
  • 网络Smile Mom;Smile MUM;smile mam
  1. 有张是在我父母新婚之夜拍的,爸爸穿着黑色的套装,朝气蓬勃,脸带微笑的妈妈穿着白色衣服,宛如公主。

    There was a picture of my parents ' wedding night , Baba dashing in his black suit and my mother a smiling young princess in white .

  2. 每次拿起电话都要自己对着电话哭上半天才开始拨号,然后面带微笑的告诉妈妈国外是如何的好,生活是多么的愉快。

    I cried hard and long every time before I picked up the phone and called my home , and then told my mom that I had a good time and how pleasant it is to live in a foreign country .

  3. 孩子们一边微笑,一边帮妈妈挑水果。

    The kids were smiling while helping their mom pick the fruits out .