
  • 网络open system;Opening System;OSI;opensystem
  1. 详细介绍了开放式系统和COTS技术,以及它们在航空电子火控系统的应用情况和应用经验,并分析了上述技术在我国的应用前景。

    This article introduces the open system and COTS technology , and the application of them in airborne fire control systems in detail . Then the future of their application in China is discussed .

  2. 本文主要阐述未来十年国外综合航电系统的总的发展趋向,重点介绍了在开放式系统结构的研究与应用、采用COTS技术、模块化、多传感器综合技术等方面的发展趋向。

    The developing trend of integrated avionics system in foreign countries in future 10 years is presented , with emphasis on such aspects as the research and application of open system architecture , COTS technology , modularization and multi-sensor integration ( MSI ) technology .

  3. 一个面向对象的、开放式系统结构的EMS/DMS支撑环境

    An Object-Oriented , Open System Architecture Based EMS / DMS Supporting Environment

  4. RISC技术与开放式系统及其对SCADA/EMS系统的影响

    RISC technology open system and their influences on scada / ems

  5. 医学数字影像传输(DICOM)标准是保证PACS成为全开放式系统的重要网络标准和协议。

    Digital imaging and communications in medicine ( DICOM ) is an important network standard and protocol which assures that PACS is an open system .

  6. 开放式系统的攻击取证和系统恢复机制Eudemon的设计及实现

    Design and Implementation of a Mechanism of Intrusion Evidence Audit and System Recovery in Open Systems : Eudemon

  7. EMS的图形数据维护在EMS众多组成部分中相当重要,但是传统的面向数据表的维护方式相当复杂,可靠性差,而且无法满足开放式系统的可移植性、可扩展性和互操作性等要求。

    The graph and data maintenance of EMS is the very important part of EMS . However the traditional datasheet-oriented maintenance mode has a lot of disadvantages , such as high complexity , low reliability , low portability , low extensibility and low interoperability .

  8. 在两种著名的网络协议模型中,OSI开放式系统互联参考模型得到了全世界的认同,但互联网历史上和技术上的开发标准都是基于TCP/IP(传输控制协议/互联网协议)模型的。

    There are two well-known network protocol models , OSI reference model and the TCP / IP . Although the OSI reference model are popular all over the world , the TCP / IP protocol is the actual standard .

  9. 开放式系统,允许用户修改系统参数及初始参数。

    Open system allows users to modify system parameters and initial parameters .

  10. 一种基于开放式系统的仪器互换性实现

    An implementation of instrument interchangeability based on an open architecture

  11. 开放式系统易于信息共享

    Using the Open System Easy to Sharing Information

  12. 用于开放式系统的二维优先级实时调度

    Two-Dimensional Priority Real-Time Scheduling for Open Systems

  13. 开放式系统结构及其标准研究

    A Study on Open Systems Architecture Standards

  14. 此机器人控制系统是开放式系统,实现了智能化和网络化。

    The control system is an open system and connected in network and is intelligent .

  15. 其开放式系统设计有利于跟任何符合标准的第三方和网状接入点协同工作。

    Their open systems design facilitates interoperability with any standard-compliant third party and mesh access points .

  16. 分析了INFI-90开放式系统通讯网络的结构和系统所使用的通讯协议、技术、信息格式及其特点。

    It analyses the structure of this open system INFI-90 and introduces its communication protocal , format , and network feature .

  17. 开放式系统,但油体平均温度不得超出上表所示的最高温度。

    Open systems , but the average body temperature of the oil shall not exceed the maximum temperature shown in the table .

  18. 然后,讲解了计算机网络技术基础的核心理论&ISO/OSI开放式系统互联参照模型。

    Then , the paper states the core theory of networking essence , the Reference Model of Open System Interconnection published by ISO / OSI .

  19. 具有针对性地制定了包括:开放式系统设计、节约能源、建立社区信息网络在内的优化目标。

    The pertinence of the optimized design bases on three aims including the opening system design , energy sources saving and community information network foundation .

  20. 本文采用模块化、开放式系统设计思想,从整体上设计了一个具有物理与数字仿真相结合的适合于教学培训、科研实验的变电站综合自动化仿真系统的实现方案。

    This dissertation applying the thought of modularization and opening system , a integrated physical and digital simulation system that suits for teaching and training and experiment is designed .

  21. 本文对开放式系统的安全域进行了讨论,对安全域之间的关系进行了阐述,针对安全域模型,结合安全域的多级安全的特点,对安全域模型进行了研究。

    In this paper , the open systems security domains are discussed . Analyzing the general relation of security domains and using the idea of multi-level security , we design security domain model .

  22. 从开放式系统结构的概念入手,对综合射频传感器开放式系统结构的特性、构形原理、实现途径、结构实例和未来结构的发展演变等内容进行了研究和探讨。

    Starting with the concept of open systems architecture , this paper studies and discusses some items on integrated RF sensors open systems architecture , including its properties , architectural design considerations , general architecture approach , specific illustration , and architectural evolution etc.

  23. 在简要介绍传感器网络的通信结构的基础上,分析了传感器网络的设计因素,介绍了网络的互联参考模型,并结合以往的研究,提出了符合开放式系统互连模式的分层设计的方法。

    This paper analyzes the design factor of sensor network based on briefly introduction of its communicate structure , ISO model of network is introduced either . Combining with the existing work , hierarchy design method according to ISO model is presented in this paper .

  24. 文中介绍的CC-2000EMS/DMS支撑系统从软件上采用了开放式系统结构、面向对象的技术及事件驱动机制,从而具有良好的支撑应用软件开发能力,并已在多处得到实际应用。

    The CC-2000 EMS / DMS system introduced in this paper uses open system structrue , Object Oriented technology and event drive mechanism in its software , so it has perfect ability of supporting application software , and has been used in many practical applications .

  25. 为了使本文中所研究的编译系统具有以上开放式系统特征,本文首先对开放式数控系统软件中的运动准备组件和逻辑控制组件等组件对编译系统的需求进行了详细分析。

    To provide compiler system studied with the ONC characteristics above mentioned , the following works have been done : Firstly , it has been analyzed thoroughly that requirements of function components & both motion control module and logic control module , to the compiler system of ONC .

  26. 此外,为了验证以上理论对开放式系统的适应性,作者还对原有的一台光栅测长仪测量精度实验装置提出了改进方案,使之能够实现真正的动态测量。

    Besides , to prove whether the above theories are suitable for open loop dynamic measurement system , the author gave some suggestions to improve a grating length measurement instrument that is used for dynamic precision research to make sure that the device could really realize dynamic measurement .

  27. net的开放式数控系统的实现方案。

    Net based open-architecture CNC system was presented .

  28. 塑料异型材挤出模具集成开放式CAD系统研制

    Development of Integrated and Open CAD System for Allotype Plastic Profile Extrusion Die

  29. 基于PC的开放式数控系统微铣削伺服控制的研究

    A Study of Micro-milling Servo Control of a PC-based Open CNC System

  30. Linux平台上AD喷涂机开放式数控系统的实现

    Implementation of CNC System for AD Spraying Machine Based on Linux