
cǎi sè zhào piàn
  • color photograph;color picture
彩色照片 [cǎi sè zhào piān]
  • (1) [colorphoto]∶用彩色摄影拍出的照片

  • (2) [photochrome]∶一种有多种颜色的照片

  1. 本系统的颜色和密度的测量主要是针对彩色照片,它还可以应用于其他非透明非荧光的物质,因此在颜色控制领域具有广阔的应用前景。

    In the system , the measurement aims at color photograph , in fact , it can be applied in other opaque non-fluorescent material , so it will be widely used in the color control field in the future .

  2. 每页都配有丰富的彩色照片。

    All the pages are abundantly illustrated with colour photographs .

  3. 她们观看了两组彩色照片,同时脑电图(EEG)会检测她们大脑的活动。

    The women viewed two sets of color photos while an EEG measured activity in their brain .

  4. 由于蜘蛛不会收集影像,而且没有考虑的Flash引导页或彩色照片的通知。

    Since the spider doesn 't collect images , it doesn 't take notice of Flash intros or colorful pictures .

  5. 在明确每张彩色照片我将扫描入ps并在其中进行修改的前提下我使用平光来摄影。

    " I use flat light to make the photograph , knowing that every color image I take Im going to scan and manipulate in Photoshop ," he explains .

  6. 格尔丁克说,可能在乌克兰的迹象于2004年首次浮出水面,当时荷兰警方在一个乌克兰网站发现一张彩色照片,上面是一张遗失的油画——林森的《丽贝卡与艾丽泽》(RebeccaandEliezer)。

    Mr. Geerdink said the first indication that they might be there surfaced in 2014 , when a Dutch police detective discovered a color image of one of the missing art works , " Rebecca and Eliezer , " by Linsen , on a Ukrainian website .

  7. 这种产生的影像几乎不真实的彩色照片。

    This produces an image closely approximating a false colour photograph .

  8. 《纽约时报》上有一整版这张彩色照片。

    It ran full-page in color in the New York Times .

  9. 如果没有彩色照片,价格会低一点。

    Without colour photos , the price goes down a bit .

  10. 非立体眼底彩色照片读片评价糖尿病视网膜病变的可行性

    Reliability of evaluating grade of diabetic retinopathy from non-stereoscopic color fundus photographs

  11. 这表示,彩色照片对于黑皮肤脸孔是有偏见的。

    meaning that color photography was biased against black faces .

  12. 第一张彩色照片与1907年在法国产生。

    The first commercially available color film was offered in France in1907 .

  13. 1000本带彩色照片的宣传册报价是多少?

    What is the quotation for one thousand brochures with colour photos ?

  14. 黑白照片具有传统特色,而彩色照片则具有现代气息。

    Black-and-white photos feature tradition while color signifies modernity .

  15. 高分辨率或彩色照片帮助人们实现了这一愿望。

    High resolution or colour pictures help this ambition .

  16. 这卷书附有105幅复制的彩色照片。

    This is a volume with 105 full-colour reproduction from photographs tipped in .

  17. 色偏–彩色照片上出现整体偏向一种颜色。

    COLOR CAST – the overall bias towards one color in a color image .

  18. 这本书配上了彩色照片。

    The book was illustrated with color photographs .

  19. 你喜欢它们还是彩色照片?

    Do you prefer them or color photographs ?

  20. 连续记录示波器照相机我过去常照幻灯片,但是后来改照彩色照片。

    I used to take slides , but I changed over to color prints .

  21. 参赛的彩色照片一律不退。

    All photos received by the contest will not be returned to the authors .

  22. 这台复印机可复制彩色照片。

    This copier can reproduce colour photographs .

  23. 女:如果你想要彩色照片,会比较贵。

    Woman : If you want the colour photos , it 'll be more expensive .

  24. 彩色照片制作技术

    The techniques for making colour photos

  25. 你拍彩色照片吗?

    Do you take colour photographs ?

  26. 提出了一种简单实用的算法,用以对彩色照片图像处理生成类似于绘画作品的视觉效果。

    The paper presents a simple and practicable algorithm for painting style processing of color photo image .

  27. 参赛人员每人须交2寸彩色照片3张。

    10.2 Each competitor shall hand in three ( 3 ) colored photos ( 2 inches ) .

  28. 高分辨率彩色照片,甚至视频短片现在可以很容易地通过计算机网络传输。

    High-resolution color photographs and even short video clips can now easily be transmitted over computer networks .

  29. 彩色照片传真记录器

    Color photo facsimile recorder

  30. 彩色照片时间戳识别

    Color Photo Time-Stamp Recognition