
  • 网络Otaku;otakus
  1. 本地的御宅族和日本的有什么不同?

    Is there any difference in the local and Japanese otaku ?

  2. 御宅族是一个日本词汇,它指的是沉迷于某样事物的人。

    Otaku is a Japanese word meaning obsessive fan of anything .

  3. 你认为御宅族的定义是什么?

    What is the definition of Otaku ?

  4. 你觉得自己算是御宅族的一分子吗?

    Do you consider yourself an otaku ?

  5. 近来,在御宅族在B型动画大幅增加,有针对性。

    Recently there has been a huge increase in anime targeted at Type B otaku .

  6. 然而,他们作出更好的客户更挑剔,比A型御宅族。

    However , they make much better customers than the more discerning Type A otaku .

  7. 也有女御宅族。

    There are also female otaku .

  8. 有些人会因为喜欢长时间呆在家,而把自己“误认”为御宅族?

    Would people who stay at home for long periods of time mistake themselves for otaku ?

  9. 事实上,日本不少人厌恶御宅族和御宅族文化。

    In fact , there has been some negativity towards otaku and otaku culture in Japan .

  10. 御宅族在漫画领域最有影响的是同人志。

    The area where otaku have the most influence in manga tends to be with dojinshi .

  11. 因此御宅族亚文化对日本主流动画产业有巨大影响。

    Because of this the otaku subculture has much influence over the mainstream anime industry in Japan .

  12. 虽然御宅族大部分时间待在家里,但是他们很少和家人交流。

    Although they spend most of their time at home , they rarely communicate with their family .

  13. 这部片跟随着主角久保(一个沉溺于御宅族世界的普通大学生)的生活。

    It follows the life of Kubo , a regular college student who gets drawn into the world of otaku .

  14. 在现代日本俚语里,御宅族指的是任意特定主题、话题或嗜好的爱好者。

    In modern Japanese slang , the term otaku refers to a fan of any particular theme , topic , or hobby .

  15. 如果在西方有人被称为御宅族,那这个人是因为对于嗜好鞠躬尽瘁而受到同好者的景仰。

    If someone in the West is called an otaku , then that person is admired by his peers for being so devoted to the hobby .

  16. 在“宅”这个问题上,近年来“偶像御宅族”自称Wota,以区别于传统御宅族。

    On the matter , in recent years " idol otaku " are naming themselves simply as Wota as a way to differentiate from traditional otaku .

  17. 其话剧成为日本另一个热门话题,而其小说、电影和电视连续剧极大地关注了御宅族文化。

    The drama has become another hot topic in Japan , and the novel , film and television series give a closer look into the otaku culture .

  18. 最先起源日本,据说弹幕传到中国都是动漫爱好者的功劳,通常被看作是御宅族文化的一种。

    Originally from Japan , bullet subtitles are said to have come to China thanks to anime lovers and followers of what would commonly be considered otaku culture .

  19. “御宅族”以迷恋漫画和电子游戏而著称,他们的标准行头是竞赛服、旅行背包和墨镜,所以极易辨认。

    They 're known for their devotion to comics and computer games and can easily be identified by their standard outfit of track suit , knapsack and spectacles .

  20. 它在日本的流行度和对主角的正面刻画已经减少了人们对御宅族的成见,使一些御宅族嗜好获得了更多的认可。

    In Japan its popularity and positive portrayal of the main character has helped to reduce negative stereotypes about otaku , and increase the acceptability of some otaku hobbies .

  21. 他受日本动画和日本漫画的影响而专注于御宅族文化和生活方式发起了超扁平后现代艺术风格运动。

    He is a Japanese animation and Japanese comic effect and focused on otaku culture and way of life initiated super flat after the style of the modern art movement .

  22. “宅男宅女”是目前一个新兴的名词,又被称为“御宅族”,反映了新媒介对受者特别是对青少年的影响。

    As a new and developing noun ," otaku boy otaku girl " also called as " resisting the house race ", reflecting the effects to teenagers from new intermediary .

  23. 御宅族的一个分支是秋叶系,这里的男性经常待在东京的秋叶原,迷恋动画、偶像和游戏。

    A subset of otaku is the Akiba-kei , men who spend a lot of time in Akihabara in Tokyo and who are mainly obsessive about anime , idols and games .

  24. 所以这个舒适的、完美主义者的、不再雄心壮志的国家只剩下了御宅族式逃避主义。就像我现在玩着幻想游戏以忘记疲惫。

    So what 's left for this comfortable , perfectionist society of narrowed ambition is otaku escape , the games I found myself playing to fool exhaustion as Chinese dumplings adorned the treadmill .

  25. 然而在一般的口语使用中,大多数日本人不喜欢被人用这种类似“御宅族”的时髦称呼来形容自己,甚至不少人认为这是一种人身攻击。

    In general colloquial usage however , most Japanese would consider it undesirable to be described in a serious fashion as " otaku " ; many even consider it to be a genuine insult .

  26. 通过第一章、第二章的行文,解释宅的出现和宅现象的发展演变,即最初的宅其实是因为宫崎勤事件才指向了御宅族。

    Through the first chapter and second chapter of the formulation , the author explain the evolution of " OTAKU " and Otaku phenomenon . The original TAKU is pointed to OTAKU because Miyazaki Kan events .

  27. 日本的一些御宅族调侃似的使用这个词来描述自己和自己的朋友,接受他们作为粉丝的身份。有的甚至觉得很自豪,企图改变它消极的内涵。

    Some of Japan 's otaku use the term to describe themselves and their friends semi-humor-ously , accepting their position as fans , and some even use the term proudly , attempting to reclaim it from its negative connotations .

  28. 有漫画迷和动画迷,那么就会有御宅族&吃、喝、买、收集、迷恋一切和日本漫画、动画、电影、玩具以及电玩有关的东西。

    There are manga and anime fans * and then there are Otaku , the super-fans who eat , drink , shop , collect and obsess over every facet of Japanese comics , animated TV shows , movies , toys and video games .

  29. 御宅族文化引起现代人的兴趣是由一篇发布在日本最大的网络论坛2channel上,据说是从一个很真实的故事开始的。这故事名为《电车男》,讲述二对相遇在电车上的男女的爱情故事。

    An interesting modem look into the otaku culture has surfaced with an allegedly true story surfacing on the largest Internet bulletin board 2channel : Densha Otoko or Train Man , a love story about a geek and a beautiful woman who meet on a train .

  30. 有关研究发现,沉迷网络媒介是造成大学校园御宅现象的主要原因,大多数的大学校园御宅族是重度网络媒介使用者,不同程度地患有网络媒介依存症。

    The study found that addict network media is a campus otaku phenomenon is the main reason . Most of the campus otaku is severe network media users , and they are different degree with " network media dependent disease " .