
niàn zhū
  • beads;rosary
念珠 [niàn zhū]
  • (1) [rosay] ∶祈祷时记数用的念珠串;特指天主教祈祷时记数用的一种念珠

  • (2) [beads]∶佛教徒诵经时用来计算次数的成串的珠子

  • 左臂挂念珠。--明. 魏学洢《核舟记》

  • (3) 又

  • 为念珠各一。

  1. 牧师紧张地拨弄着他的黑色念珠。

    The priest fidgeted nervously with his black rosary beads .

  2. 他后来解释说,缠念珠是为图个好风水。

    He explains later that the beads are for Feng Shui .

  3. 埃斯特拉达从法衣里取出一串念珠,用一只手捻动起来。

    Estrada took a rosary from his tunic and ran the beads through the fingers of one hand

  4. 以普通念珠藻为原料,用水作提取剂,提取得到普通念珠藻多糖复合物N(P)。

    Using Nostoc commune as raw material , polysaccharide complex was extracted by water .

  5. 六个不同品系普通念珠藻SOD活性研究

    A Study of SOD Activity in Six Strains of Nostoc Commune

  6. 发状念珠藻POD和EST同工酶研究

    Research on POD and EST Isozymes in Nostoc flagelliforme

  7. n.珠子;念珠她在脖子上挂了一串绿色的珠子。

    bead She is wearing a string of green beads around her neck .

  8. 干燥保存3年的发状念珠藻体内超氧化物岐化酶(SOD)仍具较高活性,其活力相当于充分恢复活性材料的78%。

    Superoxide dismutase ( SOD ) remained active even after 3 years of drying storage and its activity was 78 % of that in fully recovered samples .

  9. 念珠藻属Nostoc三个种早期发育的初步研究

    A Preliminary Study on the Early & Stage Development of Three Species of Nostoc

  10. UV-B辐射诱导了普通念珠藻中三苯基咪唑类氨基酸(MAAs)的大量合成。

    UV-B radiation induced the synthesis of MAAs ( triphenyl imidazole amino acid ) in N. commune cells .

  11. 结果表明具有耐干燥能力的念珠藻与其他念珠藻科的浮游种类相比,16SRRNA的二级结构具有更低的自由能。

    The results suggest that 16S rRNA secondary structures of the desiccation-tolerant Nostoc strains are more stable than that of planktonic species belonging to Nostocaceae .

  12. 在念珠茵性和滴虫性阴道炎中,BV阳性率分别为21.92%(16/73)、86.67%(13/15)。

    The positive rate of BV among the vaginal candidiasis and Trichomonad vaginitis patients were 21.92 % ( 16 / 73 ) and 86.67 % ( 13 / 15 ), respectively .

  13. 在早期培养阶段,高剂量UV-B辐射降低了普通念珠藻最大光合作用速率、光合作用效率、呼吸作用速率、无机碳饱和的最大光合速率,增大了光饱和点和光补偿点。

    In the early cultural stage , high level UV-B radiation inhibited the maximum photosynthetic rate , photosynthetic efficiency , dark respiration rate , inorganic carbon saturated maximum photosynthetic rate , but increased light saturation point and light compensation point .

  14. 与BG11(-N)相比,在BG11(-N)+小麦处理中,念珠藻中只有9101∶1的异形胞频率与BG11(-N)处理有差异,其异形胞频率为9.47~16.55%。

    However , only was the heterocyst frequency of the 9101 . ' 1 strain in the treatment of wheat and BG11 ( - N ) medium more obviously different than that in BG11 ( - N ) medium . The heterocyst frequency ranged from 9.45 % to 16.55 % .

  15. 念珠劲上挂,恶魔体内藏。

    Beads about his neck and the devil in his body .

  16. 祈祷时计数用的念珠串(特指天主教用的念珠串)。

    Beads used in counting prayers ( especially Catholic rosary ) .

  17. 在住院中发生多次败血症及念珠球菌感染。

    During the hospitalization , recurrent sepsis and candidiasis occurred .

  18. 普通念珠藻多糖复合物对植物生长的促进作用

    Promotion of Polysaccharide Complex from Nostoc commune to Plant Growth

  19. 人们不管上哪儿都会佩带希腊东正教的念珠。

    Everywhere people carry the prayer beads of the Greek Orthodox Church .

  20. 发状念珠藻具有很强的抗逆性,能抵御极端不良环境的胁迫。

    Nostoc flagelliforme has a strong resistance to withstand extremely adverse environment .

  21. 我们重新收集还原了女死者身上的念珠。

    We reassembled the rosary found on the young woman .

  22. 3种念珠藻多糖对自由基的清除作用

    Radical Scavenging Activities of Polysaccharides in Three Nostoc Species

  23. 也许他可以确定这些念珠出自谁手。

    Maybe he 'll be able to determine where this Rosary was made .

  24. 发状念珠藻不同细胞破碎方法的研究

    Comparison of Different Cell Disruption Methods for Nostoc Flagelliforme

  25. 抗生素骨水泥及念珠预防和治疗骨科感染

    Antibiotic - impregnated cement and beads for orthopaedic infections

  26. 68例反复发作性念珠性阴道炎原因探讨与治疗

    The cause survey and treatment of repeated relapsing candidal vaginitis in 68 cases

  27. 艺术经纬:是2003年老栗策划的《念珠与笔触》吗?

    Editor : Is " Beads and brushwork " Lao Li planned in2003 ?

  28. 他从口袋中取出念珠,开始默默祈祷。

    He took rosary beads from his pocket and began to pray silently .

  29. 实际上,用这些种子做成的念珠则更受欢迎。

    In fact , these seeds are especially popular for rosary prayer beads .

  30. 这些一串一串的珠子叫做念珠。

    These strings of beads are called japa malas .