
  • ninja;Shinobi;Ninjago
  1. 近日,重庆三峡大学举办了"手机忍者"活动。

    Recently , Chongqing Three Gorges University has held an activity named " Cell Phone Ninja " .

  2. 《侠盗猎车手》(GrandTheftAuto)与《水果忍者》(FruitNinja)给人的体验也不同。

    So is Grand TheftAuto from Fruit Ninja .

  3. 我们第一个试验品是《水果忍者》(FruitNinja),这是一款切割水果的休闲游戏。

    Our first dive was fruit ninja , the casual game where users slice-and-dice fruit .

  4. 操作指南:左右键控制主角移动,上键跳跃,空格格档W键发射忍者镖。

    Control it control there aren 't protagonist key , at jump key , last stoic dartlike weapon Gege shelf W keys empty .

  5. 美泰对《水果忍者》(FruitNinja)等其他流行应用游戏中的角色也如法炮制。

    Mattel has made the same figures out of characters from other popular app games such as fruit ninja .

  6. NiP睡衣忍者的非常态生活

    NiP the unusual lifestyle of Ninjas In Pyjamas

  7. 所以当我成了脆弱TED,像个玩具公仔,比如忍者芭比,只不过我叫脆弱TED。

    So when I became Vulnerability TED , like an action figure -- Like Ninja Barbie , but I 'm Vulnerability TED

  8. 对个人来说,我其实更喜欢西班牙版的名字,叫做“TortugasNinja”(《忍者神龟》的西班牙版名字)。

    I personally preferred the Spanish version , which was " Tortugas Ninja . "

  9. 可别跟忍者神龟弄混了,RobotTurtles是棋盘游戏和电子书的综合体,能教3-8岁的孩子学习基础编程知识。

    Not to be confused with the teenage mutants , Robot Turtles is a board game and ebook that teaches the fundamentals of programming to kids aged 3 - 8 .

  10. 两个6岁的女孩甚至学会了在淘宝上购物,而另一个4岁的孩子用iPad来看动画、玩水果忍者或下载其他游戏。

    Two six-year-old girls had even learnt to shop on taobao . com , while another four-year-old used iPad to watch animation , play Fruit Ninja or download other games .

  11. 在微软赞助的一项全国性竞赛中,Xight视线追踪系统在水果忍者游戏中的动作甚至比空手道中的挥拳动作还要迅速,Xbox专家们在得知该消息后兴奋不已。

    Xbox experts were excited to learn that Xight was even quicker than hand-waving karate moves when playing Fruit Ninja at a national competition sponsored by Microsoft .

  12. 我是SCVNGR公司的首席忍者。

    I 'm the chief ninja of SCVNGR .

  13. 我有自己的梦,称不上远大理想,说不定就当一名忍者武士(Ninjawarrior),或者象加乌乔牧人(gaucho)驰骋阿根廷大草原也行。

    It was not a tall order , as dreams go , but I might just as well have asked to be a Ninja warrior or a gaucho from the Argentine pampas .

  14. 汇丰案件使人们重燃希望:打击有组织犯罪可以借助为电子表格殚精竭虑的“忍者会计师”获胜正如因被控逃税而入狱的阿尔卡彭(a.capone)的遭遇那样。

    The HSBC case has renewed hopes that the fight against organised crime can be won using " Ninja accountants " who will drain its lifeblood with spreadsheets as happened to Al Capone , who was imprisoned on tax evasion charges .

  15. 这些女忍者被称为“kunoichi”,她们每一个都会习惯性地带上指环,朝向掌心方向穿戴并且淬以毒药,因此,她们能迅速地给敌人以致命的一击。

    They were favored by female ninjas , called kunoichi , for whom it was natural to wear rings . Worn inward and tipped with poison , they could use their kakute for quick , fatal attacks .

  16. 他们以文艺复兴时期的大师命名,并被训练成为忍者。

    Named after the great Renaissance masters and trained as ninjas .

  17. 那一定是伊贺忍者另外一个孩子。

    He must be the other child of the LGA ninja .

  18. 我不能拿我的一辈子冒险的赌在'忍者刺客'。

    I am not risking my whole life on the'Ninja Assassin .

  19. 女忍者们喜欢一种名为猫爪的金属指甲钉。

    Metal fingernails called neko-te were a favorite among female ninjas .

  20. 刚才教的“忍者术”你都明白了几成?

    Which part of " ninja-like " do you not understand ?

  21. 我们的天诛小忍者再次回归了!

    Our days detractors once again return to the small ninjas !

  22. 忍者神龟头像的纸杯蛋糕。

    Cupcakes shaped like the heads of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles .

  23. 记得我们小时候看的连播卡通《忍者神龟》吗?

    Do you remember the Ninjie Turtles we watched as kids ?

  24. 他们喜爱比萨并且了解忍者精神的精髓。

    They adore a pizza and know secrets of the ninjia .

  25. 全球唯一一家由日本忍者做服务员的餐厅。

    The only restaurant in the world where Ninjas serve you .

  26. 当查克诺里斯杀死忍者,他使用的每一个部分。

    When Chuck Norris kills a ninja , he uses every part .

  27. 我是忍者老师,巨蟹座女生。

    My name is Teacher Ninja and my star sign is Cancer .

  28. 最好中的最好,不败的忍者。

    The best of the best , undefeated ninja champs ?

  29. 禁止播放声音时,忍者振作运动装备。

    Disable player movement sounds when Ninja perk is equipped .

  30. 机械忍者:头领,我们在附近巡视过了。

    Ninjaroid : we have secured the perimeter , sir .