
  1. 出于爱,神藉着耶稣基督向人类张显自己。

    In love , God revealed himself to mankind through Jesus Christ ;

  2. 主啊,向小姊妹张显怜恤。不论结果怎样,让我们看到您的荣耀!

    Lord , show mercy to her , whatever the result is , let us see your glory .

  3. 卢旺达大学孔子学院中方院长张显说,中国和卢旺达有共同的发展目标。

    Zhang Xian , the Chinese director of the Confucius Institute , says both China and Rwanda share the same goals concerning development .

  4. 通过对黄药师的心理分析,我们清晰地看到,他一切邪的思想和行为,都是由其人格中本我的张显造成的。

    Through the psychological analysis of Pharmacist Huang 's " evilness ", we can see clearly that his thought and behaviour of " evilness " come from his distinctive personality .

  5. 现代经济学的发展逐渐回归到对人类自身行为的分析,本文的逻辑,也是从经济人在对物质利益最大化的追求过程中所张显出来的竞争与合作两大行为特点展开的。

    The modern economics gradually focuses on the analysis of human behaviors . So this thesis begins to analyzing the competitive and cooperation behaviors showing in pursuing the maximum material benefits by economic person .

  6. 网络诗歌和民刊的发展不但预示了新世纪诗歌发展的多元化,而且还能够在后现代的视野下张显诗歌写作者的自我个性。

    The development of network poetry and folk periodical can not only indicate the development pluralism of new century poetry , and also publicize the poetic writers ' ego individuality under the field view of post modernization .

  7. 在200份抽样评语中,鼓励性的话语与鞭策性话语的句数比接近3:1,92%和96%的学生也分别认可了评语对自己进步的张显以及老师对自己继续努力的鼓励和期望。

    Among the 200 copies of sample comments , the ratio of encouraging words and spurring words is about 3:1 . 92 % and 96 % students approve that comments play an important role for their self-development and teachers ' encouragement and expectation towards their ongoing efforts respectively .