
wēi rǔ zhuànɡ yè
  • Microemulsion;micro emulsion
  1. 微乳状液中CdS超微粒制备与光学特性研究

    Preparation of CdS Ultrafine Particles and Study of Their Optical Properties

  2. 多元醇对于O/W型微乳状液的影响

    The effect of polyhydric alcohols on o ╱ w type microemulsion

  3. 十二烷基磺酸钠微乳状液结构转变的电化学研究

    Electrochemical study on structural conversion of sodium dodecyl sulfonate microemulsion

  4. 微乳状液及其在金属加工用油中的应用

    Microemulsion and Its Application in Metal Working Fluid

  5. 掺水汽油微乳状液的加溶和相平衡

    Solubilization and Phase Equilibria of Water-in-gasoline Microemulsions

  6. 掺水汽油微乳状液的生成和应用

    Formation and application of water-in-gasoline Microemulsions

  7. AOT-正庚烷微乳状液的制备及迁移痕量金属离子的研究

    Studies on the Preparation of AOT-n-Heptane Microemulsion and Transport of Metal Ions Through the Microemulsion System

  8. 适用于痕量金属离子迁移的微乳状液的制备及其迁移条件

    Preparation of Microemulsion Applied to the Transport of Trace Metal Ions and Transport Condition of Metal Ions

  9. 醇对微乳状液形成的影响

    Microemulsion forming of alcohols

  10. 萃取过程的量热研究Ⅱ.微乳状液形成的滴水量热曲线

    Investigation of Extraction Process by Titration Calorimetry ⅱ . Study on Formation Process of Microemulsion by Thermogram of Titration of Water

  11. 研究了长链醇的存在与含量对生成微乳状液的影响。

    The effect of the presence and content of the long-chain alcohol on the formation of microemulsion has also been studied .

  12. W/O型微乳状液迁移和富集痕量金属离子Cd~(2+)、Cr~(3+)的研究

    Studies on the Transport and Enrichment of Trace Metal Ions Cd 2 + and Cr 3 + by W / O Microemulsion

  13. 同时还用掺水汽油微乳状液进行汽车道路行车试验,并取得了节油约10%的好结果。

    Furthermore , the road tests indicate that , as a motor fuel , the water-in-gasoline microemulsions reduces the fuel consumption by more than 10 % .

  14. 它与疏水助乳化剂组合时能形成微乳状液,可用作调理香波和泡沫浴剂的基料。

    In combination with hydrophobic coemulsifier , APGs are capable of forming microemulsions which may be used as a base for conditioning shampoos or foam baths .

  15. 本文介绍了关于微乳状液研究的发展历程、体系类型、形成机理、表征方法以及研究手段等一系列基础理论。

    Some basic theoretics such as the development , classification , mechanism , description methods and the investigation means of microemulsion ( ME ) are introduced in the paper .

  16. 根据实验现象及计算结果,提出了一种多组分界面相物理模型并探讨了表面活性物质在油水界面上的相互作用规律,为乳状液、微乳状液等研究提供了有益的信息。

    Based on the experimental phenomena and calculated results , a physical model for the interface phase is suggested , the interaction among the surface active substances in the interface phase is also discussed and a lot of useful information are applied to the researches of emulsion , microemulsion etc.

  17. BNS微乳状切削液主要由复合型乳化剂、复合硼酸酯、防锈络合物等组成。

    BNS micro-emulsive cutting fluid consists mainly of the compound emulsifier and the compound borate as well as rust inhibitors .

  18. 煤油&海水微乳(状液)形成的相图研究

    Study on the phase diagram formed microemulsions with kerosene seawater