
páng huáng
  • walk back and forth, not knowing which way to go;hesitate about which way to go;hesitate;walk back and forth
彷徨 [páng huáng]
  • (1) [walk back and forth]∶徘徊,走来走去,不知道往哪里走好

  • (2) [hesitate]∶犹豫不决

  • 真州逐之城门外,几彷徨死。—— 宋· 文天祥《指南录后序》

彷徨[páng huáng]
  1. 生活很无趣彷徨和迷茫伴随着我。

    Very uninterest hesitate life and mentally stupefied are following me .

  2. 可理想的泡沫被无情的现实击破了,他的生命亦在理想与现实的冲突中遭遇了失落,他痛苦、彷徨,陷入了对生命价值的沉思中。

    His life had the sense of alienation in the conflict of hope and reality . He was sad and hesitate , and sank into the ruminating of life value .

  3. 正如世纪之交时那样,我们再次在巨大的希望和忧虑之间彷徨不定。

    Just as at the turn of the century , we hover between great hopes and great fears .

  4. 这种彷徨不安的心理好像把什么人都传染上了。

    This spirit of unrest touches every one .

  5. 心里还是好彷徨,难道我已被爱情的火车远远地抛下了吗?

    Have I been left far behind by the love train ?

  6. 因为离家远,我们都会感到孤独和彷徨。

    We feel alone and confused because home is far away .

  7. 愿游荡的灵魂得到救赎,不再彷徨。

    May the wandering soul be redeemed , destiny be redirected ;

  8. 在国内,广大的选民浮躁不安,彷徨而无所适从。

    In the country the vast electorate was restless and adrift .

  9. 同时,她在爱情生活中也有自己的彷徨和迷惘。

    Meanwhile Scarlett is also indecisive and perplexed in her love life .

  10. 故而我们一再谨慎,一再彷徨。

    Guer We have repeatedly caution , again a loss .

  11. 你响我身边,我不再彷徨。

    With you by my side , I 'll never be afraid .

  12. 我突然觉得很彷徨,也许这就是生活。

    I suddenly feel very helpless again , perhaps this is life .

  13. 我们三人到如今还彷徨在树旁。

    We three now having a loss by the tree .

  14. 我问。彷徨意图犯可逮捕的罪行,他说。

    Wandering with intent to commit an arrestable offence , 'he said .

  15. 彷徨着不敢告诉你我是如此爱你。

    Hesitate to tell you that I love you so .

  16. 然妾心忏悔,百般挣扎,踌躇彷徨,畏葸不前。

    My thought struggled at confessing , somehow hesitation ended in flinching .

  17. 暗恋为云女,应怜谁彷徨。

    Peach goes for women , who should take pity on indecision .

  18. 我宿命的在流浪之途彷徨,最后消失。

    My fate vacillates aimlessly and finally runs its course .

  19. 何时见许兮,慰我彷徨。

    Let us one day be betrothed console my doubts .

  20. 那些你会觉得孤单彷徨,几经重挫,或彻底绝望的日子。

    Days where you feel completely alone . Undermined . Or hopeless .

  21. 德国的忧郁和中国的彷徨:叶圣陶的小说《倪焕之》

    German Melancholy and Chinese Restlessness : YE Sheng-tao s novel NI Huan-zhi ;

  22. 空虚·彷徨·过失&约翰·契弗短篇小说人物的心路历程

    On the Psychological Pilgrimage of John Cheever 's Characters in His Short Fiction

  23. 但却可以释放自我的彷徨与无助。

    What I can do is to abreact my hesitation and desperation only .

  24. 她拿起了烹饪书,并感受到了彷徨的挫折感。

    She picked up the cookery book and felt the frustrations of indecision .

  25. 鲁迅的一生皆在孤独中呐喊与彷徨。

    All the life , Lu xun was shouting and wandering in solicitude .

  26. 在觉悟之道上,没有时间再流浪彷徨。

    There is no time on the path for the mind to wander .

  27. 彷徨依然无倦,与人的执着,苦苦对峙。

    Loss is still not tired , with the dedication , hard confrontation .

  28. 第二,产生心里失衡,出现了困惑与彷徨。

    Secondly , it led to psychological imbalance , and arose confusion and indecision .

  29. 那种挣扎彷徨,就像美国工人阶级如今的处境一般。

    ways that are indicative of the broader struggles of America 's working class .

  30. 我的家庭长期以来一直经历着这种彷徨挣扎。

    My family has been part of that struggle for a very long time .
