
niàn bái
  • spoken parts of a Chinese opera;rap
念白 [niàn bái]
  • [spoken parts of a Chinese opera] 戏曲中的道白

念白[niàn bái]
  1. 京剧有明确的角色分工;在念白上用北京方言;

    In Peking Opera there is a clear division of roles ;

  2. 其念白特征主要表现幽默风趣。

    The characteristic of his monologue is humorous and witty .

  3. 语言:柳腔的语言采用青岛地方方言,唱词和念白,具有口语化和大众化的特点。

    Language : its lyrics and spoken parts have a strong local color with colloquial and popular features .

  4. 最开头的2分半钟没有加什么制作,你几乎可以把它归类为念白。

    The first two and a half minutes have so little production you could almost classify it as spoken-word .

  5. 汉剧的念白之美,表现为她的念白在舞台上的表现俏皮不失稳重,有趣而不显粗俗。

    The beauty of speaking of Han Opera lies in its lively but not frivolous , interesting but not vulgar performance .

  6. 他用一种单调而令人舒服的语气念白,就像日本的棒球手在接受赛前采访,或是相扑运动员讲解他的技法一样。

    He delivers his dialogue in a soothing monotone , like a Japanese baseball player doing a postgame interview or a sumo wrestler explaining his grips .

  7. 第四章通过大量唱段和歌曲的演唱实例来印证笔者在豫剧旦角演唱和民族唱法上在语言、气息、咬字、念白等方面的融合与借鉴。

    The practical cases of arias and songs in the fourth chapter confirm the fusion and reference done by the author in the study of language , breathing , articulation and spoken parts of Dan in Yu opera and national singing art .

  8. 譬如在东北部地区,民歌的最后一段普遍是念白,而不是演唱。这不是某人的个人习惯,也不是因为某个歌手唱歌时换不过气来;

    The practice of speaking the last phrase in a ballad instead of singing it , for instance , which is common in the northeast , is not just an individual habit or the result of the singer running out of breath ;