
wēi ruǎn
  • Microsoft;Microsoft Office
  1. 我怎样在只安装了Works软件的电脑上读取微软的Excel文件呢?

    How can I read a Microsoft Excel file on a computer that only has Works installed ?

  2. 已经对这些新系统进行了优化设置,以便运行微软视窗。

    The new systems have been optimised for running Microsoft Windows .

  3. 每个人都希望这些高科技公司能成为未来的微软。目前它们看上去更像是投机泡沫的中心。

    Everyone is hoping that these hi-tech companies will turn out to be the Microsofts of the future . At the moment they look more like the focus of a speculative bubble

  4. 不仅如此,这款手表还支持很多平台,如苹果的iOS系统,谷歌的安卓系统,还有微软的Windowsphone系统。

    Not only that , it supports a number of platforms : Apple 's iOS , Google 's Android and Microsoft 's Windows phone .

  5. 2013年底,诺基亚已将手机业务出售给了微软。

    By the end of 2013 , Nokia had sold its phone business to Microsoft .

  6. 几年前,在微软研究社交网络动态的瓦茨也曾在巴黎另一家博物馆经历过与克廷相似的体验。

    A few years ago , Watts , who is employed by Microsoft to study the dynamics of social networks , had a similar experience to Cutting ‘ s in another Paris museum .

  7. 不仅如此,苹果以及包括谷歌、脸谱网、推特和微软在内的其他公司都以不同的方式,把反对政府的主张作为企业的骄傲。

    More than that , Apple - and , in different ways , other tech companies , including Google , Facebook , Twitter and Microsoft - have made their opposition to the government 's claims a point of corporate pride .

  8. 在阿尔法狗围棋取胜的同时,微软的‘聊天机器人’的表现却不尽如人意。

    About the same time as AlphaGo 's triumph , Microsoft 's ‘ chatbot ' took a bad turn .

  9. 当她开始为希特勒说好话时,微软公司将她关闭,并删除了最丑恶的留言。

    When she started saying nice things about Hitler , Microsoft turned her off and deleted her ugliest messages .

  10. 最有价值的公司是谷歌、亚马逊、Facebook和微软。

    The most valuable firms are Google , Amazon , Facebook and Microsoft .

  11. 事实上,世界各地的技术公司,如IBM、西门子和微软等,都已经开始涉足这项业务。

    In   fact ,   technology   companies   around   the world   such   as   IBM ,   Siemens   and   Microsoft   are   already   in   the   business .

  12. 谷歌和微软等大型互联网公司拥有数千台电脑。

    Large Internet companiessuch as Google and Microsoft have thousands of computers .

  13. 一个失业的人想应聘微软公司的“办公室勤杂工”岗位。

    A jobless man wanted to applyfor the position of " office boy " at Microsoft .

  14. 那人想了一会儿,回答说:"微软的一个办公室勤务员!"

    The man thought for a while , and replied , " an office boy at Microsoft ! "

  15. 结果就是,微软研发出了一款全新的浏览器,并于2015年推出了Edge。

    Instead , Microsoft developed a whole new browser , releasing Edge in 2015 .

  16. 微软承认,IE不是理想的网络浏览器。

    Microsoft acknowledges that IE isn 't ideal for web browsing .

  17. 2020年8月,微软自己的产品开始弃用IE浏览器。

    In August 2020 , Microsoft turned its back on IE for its own products .

  18. 微软(Microsoft)和推特(Twitter)等其它科技巨头也表示,员工即使在封锁解除后也可以继续远程工作。

    Other tech giants such as Microsoft and Twitter have also indicated staff could stay remote – even after lockdowns ease .

  19. 作为协议的一部分,小米将在安卓智能手机和平板电脑上预装微软Office和Skype。

    As part of the agreement , Xiaomi will ship Microsoft Office and Skype on Xiaomi Android smartphones and tablets .

  20. 微软最新版本的Edge浏览器支持和IE兼容的网络应用程序,这样用户就不必在不同的浏览器之间切换。

    Microsoft 's latest version of the Edge browser supports web apps built for IE so customers don 't have to keep switching between browsers .

  21. 这就是为什么过去五年来微软一直在试图让IE浏览器退休,但是没有成功。

    That 's why , for the past five years , Microsoft has been trying — unsuccessfully — to kill Internet Explorer .

  22. 去年秋天微软职场聊天软件Teams不再和IE浏览器兼容,明年仲夏起包括Office在内的微软365个应用也将不再支持IE浏览器。

    Workplace chat software Teams stopped working with IE last fall , and its 365 apps ( including Office ) will no longer work on IE by mid-summer 2021 .

  23. 在微软终止对IE的支持后,尚不清楚微软是否会停止在Windows个人电脑上默认安装IE浏览器,不过可能性比较大。

    It 's unclear if Microsoft will stop installing IE on Windows PCs by default once the company discontinues support for IE , although that would be likely .

  24. 微软基于谷歌Chrome开源代码的现代浏览器Edge近年来的受欢迎程度已经远超IE。

    Edge , Microsoft 's modern browser , is based on Google 's open source Chrome code , and has gained much more traction than IE in recent years .

  25. 微软的IE工程师曾在2014年承认,微软正在考虑更改浏览器的名字,以“摆脱人们对IE的负面印象”。

    Microsoft 's Internet Explorer engineers acknowledged in 2014 that the company was considering a name change to " separate ourselves from negative perceptions " about the browser .

  26. 2011年,试图复兴IE的微软终于推出了一款现代浏览器IE9。

    The company tried to revitalize IE : With Internet Explorer 9 in 2011 , Microsoft finally released a modern browser .

  27. 在这份“死亡声明”中,微软表示,IE浏览器速度太慢,已经不适用也不兼容于许多现代网络任务,也远不如现代浏览器安全。

    In its death announcement , Microsoft said Internet Explorer is slow , no longer practical for or compatible with many modern web tasks , and is far less secure than modern browsers .

  28. 微软亲手为火狐和谷歌浏览器超越自己铺平了道路。

    Microsoft paved the way for Firefox and then Chrome to surpass it .

  29. 微软与小米拓展其全球伙伴关系,在移动设备上提供创新用户体验。

    Microsoft Corp. and Xiaomi Inc. have expanded their global partnership1 to provide innovative2 user experiences on mobile devices .

  30. 微软研究人员近日进行一项人们对健康相关网络搜索的调查,结果发现近40%的人在搜索症状后比未搜索前要更加忧虑。

    A study by researchers at Microsoft analyzed masses of health-related Internet searches and found that nearly 40 percent of people experience greater anxiety after researching their symptoms than they did at the outset .