
  • 网络Rehmannia glutinosa;Rehmannia glutinosa Libosch
  1. 怀地黄块根、茎的组织培养及植株再生

    Tissue Culture of Tubers and Stems of Rehmannia glutinosa f.hueichingensis

  2. 方法利用植物组织培养技术,将怀地黄茎尖分别在不同组合的培养基上进行培养,诱导其成为完整植株。

    Method Using the biotechnology and plant tissue culture , the shoot-tip of Rehmannia glutinosa was cultured onto different media and formed regenerated plantlets .

  3. 不同品质怀地黄中金属元素含量的ICP-MS测定及其比较

    Determination and Comparison of Metal Elements in Huai Radix Rehmanniae at Different Grades by ICP-MS

  4. 怀地黄[Rehmanniaglutinosaf.hueichingensis(ChanetSehih)Hsiao]为玄参科地黄属的一种药用植物,是我国著名的四大怀药之一。

    Rehmannia glutinosa f. hueichingensis ( Chan et Sehih ) Hsiao , a medicinal plant which belongs to Scrophulariaceae , Rehmannia is one of the Four Famous Huai Medicine .

  5. 怀地黄茎尖培养和植株再生技术的研究

    Study on shoot-tip culture and plantlets regeneration of Rehmannia glutinosa

  6. 气相色谱-质谱法测定怀地黄中的有机成分

    GC-MS determination of organic constituents in Rehmannia glutinosa Libosch

  7. 结果怀地黄茎尖培养苗已脱去地黄黄斑病毒。

    Result The tobacco mosaio virus was eliminated from plantlets of shoot-tip culture .

  8. 怀地黄离体培养再生植株及其生长调控

    In Vitro Culture of Rehmannia glutinosa and Formation and Growth Regulation of Regenerated Plantlet

  9. 常言道,有比较才有鉴别。怀地黄与山西晋南地黄的鉴别与比较

    Comparison and Identification of Rehmannia glutinosa Libosch from Henan Province and Southern Shanxi Province

  10. 目的对怀地黄茎尖培养苗进行病毒学鉴定。

    Objective To identify if the tobacco mosaio virus remains of plantlets from shoot-tip culture of Rehmannia glutinosa .

  11. 组织化学定位研究证明,怀地黄块根中梓醇贮存在木质部和韧皮部的薄壁细胞中。

    The investigation of histochemistry showed that parenchyma cells of xylem and phloem were the mainly storage location of catalpol .

  12. 结论利用茎尖培养脱毒技术,可获得怀地黄无病毒种苗。

    Conclusion Making use of biotechnology on shoot-tip culture , the tobacco mosaio virus could be eliminated from Rehmannia glutinosa .

  13. 不同怀地黄品种在地膜覆盖栽培下产量和品质的研究

    Comparative studies on the yields and qualities of different cultivars of Rehmannia glutinosa f. hueichingensis under plastic film mulching cultivation

  14. 本文对怀地黄愈伤组织的诱导、分化、植株再生和繁殖进行了系统研究。

    This paper deals with studying on the tissue culture of Rehmannia glutinosa , including induction of callus , formation of regenerated plantlets , differentiation and reproduction .