
xún huán mǎ
  • cyclic code;reflected code;chain code
  1. 应用这种方法可以求得任意GF(2)上循环码的单位元。

    The identity element of arbitrary cyclic code over GF ( 2 ) can be found out by use of this method .

  2. 并对循环码的编码方法、帧内第1比特的具体描述、CRC的帧定位以及利用比特误码监测等进行了论述。

    Discussions are focused on the coding method of cyclic code , the concret situation of CRC in the first bit of a frame , the frame location of CRC and the monitoring of bit-error and mode .

  3. 循环码比Gold优选组灵活。

    Cyclic codes are more flexible than Gold optimum seeking sets .

  4. 环F2+uF2上的循环码和二次剩余码

    Cyclic Codes and Quadratic Residue Codes over Ring F_2 + uF_2

  5. 多探头K分割编码结构及循环码编码器研究

    Research on Multi-probe K-partitioning Encoding Structure and an Encoder of Binary Cyclic Code

  6. 环F2+uF2循环码及其二元象

    Cyclic codes over F_2 + uF_2 and their binary images

  7. 环F2+uF2上长为2~e循环码的Gray象

    Gray Images of Cyclic Codes over F_2 + uF_2 of Length 2 ~ e

  8. 环Z4上线性循环码的深度谱

    On the Depth Spectrums of Linear Cyclic Codes on Ring Z_4

  9. 最后,证明了码C是环Zp[u]/(um-1)上一个循环码的充分必要条件为它的Gray映射下的像是一个准循环码。

    A necessary and sufficient condition for the Gray image of quasi-cyclic code to be cyclic is given .

  10. 长为2~e的Z4~-线性循环码的Gray映射象

    Gray Images in Z_4 ~ - Linear Cyclic Codes of Length 2 ~ e

  11. 环F2+uF2上长为2~e的(1+u)-循环码

    ( 1 + u ) - Cyclic Codes of Length 2 ~ e over F_2 + uF_2

  12. 在Turbo码数据帧中插入循环码实现纠错

    Correcting Errors in the Data Frame of Turbo Code Using Cyclic Code

  13. 二是由Z4-负循环码在Gray映射下的象构造出具有优良关连性质的二元周期序列族。

    Second , binary periodic sequences with good correlation properties from negacyclic Z_4 ~ code via Gray map are constructed .

  14. 长度为4p~n的极小循环码

    Minimal Cyclic Codes of Length 4p ~ n

  15. Fq上长度为p由go(x)生成的循环码称为三次剩余码。

    The cyclic code of length p over F q with generator g 0 ( x ) is called cubic residue code .

  16. 采用可编程逻辑器件PLD实现循环码计数器的设计

    The Design of Cyclic Code Counter to Be Realized by PLD

  17. (2λ-1,2λ+1)循环码能比相应的Gold优选组获得两倍的地址数;

    A ( 2 λ - 1 , 2 λ + 1 ) cyclic code can . get twice address number as a Gold optimum seeking sets ;

  18. 此外,本文还研究了Z(2~(k+1))上一类循环码。

    Moreover , we also study a family of Z_ ( 2 ~ ( k + 1 )) cyclic codes .

  19. 提出了一种k变量(k≥6)时卡诺图的制作方法,并把它应用到书写二进制多位循环码中。

    A variable k ( k 6 ), the Karnaugh map method of making and apply it to writing a number of cyclic binary code .

  20. 基于VHDL语言的循环码编译码系统的设计

    Design of cyclic code based on VHDL

  21. 本文定义的(2~λ-1,2λ)循环码具有和Gold优选组相当的相关性能和相同的地址数目。

    A ( 2 λ - 1,2 λ) cyclic code defined in this paper has equivalent correlative property and same address number with a Gold optimum seeking sets .

  22. 最后研究了环Z4上2~S长的循环码的汉明距离和Lee距离。

    Finally , the Hamming distance and Lee distance of cyclic codes of length 2 ~ s over ring Z_4 are studied .

  23. 基于预均衡的正交循环码M元MC-CDMA系统研究

    The study of M-ary MC-CDMA systems based on orthogonal cyclic codes & pre-equalization

  24. 关于Hamming码与循环码的一点注记

    A note about Hamming codes and cyclic codes

  25. 提出了一种适用于TDD上行链路的基于预均衡和正交循环码的M元MC-CDMA系统。

    A novel M-ary MC-CDMA system in uplink TDD mode is proposed based on orthogonal cyclic codes and pre-equalization .

  26. 捕错译码是传码率满足R<1/t的循环码译码最简单的方式,其中t是所能纠错误数的最大值,R是传码率。

    The error-trapping decoder is the simplest way of decoding cyclic codes satisfying R < 1 / t , where t is the maximum number of errors to be corrected and R the code rate .

  27. 循环码的极小距离大于或等于其BCH界。

    It is well known that the minimum distance of a cyclic code is lower bounded by the BCH bound .

  28. 第3章为本文的主体部分,给出了关于环Z4上的K-循环码,循环码和准循环码的二进制像的性质的一些结果。

    The last chapter is the main part of this paper , and we put forward some results on the binary image of K-cyclic code , cyclic code and quasi-cyclic code over Z_4 .

  29. 本文讨论了适用于MCS-51单片机进行处理的BCH(7.4)循环码的编码、译码方案及程序实现方法。

    This paper discusses the encoding and decoding methods and the pro-gramming implementation of BCH ( 7,4 ) for MCS 51 single chip computers .

  30. i-循环码的极小Mannheim距离

    Minimal Mannheim distance of I cyclic codes