
  • 网络Elastic Mechanics;elasticity mechanics;Theory of Elasticity;mechanics of elasticity
  1. 弹性力学习题一题多解的探讨

    A Probe into Elasticity Problems with More than One Solution

  2. 关于弹性力学解的唯一性定理的一个注记

    A Note on Theorem of Uniqueness of Solution of Elasticity

  3. 各向异性弹性力学场论的Hamilton体系

    Hamilton ′ s system of elastic field theory for anisotropic body

  4. Hamilton体系下弹性力学半解析法的一个守恒律

    A Conservation Law of Semi-analytical Method of Elasticity in Hamilton System

  5. 各向异性弹性力学问题Hamilton正则方程的一般形式相空间和哈密顿正则方程在统计力学中的应用

    The application of phase space and Hamilton Canonical Equation in statistical mechanics

  6. 弹性力学的混合方程和Hamilton正则方程

    Mixed Formulation and Hamilton Canonical Equations of Theory of Elasticity

  7. B-Spline高阶元方法在三维水弹性力学中的应用

    Applications of B-Spline to the 3-D Hydroelasticity of Ship

  8. 随着弹性力学的发展,对非标准增长条件p(x)-Laplacian问题的研究是近年来发展起来的一个新的研究课题。

    With the development of elastic mechanics , the study of p ( x ) - Laplacian problem with nonstandard growth conditions is a new topic developed in recent years .

  9. 基于弹性力学理论,研究了4点弯曲情况下FRP板加固钢筋混凝土梁的界面应力分布。

    Based on the theory of elasticity , a four_ point bending RC beam strengthened by a FRP plate is investigated .

  10. 弹性力学中Fredholm积分方程组解法的表达通式及其讨论

    General expression of Fredholm integral equations method on elastic mechanics and its discussion

  11. 论耦合热弹性力学中各种Gurtin型变分原理

    On Gurtin & type Variation Principles for Coupled Thermoelasticity

  12. 对于一个楔,当其表面受有与r~n(n≥0)成正比的外载荷时,按照经典弹性力学的解,对于顶角2α为π或2π的楔,其应力为无限大。

    For a wedge subjected to tractions in proportion to r (?) ( n ≥ 0 ), the stresses of the solution in classical theory of elasticity become infinite when the angle of the wedge to π or 2 π .

  13. 本文还采用了弹性力学有限元分析(FEM)的方法计算了拘束平板的应力应变,在此基础上建立了对接接头拘束度的计算公式。

    The stress and strain in restraint plate were calculated by the Finite Element Analysis of Elastic Mechanics , and on this basis the formula for the restraint intensity of butt joints has been set up .

  14. 以弹性力学中的Hamilton正则方程为基础,分别应用Hamilton正则方程的半解析法构建层合壳每一层的线性方程。

    Based on the Hamilton canonical equation for elastic bodies , and using its semi-analytical solution , the linear equation for each layer of laminated shells is established respectively .

  15. 按照弹性力学理论建立Winkler地基上四边自由受简谐激励作用矩形薄板的动力学方程。

    Based on elasto-dynamics , the governing equation of a rectangular thin plate with four sides free on the Winkler foundation subjected to harmonic excitation is derived .

  16. 以主动颤振抑制系统设计为代表的气动伺服弹性力学(ASE)是一门涉及柔性结构、飞行器运动引起的定常和非定常气动力以及飞行控制系统相互作用的多学科技术。

    Aeroservoelasticity , including active flutter suppression technology , is a multidisciplinary optimization technology that studies the interaction of flexible structure , unsteady aerodynamics and flight control system .

  17. 本文在线弹性力学范畴,采用Green函数方法研究界面圆环形衬砌、界面含裂纹圆环形衬砌、界面含裂纹衬砌及其侧边径向裂纹对SH波的散射问题。

    The present thesis investigates the scattering problems of SH-waves by interface circular lining as well as interface cracks originating diametrically at the lining edge or the collinear cracks originating diametrically lining , the Green ' Function method is used here .

  18. 碳纤维(CFRP)筋的线弹性力学性能使得采用CFRP配筋的混凝土结构延性较差,本文对配置CFRP筋T梁进行了受力性能试验研究。

    The concrete structures prestressed with CFRP tendons are lack of ductility due to the linear elastic behavior of CFRP tendons . In this paper , the concrete T beams prestressed with CFRP tendons are studied .

  19. 基于经典的叠层板理论和热弹性力学的有关理论,合理简化边界条件,建立了一维非对称热应力缓和型功能梯度材料(DFM)分析模型。

    The analysis model used for calculation of thermal stress in FGM is estab - lisd based on , The classical lamination theory and thermal-elastic mechanics with five assumptions .

  20. 用弹性力学中的Hertz弹性球体碰撞公式,把钢轨当作半径无限大的平面园形,得出车辆对钢轨接头的冲击力计算公式。

    Applying the Hertz 's impacting formula between two elastic spheres and taking the rail as a sphere with infinite radius , we obtain the formula to calculate the maximum impacting force .

  21. 借助弹性力学理论、断裂力学知识及微积分方法,讨论各向异性功能梯度材料裂纹板在沿z轴方向剪切载荷作用下的反平面断裂问题。

    From basic equations of elastic mechanics , related knowledge of fracture mechanics and frequently-used method of differential and integral calculus , the anti-plane fracture problems of cracked plate for anisotropic functionally graded materials under shear loads of z axis direction are discussed .

  22. Hamilton体系下的弹性力学理论和辛差分方法时至今日已得到前所未有的大发展;但却未见到将辛差分方法应用于弹性力学数值求解的研究公布于世。

    Today symplectic difference method and the theory of elasticity in the system of Hamilton have been developed more than before , but it was not published that symplectic difference method was used in the solution of elastic problem .

  23. 本文在线弹性力学范畴内,采用Green函数和裂纹切割相结合的方法研究了在SH波作用下圆形孔洞、基体中圆形夹杂或半圆形凹陷地形与其附近任意直裂纹的相互作用问题。

    Using Green 's Function method and the method of crack-division , the interaction problems of circular cavity , inclusion or a cylindrical canyon with cracks of any limited lengths near gap or inclusion by SH-wave are studied in this paper in the field of linearly elastic dynamic mechanics .

  24. 本文利用线粘弹性力学中的Boltzmann蠕变律,把开孔弹性薄板大挠度问题的一般数学理论推广到开孔粘弹性薄板。

    In this paper , the general mathematical theory of perforated elastic thin plates with large deflections - has been generalized to the nonlinear analysis for perforated viscoelastic thin plates by means of the Boltzmann 's creep law in linear viscoelasticity .

  25. 利用全纯向量函数边值问题有解的充分必要条件,本文给出了二维各向异性弹性力学Stroh理论中的几个边值问题的解答。

    Sing the necessary and sufficient condition of the boundary value problem of holomorphic vector function , several problems in two dimension anisotropic elasticity are solved .

  26. 然后在平面直角坐标系下将弹性力学问题引入到Hamilton体系中来,针对弹性力学混合方程建立了一种新的辛型数值计算方法&基于Hamilton体系的弹性力学辛差分方法;

    Then the equations of elastic problem are imported into the Hamilton system in the plane right-angle coordinate system and a new symplectic numerical method , the symplectic difference method of elasticity in Hamilton system , is put up based on the mixed equation of elastic problem .

  27. 基于热弹性力学和结构优化理论,针对典型的PBGA封装体在工作过程中的受热问题,建立了有限元数值模拟分析模型。

    Based on the theory of thermal elasticity mechanics and structural optimization , the models of finite element numerical simulation for thermo-mechanical analysis of a plastic ball grid array ( PBGA ) package design are established .

  28. 在简单介绍微分求积方法(DQ方法)基本原理的基础上,给出了线性弹性力学空间轴对称问题在静态和自由振动两种情况下的DQ离散化方程,并进行了数值计算。

    Based on the principle of differential quadrature method ( DQM ), the DQ discretization equations of space axial symmetry problems in elasticity in two cases of static state and free vibration are derived , and numerical calculations are implemented in the present paper .

  29. 然后按弹性力学混合边值问题建立层状粘弹性地基上刚体垂直振动的对偶积分方程,并化为第二类Fredholm积分方程。

    Then the dual integral equation of vertical vibration of a rigid body on viscoelastic layered half space was established according to the mixed boundary valued condition . This dual integral equation was reduced to Fredholm integral equation of the second kind .

  30. 利用弹性力学的Mindlin解,推导得到顶管正面附加推力、掘进机和后续管道与土体之间的摩擦力在相邻水平平行管道上引起的附加荷载计算公式。

    The computing formulas of superimposed load on adjacent level parallel pipe induced both by bulkhead additive thrust , force of friction between shield and soil , and force of friction between follow-up pipes and soil are derived from the Mindlin solution in elastic mechanics .