
  • 网络Microbial fermentation;microbiology fermentation
  1. 微生物发酵产辅酶Q(10)的高速逆流色谱法分离纯化

    Separation and Purification of Coenzyme Q_ ( 10 ) from Microbial Fermentation by High-speed Counter-Current Chromatography

  2. 微生物发酵牛肉干的pH值低,是低酸发酵制品,增加了产品的安全性。

    Microbial fermentation of beef jerky is low-acid fermented products as the low ph value , which increase of product safety .

  3. 维生素B(12)广泛应用于医药和食品工业,主要由微生物发酵得到。

    Vitamin B_ ( 12 ) is widely used in medicine and food additive , which is produced mainly by fermentation .

  4. 微生物发酵过程DCS工控软件的设计

    Design on Industry Control Software of Microbe Ferment Process DCS

  5. 微生物发酵液中生物素含量的ELISA测定

    ELISA determination of biotin in fermentation liquid

  6. 基于SVM的微生物发酵过程软测量建模研究

    Soft sensor modeling using SVM in fermentation process

  7. 微生物发酵法生产EPA及DHA的研究进展

    New development in production of DHA and EPA by microorganism fermentation

  8. 针对微生物发酵过程,使用多目标遗传算法(multi-ObjectiveGeneticAlgorithm,MOGA)确定最优参数。

    Multi-objective genetic algorithm ( MOGA ) is used to determine the optimal parameters of the microbial fermentation process .

  9. 微生物发酵法制备乳源性ACE抑制肽的研究新进展

    Development on milk-derived angiotensin I-converting enzyme ( ACE ) inhibitory peptides fermented by microorganisms

  10. 采油微生物发酵液中有机酸(醇)的GC-MS分析

    GC-MS analysis on the organic acid ( alclhol ) in the microbial fermentative liquid

  11. 为进一步利用微生物发酵法生产HA,提高HA产量及分子量打下了基础。

    And also could provide basis for further producing of hyaluronic acid in a high molecular weigh and output by fermentation .

  12. 利用微生物发酵生产DHA仍处于实验室阶段。

    Laboratory experiments are also conducted to produce DHA using the fermentation of microorganism .

  13. 以提高间歇式微生物发酵的产品得率为目标,利用BP神经网络和本文提出的傅立叶神经网络,提出发酵过程的发酵时间模型和最优发酵温度模型;

    Using BP neural networks and the Fourier neural networks which was proposed in this paper , the fermentation time model and the optimization fermentation temperature model is proposed .

  14. 着重综述了维生素K的生产工艺。探讨了化学合成法生产维生素K的废液的治理途径,论证了微生物发酵法生产维生素K的可行性。

    Its production technology was reviewed emphatically , the treatments of wastewater were discussed , and the new idea of vitamin K production by microbial fermentation was brought forward too .

  15. SAM可以由化学合成、体外酶促合成或经微生物发酵三种途径得到,而通过微生物发酵,再从中提取精制SAM是目前其工业化生产的主要途径。

    There are three ways to produce SAM , including chemical synthesis , microbial fermentation and enzymatic synthesis , and microbial fermentation is the main way .

  16. 无ISP的0%处理组由于缺乏可利用N源,微生物发酵程度很弱,而且发酵模式发生了改变。

    Because of the deficency of available N source , the fermentation of 0 % ISP treatment was much poor , and the fermentation pattern was different from others .

  17. 采用连续培养系统的4个发酵罐进行3次连续培养试验,研究瘤胃稀释率(DR,下同)对于瘤胃微生物发酵和微生物生长效率的影响。

    A study was conducted using a single effluent continuous culture system to investigate the effect of dilution rate ( DR ) on rumen microbial fermentation and microbial growth efficiency .

  18. 微生物发酵生产的TG酶在生理学上的地位还不太清楚,不过,其在食品加工和蛋白质改性方面的应用逐渐得到人们的重视。

    Although the physiological role of this bacterial transglutaminase is still unknown , the enzyme has been pay more attention in fields of food application and protein modification .

  19. SVM建立微生物发酵过程的预估模型,RGA以此模型为适应度函数计算最优控制模式。

    SVM establishes the prediction model for the microbial process , and RGA taking the model as fitness function calculates the optimal control pattern .

  20. 微生物发酵法生产辅酶Q10具有产物活性高、原料成本低等优点,成为当前研究与开发的热点。

    Coenzyme Q10 produced by microbial fermentation has the advantages of high product activation and low raw material cost .

  21. 如今的兴趣主要是集中在利用微生物发酵法合成1,3-丙二醇,其中以克雷伯氏菌(klebsiellapneumoniae)为代表。

    The current focus of research is on the conversion of 1,3-propanediol by microbial fermentation using a variety of bacteria , in particular , Klebsiella pneumoniae .

  22. greenbiologics成立于2004年,已研发出微生物发酵技术,让废弃物和农业副产品得以转化为高价值的化工产品和燃料。

    Green biologics , which was founded in 2004 , has developed microbial fermentation technology that enables waste and agricultural by-products to be turned into high-value chemicals and fuels .

  23. 目的:研究出一条可用于微生物发酵法生产HA的完整的下游分离工艺路线及其技术参数,使发酵的HA产品达到化妆品级HA的质量标准。

    Purpose : Designing a set of downstream extracting craft and technical parameters that can be used in commercial production . Making the HA product reach the quality requirements of cosmetic grade HA .

  24. 用微生物发酵法来生产透明质酸(HA)、聚羟基脂肪酸酯(PHAs)等产品具有极大的优越性。

    Introduce that it has great advantage to use microbiological fermentation process to produce transparent hyaluronic acid ( HA ) and polycarboxylate ( PHAs ) products etc.

  25. 微生物发酵法制取γ-亚麻酸(GLA)和用于防治心脑血管疾病的研究

    Research on Making γ - Linolenic Acid ( GLA ) by Animalcule Zymotechnics and Using GLA to Prevent and Treat Cardiovascular & Cerebrovascular Diseases

  26. 利用微生物发酵生产1,3-丙二醇(1,3-PD)已经成为近年来生物领域研究的热点之一,但固定化微生物在这一方面的应用很少。

    Microbial production of 1,3-propanediol ( 1,3-PD ) has been among the most remarkable research focuses in the realm of biology .

  27. 维生素B12是我国重要的微生物发酵产品之一,广泛应用于医药、食品和畜牧业,其生产主要通过微生物发酵得到。

    Cobalamin is one of important productions that is fermented in china . It is widely used in medicine and food industry . It is producted mainly by fermentation .

  28. 抗性淀粉(ResistantStarch,RS)又称为抗酶性淀粉和抗消化淀粉,是指在小肠里能抵抗酶的水解而不被消化,但在结肠内能被微生物发酵的那部分淀粉。

    Resistant starch ( RS ), known as enzyme-resistant starch or digestion-resistant starch , is defined as starch product that can resist enzyme hydrolysis and not be digested in the small intestine , but can be fermented in the large bowel by the microflora .

  29. 用VC++6.0开发出的微生物发酵过程集散控制系统(DCS)软件由5大功能模块即5个线程组成:主线程、采样线程、控制线程、报警线程和储存线程。

    The industry control software of microbe ferment process DCS has been studied . The system software with VC + + 6.0 is made up of five threads , which includes major thread , sampling thread , control thread and storage thread .

  30. 利用产朊假丝酵母1087和热带假丝酵母1254,进行微生物发酵生产蛋白,探讨其对酒糟废液中COD去除率的影响,并进行复合酶和糖化酶在发酵中的作用进行了比较。

    Using Candida utilis 1087 and Candida tropicalis 1254 , the microbial fermentation of protein was produced , and its lees liquid in the removal of COD was explore , also with the compare of enzymes and glucoamylase complex role in the fermentation .