
  • 网络school of architecture;Faculty of Architecture;College of Architecture
  1. 解构派建筑师B·屈米在巴黎郊区为其创办的建筑学院设计了教学大楼。

    French architect Bernard Tschumi designed the building for the School of architecture in Marne-la-Vallee , Paris .

  2. 本文根据天津大学建筑学院提供的实验数据进行分析处理,采用最小二乘法进行多项式曲线拟合,获得不同颜色的H色调、V明度、C彩度三分量光照衰变曲线。

    In this paper , we analysis and process the experimental data which was provided by School of Architecture Tianjin University , and adopt least squares polynomial curve fitting discrete point , and obtain HVC three-component decay curve under light of different colors .

  3. 杜兰大学(TulaneUniversity)建筑学院的院长肯尼思•施瓦兹表示,新奥尔良可以说是一个“三位一体”的城市。

    New Orleans has something of a holy trinity , says Kenneth Schwartz , dean of Tulane University 's architecture school .

  4. 他与建筑学院毕业的夏普都不是软件工程师,而且与许多科技公司不同的是,Pinterest没有将工程师放在高于一切的位置。

    Neither he nor Mr Sharp , who went to architecture school , are software engineers and unlike many technology companies , Pinterest does not prioritise engineering above all else .

  5. 俄罗斯远东国立技术大学建筑学院设计实践

    Design Practice of Architectural Institute of Far Eastern State Technical University

  6. 天津大学建筑学院专业设置与研究生教育

    Academic Allocation and Postgraduate Education of School of Architecture in Tianjin University

  7. 之后她转学到伦敦建筑学院,并于2004年毕业。

    She then transferred to the Architectural Association , graduating in 2004 .

  8. 所以第二年我去了建筑学院。

    So the following year , I decided to go to architecture school .

  9. 基于建构主义的学习空间&美国几所建筑学院的系馆空间设计

    Learning Space Based on Constructivism & Space Design of Architecture School Buildings in America

  10. 普林斯顿大学建筑学院

    The Architecture School of Princeton University

  11. 高中以后,她开始专注这份事业,从建筑学院退学。

    After high school , she concentrated on her career , dropping out of architecture school .

  12. 库尔建筑学院,瑞士

    Chur Institute of architecture , switzerland

  13. 香港大学建筑学院教学概况

    Institute of Architecture , Hongkong University

  14. 休斯敦莱斯大学建筑学院扩建,美国

    The Extension of School of Architecture of Rice University , . Houston , USA , 1979-1981

  15. 空间意义的营造&建筑学院院馆空间改造研究

    Construction of the Spatial Significance & Researching on Spatial Improvement of an Architectural School 's Building

  16. 英国谢菲尔德大学建筑学院

    University of Sheffield School of Architecture

  17. 这个为建筑学院做的一个景观小品。

    This is a landscape sketch designed for the Faculty of Architecture . a landscape sketch .

  18. 莫斯科建筑学院艺术史·建筑史·城市建设史教学

    The Teaching of Art History , Architectural History and Civic Construction of the Moscow Institute of Architecture

  19. 最近,荷兰建筑学院组织了中国当代建筑展。

    Recently the Netherlands Architecture Institute ( NAi ) organized the exhibition China Contemporary on modern Chinese architecture .

  20. 来自伦敦大学学院的巴特利特建筑学院的瑞秋·阿姆斯特朗想我们解释了这种“原始细胞”科技。

    Rachel Armstrong , from UCL 's Bartlett School of Architecture , explained the " protocell " technology .

  21. 第二种房子的一个设计样本赢得了美国建筑学院的优秀奖。

    An example of the second type of house won an Award of Excellence from the American Institute of Architects .

  22. 这也是加拿大唯一的建筑学院在罗马,意大利有一个永久性的的国际教员。

    It is also the only architecture school in Canada to have a permanent international faculty in Rome , Italy .

  23. 60年历史·60年辉煌&清华大学建筑学院成立60周年

    60 years of history , 60 years of glory : 60-year anniversary of the school of architecture in Tsinghua University

  24. 融入生活、融合技术的设计研究&天津大学建筑学院的设计教学改革实践

    Architecture Design Research within Life and Assisted by Technique & The Educational Reform Practice of Design in School of Architecture , Tianjin University

  25. 清华大学建筑学院教授中国科学院、中国工程院院士;

    Wu Liangyong Prof. , School of Architecture , Tsinghua University Member , Chinese Academy of Sciences Member , Chinese Academy of Engineering .

  26. 在滑铁卢的沃特卢大学建筑学院是经认可的本科课程和专业的研究生课程。

    The School of Architecture at the University of Waterloo in Waterloo is accredited for both its undergraduate program and its professional graduate program .

  27. 上述两个案例中,先前在建筑学院讲授的城市规划课程现在调整到政策学习板块。

    In both these cases the courses in city planning formerly taught in the school of architecture have been transferred to the policy studies area .

  28. 23岁的他来自山东烟台,本是农村户口的他在进入北京工程建筑学院学习后,选择了迁户口。

    The 23-year-old from Yantai , Shandong province , had a rural hukou but transferred it after enrolling at Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture .

  29. 天津大学建筑学院与德国柏林工业大学建筑学院合作进行了贵州省贵阳市花溪区石板镇的新农村试点工程的规划设计工作。

    The architectural faculty of Tianjin University Collaborates with Germany Berlin Polytechnic University on experimental planning and design for Guiyang City Huax District New Village project .

  30. 2006年毕业于厦门大学艺术学院,获硕士学位,现任华侨大学建筑学院教师。

    In2006 , he graduated from the art institute , xiamen university with a master 's degree , overseas Chinese university school of architecture of teachers'current .