately presented , and the values of B are attenuated in a form of index with Increasing the die length-diamter ratios under the test conditions ;

  29. 粉末注射成形中幂律稳态问题的数值计算定态Schr(?)dinger方程正反散射问题的数值解法研究

    Simulation of Stable of Power-law Flow in PIM ; Studies on Solving Numerically the Direct and Inverse Scattering Problems for Stationary Schr (?) dinger Equations

  30. 前人已把τo/ηs、τc卡/η∞、n分别作为钻井液在宾厄姆、卡森、幂律流变模式下剪切稀释性的表征,并在石油钻井工程中作为评价指标。

    Predecessors have taken the τ o / η , τ c ( casson ) / η and η as the characterization of shear thinning behavior of drilling fluid respectively under Bingham 's , Casson 's and power-law rheological models and as the evaluation index in petroleum engineering .