
  • 网络harmonia axyridis;harmonia axyridis pallas;Leis axyridis
  1. 在转Bt基因棉压力下棉铃虫和异色瓢虫的波动性不对称

    Fluctuating asymmetry in Helicoverpa armigera ( H ü bner ) and Harmonia axyridis ( Pallas ) under the stress of Bt-transgenic cotton

  2. 果园蚜虫的发生及应用异色瓢虫控蚜

    Occurrence of Aphid in Orchard and Control of Aphid Using Harmonia axyridis

  3. 不同色斑型异色瓢虫COⅠ和COⅡ基因序列系统进化分析

    Phylogenetic analysis of CO ⅰ and CO ⅱ gene sequences of different splash types of Harmonia axyridis

  4. 异色瓢虫Harmoniaaxyridis脑内5-HT及其合成酶TPH的免疫组织化学定位研究

    Immunohistochemical Localization of 5-HT and Its Synthesizing Enzyme TPH in the Brain of the Beetle Harmonia Axyridis

  5. 温湿度对越冬异色瓢虫(Harmoniaaxyridis)存活的影响

    Effects of temperature and relative humidity on survival of the overwintering Asian coccinellid , Harmonia axyridis

  6. 不同生境异色瓢虫对茶梢互利素和蚜虫利它素EAG和行为反应

    Electroantennogram and behavioural responses of two varieties of Leis axyridis from three types of habitats to aphid-damaged tea shoot volatiles and aphid kairomones

  7. 异色瓢虫(Harmoniaaxyridis)鞘翅色斑二个新等位基因和嵌镶显性遗传学说的再证实

    On two new alleles of the color pattern gene in the lady-beetle , harmonia axyridis and further proof of the mosaic dominance theory

  8. 比较了蚕豆苗叶片、甘蓝叶片、小油菜叶片和纸条作为人工扩繁异色瓢虫Harmoniaaxyridis(Pallas)时产卵载体的适合性。

    Suitability of leaves of horsebean seedling , cabbage , cole and paper strip as the oviposition substrata in mass rearing Harmonia axyridis ( Pallas ) were compared .

  9. 1999年作者对山西省异色瓢虫Harmoniaaxyridis(Pallas)的生物学特性进行了研究。结果表明:该虫在山西省一年发生4代,以成虫越冬。

    The bionomics of Harmonia axyridis ( Pallas ) were studied in Shanxi in 1999.The results showed that there are 4 generations a year in Shanxi province and it lives through the winter in adult .

  10. 冷驯化后异色瓢虫雌虫产卵前期延长;

    The pre-oviposition period of the female was delayed after acclimation .

  11. 温度对异色瓢虫生长发育和繁殖的影响

    Effect of temperature on survival , development and fecundity of Harmonia axyridis

  12. 异色瓢虫人工饲养及色斑遗传多样性的研究

    Artificial Breeding and Genetic Diversity Research of Different Splash Stain of Harmonia Axyridis

  13. 异色瓢虫多态类型间增长参数的比较研究

    Comparison of Growth Parameters Among Polymorphic Types in The Lady-bird Beetle , Harmonia axyridis pallas

  14. 测定异色瓢虫成虫对桃蚜的捕食功能和空间异质性。

    The predation and spatial heterogeneity on Harmonia axyridis adult to Myzus persicae were determined .

  15. 黄荆提取物对异色瓢虫幼虫有一定的杀虫活性,但对其成虫无任何影响。

    The extract reduced survival of multicolored ladybeetle larvae , but had no effect on the adults .

  16. 在田间使用该杀虫剂时,要避开异色瓢虫的敏感期。

    When fenoxycarb is used in fields , the susceptible developmental stages of the ladybird should be avoided .

  17. 长期以来,隐斑瓢虫被认为是异色瓢虫的一个异名。

    H.yedoensis had long been regarded as a synonym of H.axyridis , including recently by Koch ( 2003 ) .

  18. 结果显示:不同环境颜色条件对异色瓢虫幼虫各龄历期均有显著影响;

    The results showed significant effects of different environment colors on the developmental duration of H.axyridis larvae in each instar .

  19. 七星瓢虫和异色瓢虫四变种成虫对茶蚜蜜露的搜索行为和蜜露的组分分析

    Searching behaviour of Coccinella septempunctata and four varieties of Leis axyridis adults on tea aphid honeydew and analysis of honeydew component

  20. 黄底型异色瓢虫鞘翅黑斑变化规律及其数码标记方法

    The changing regulation of the black spot in lady-beetle , harmonia axyridis with yellow background and a method of numeral mark

  21. 5.7次交配组的异色瓢虫雌虫卵孵化率最高,说明雌性异色瓢虫存在最佳交配次数。

    The hatching rate in 7 time mating group was the highest , suggesting the existence of the optimal number of mating for H. axyridis .

  22. 异色瓢虫的应用研究概况3.对蚜虫捕食性天敌蜘蛛和瓢虫的的种群消长动态进行了研究,表明蚜虫数量和天敌数量呈显著相关,二者之间存在时滞效应,有明显的追随现象。

    Progress of applied research on multicolored Asian ladybird beetle . 3 . The population dynamics of the ladybird beetle and spider were investigated on honeysuckle .

  23. 为了研究异色瓢虫幼虫不同龄期防治有机蔬菜彩椒蚜虫效果,我站在有机蔬菜彩椒上进行了试验。

    In order to study the effect using the larva at different instars of Harmonia axyridis to control aphids on colorful capsicum of the organic vegetable .

  24. 以上分析表明,异色瓢虫不同的色斑类型间,无论在宏观形态,还是在微观结构上都存在着差异。

    The results above suggested there were differences not only in the morphology , but in the microstructure of the different phenotypes of Harmonia axyridis Pallas .

  25. 在果业生产中,就地取材保护利用异色瓢虫,不仅可以有效控制果园蚜虫,而且能够保证人们安全食用果品。

    Harmonia axyridis is protected and used in the produce of fruit trees , which can control aphid effectively and also assure edible safe of the fruit .

  26. 测定了短时低温诱导后异色瓢虫过冷却点的变化,显示在短时低温诱导下,昆虫的过冷却点会升高,但是随着诱导的加深而降低。

    The results showed that the supercooling point of insect rose under short-term low temperature induction treatment , but it decreased with the deepening of the induction .

  27. 主要捕食性天敌七星瓢虫、异色瓢虫成虫发生高峰期分别在8月中上旬和8月下旬,平均每株虫量七星瓢虫0.82头、异色瓢虫1.3头。

    The maximum occurrence of the adult of C.septempunctata and H.axyridis was in the early mid-August and the late August , with an average density of0.82 and1.3 per plant , respectively .

  28. 异色瓢虫个体间干扰作用也较强,其捕食率随自身密度的增加而降低。

    The disturbing of Leis axyridis ( Pallas ) themselves has great effect on the predaceous rate which is decreased as the density of Leis axyridis ( Pallas ) turns high .

  29. 田间试验表明,用异色瓢虫防治草莓蚜虫,在瓢蚜比例为1:100时,可以不用打药而能有效地控制蚜害。

    Field experiments showed that the strawberry aphids could be succesfully controlled by H.axyridis as a predator : prey ratio of 1 : 100 in plastic covering without the need of insecticides .

  30. 单次交配组卵孵化率在30天后下降,但多次交配组卵孵化率始终保持稳定,说明异色瓢虫雌性能通过多次交配补充精子。

    The hatching rate in single mating group decreased 30 days after mating , while that in multiple mating group maintained stable , indicating that H.axyridis could restore sperm through multiple mating . 4 .