
  • 网络Revolving loan;Revolving Credit
  1. 福布斯传媒公司已经造成了价值约9000万美元的循环贷款技术违约。

    The company went into technical default on some $ 90 million worth of revolving credit .

  2. 福布斯传媒还启动了循环贷款,到2010年,贷款额已达9000万美元。

    Forbes media also opened up a revolving line of credit , which by 2010 was about $ 90 million .

  3. 按照所附的中国货币(民币)款协议,拨出一个自动展期的人民币短期循环贷款去偿还现有的贷款。

    Drawdown a RMB Short Term Revolving Loan to repay the existing loan as per the attached CNY Loan Agreement .

  4. 本文在远期鞅测度下,应用信用风险结构模型对循环贷款价格的解析计算进行研究。

    Using forward martingale methods , this paper analytically studies the pricing revolver loan in the framework of credit structural model .

  5. 一个面向小企业的循环贷款基金,可以向经检验可靠的企业提供资金,帮助重启增长引擎。

    A revolving loan fund for small businesses could provide money to proven enterprises , to help restart the engines of growth .

  6. 该公司还表示,等公司的循环贷款2012年7月6日到期时,公司有信心能募集到资金,还上这笔贷款。

    And it says the company is confident that it will be able to refinance its revolving line of credit when it comes due on July 6 , 2012 .

  7. 在分析循环贷款和简化模型主要特征的基础上,提出了应用简化模型解决循环贷款定价问题的建模思想。

    Based on analyzing the main characters of the revolver loan and reduced form models , the modeling idea about pricing the revolver loan is presented by applying reduced form model .

  8. 刚起步的事业常受益于财务、原料、或人力资源的协助,而扶轮社员也有重要的工具助他们提供协助:循环贷款基金,又称为小额信贷。

    Businesses starting out can often benefit from financial , material , or human resource assistance , and Rotarians have an important tool to help them offer assistance : revolving loan funds , also known as microcredit .

  9. 阿里金融的贷款模式正是基于电子商务的循环贷款,本文对其发展模式进行研究,分析其循环贷款模式的运行状况,及其对降低贷款交易费用发挥的作用。

    Ali financial loan mode based on electronic commerce revolving loan , studied in this paper , its development model , the analysis of the operation condition of the revolving loan pattern , and its loan transaction cost saving .

  10. 在房贷和车贷之后,作为既是日常生活消费的支付工具,也是非计划性(non-target)循环贷款的信用卡业务,从2003年开始就吸引了各中外商业银行的眼球。

    Being the instrument of payment in daily consume and the non-target revolving loan , the business of credit card , since 2003 , has attracted the attention of commercial banks at home and abroad following loans of motors and houses .

  11. 通过在鞅测度下计算贷款收入和成本支出的现金流,建立了盈亏平衡条件下定价模型的框架,推导出了循环贷款的定价公式,解释了模型在不同假设下的经济含义。

    Through calculating the income and cost flows under the martingale measures , the framework of a " break-even " pricing model is established , the mathematic formula of pricing a revolver loan is deduced , and the economic explanations of the model under various assumptions are given .

  12. 身陷困境的美国电信公司SprintNextel,最近用拟于2010年到期的45亿美元的贷款协议取代了原先60亿美元的循环融资贷款。

    Sprint Nextel , a troubled American telecoms company , recently replaced a $ 6 billion revolving credit facility with a $ 4.5 billion loan agreement due in2010 .

  13. 另一方面,丧失抵押品赎回权的成本,意味着对于这类陷入死亡循环的房产,贷款方也无意在挽回其价值方面进行任何尝试。

    Meanwhile , the costs of foreclosure mean lenders have little incentive to try to recover any value from a house in this kind of death spiral .

  14. 企业家再也不能依靠金融工程使用某种债务来为自己的项目融资,无论这种债务是保理、租约、循环信贷、定期贷款,还是什么诸如此类的东西。

    Entrepreneurs can no longer rely on financial engineering using debt of some description , be it factoring , leasing , revolving credit , term loans or what have you to fund their projects .