
  1. APPLE-II在微波固态源频率自动测量中的应用

    The Application of APPLE - ⅱ Computer in Frequency Measurements of Microwave Solid State Source

  2. 高超噪比微波固态噪声源设计

    Design of Microwave Solid-state Noise Source with High Exceed Noise Ratio

  3. 然后就本课题所涉及到的内容简要介绍了一些微波固态频率源方面的知识。

    And then some contents about Microwave Solid-State Source which is related to the subject are introduced .

  4. 低相噪微波固态频率源是现代民用、军用通信系统的关键部件之一,对该技术的研究具有重要意义。

    Microwave solid state source with low phase noise is one of the key parts in modern communication systems . So it is necessary and important for us to study it .

  5. 100W微波等离子推力器固态源研制

    Development on solid source of 100 W microwave plasma thruster