
  • 网络autobahn;German autobahn
  1. 这些工程师中有许多人也研究和参观过当时正在建造的规模庞大得多的德国高速公路(Autobahn)。

    Many of those same engineers had also studied and visited the much larger Autobahn system that was being constructed in Germany .

  2. 从牟罗兹到卡尔斯鲁厄的法国高速公路不收费是个例外,因为它是在与河右岸免费的德国高速公路竞争。

    The French autoroute from Mulhouse to Karlsruhe is , exceptionally , free because it competes with the untolled German autobahn on the right bank .

  3. 介绍了考察德国高速公路养护管理技术的情况,如对公路养护中各种规模的设备配置、养护、管理经验等作了详细介绍,对德国高速公路的先进性进行了分析并提出了几点建议。

    The paper introduces the conditions of maintenance management technology of investigation on German freeway , analyzes the advancement of German freeway and proposes some advice .

  4. Q7还在偏僻蜿蜒的乡间小道上、在德国的高速公路和拥挤的交通堵塞的市区进行了测试。

    The Q7 is also being put through its paces on lonely , winding country roads , on autobahns and in the midst of heavy city traffic in congested urban areas .

  5. 我太习惯于开在德国的高速公路上了。

    I am so used to driving on the autobahn .

  6. 为了控制或限制发动机转速或行驶车速,发动机上装有限速器。德国的高速公路上没有时速限制。

    A governor is added to an engine to control or limit engine speed or road speed . There is no speed limit on German motorway .

  7. 咪咪:令人惊艳的是我在佛罗里达州南部这儿、你在德国的高速公路上、史蒂夫人在温哥华、还有人在洛杉矶,我听说。

    Mimi : It 's amazing how I 'm here in South Florida , and your there in Germany on the autobahn , Steve 's in Vancouver and somebody is in LA , I hear .

  8. 在汽车风靡的德国没有限速的高速公路、宝马(bmw)和梅塞德斯-奔驰(mercedes-benz)的故乡老一辈人仍将汽车描述为自己生活不可或缺的消费品。

    In car-mad Germany the land of speed-limitless autobahns , BMW and Mercedes-Benz older generations still describe the automobile as the one consumer good they cannot live without .