
  1. 综合性药学院校的大学生管理工作

    On working Analysis of Student 's Management in Pharmaceutical Universities

  2. 试论非综合性大学药学教育的机遇与挑战

    The Challenge and Opportunity to Pharmaceutical Education at Medical Colleges

  3. 如何采取有效措施确保药品质量、疗效和生物等效性成为药学工作者的工作重点。

    How to take effective measures to ensure drug quality , efficacy , and bioequivalence as the focus of the pharmacy workers .

  4. 分析了目前国内高校药学教育的现状,指出非综合性大学药学专业面临的机遇和挑战,结合温州医学院的办学实际提出了切实可行的建议。

    In this paper , based on the present situation of the pharmaceutical education in China , the author brings forward the challenge and opportunity to pharmaceutical education at medical colleges , and then gives us some helpful ideas to solve the problems .

  5. 药师从事感染性疾病临床药学会诊的体会

    Experience of pharmacists participating in clinical pharmaceutical consultation on infectious diseases

  6. 依从性好。药学服务对糖尿病患者用药依从性和血糖控制的影响

    Those cases can use the medicine in a long time . Influence of Pharmaceutical Care on Medication Compliance and Blood glucose Control in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus

  7. 结论:医院药学行业文化管理理念的确立可激励药学人员的工作热情和积极性,推进药学事业发展。

    CONCLUSION : The establishment of hospital pharmacy profession culture management principle can inspire pharmacists'passion and enthusiasm for work ; thereby the development of pharmaceutical enterprises can be promoted .

  8. 结论多学科支撑性是医院药学服务的基本特性,这一性质决定了医院药学服务的有效开展需要多种技术人才的通力协作。

    Conclusion : The supporting of more subjects is the basic characteristic of pharmaceutical service of the hospital , which need to greatly co-operate with hospital controllers , staff and pharmacists for the effective development of pharmaceutical service of the hospital .

  9. 综合性大学《中药学》课程教学方法探索

    Study on the teaching method of Chinese pharmacy in comprehensive universities

  10. 隐球菌性脑膜炎患者的药学监护1例ph.1.(隐形眼镜的)护理液

    Pharmaceutical care of patient with cryptococcal meningitis : A case report

  11. 系统性综述及其在药学领域中的应用

    Systematic Review and Its Application in Pharmaceutical Field

  12. 220例社区原发性高血压患者的药学监护

    Pharmaceutical Care on 220 Community Primary Hypertension Patients

  13. 新医改目标不仅要提高贫困人群对基本药物的可及性,而且对药学服务将来的方向也作了要求,即规范药品临床使用,最终达到合理用药的目的。

    The new medical reform aims not only to improve the poor on the accessibility of basic drugs , but also to the pharmaceutical services in the future direction , which is standard clinical drug use , rational drug use , quality management .

  14. 药学监护是一项专业性很强的药学实践工作,是新世纪药学发展的必然趋势,其服务模式是以患者为中心,以使患者延年益寿、提高生活质量为目的。

    Pharmaceutical Care ( PC ) is a highly specialized practice in pharmacology . It is the inexorable trend of pharmacological development in the new century . The patient centered model is to prolong the patients ' life span and improve their living quality .

  15. 本专题从生物物理化学和分子生物学的角度,考察了中药四性的客观真实性及其在中医药学中的意义,旨在为中医药现代化特别是中医药理论现代化提供新的思路、方法和依据。

    The objectivity and authenticity was inspected by Biophysics , Biochemistry and Molecular Biology , To Provide new ways for the modernization of TCM , specially for the modernization of the theory of TCM .

  16. 目的调查门诊患者药物品牌内涵响应对用药选择及依从性的影响,进行有针对性的药学服务。

    Objective To investigated the effect of drug brand meaning response on drug selection and compliance in outpatients , in order to supply targeted pharmaceutical care .