
jiàn ān wén xué
  • literature of the Jian'an period
  1. 黄初文学介于建安文学和正始文学之间。

    Huangchu literature lies between Jian'an literature and Zhengshi literature .

  2. 本论文是关于建安文学的专题研究。

    The dissertation is a monographic study of Jian'an literature .

  3. 建安文学在南朝的传播接受

    The Spread and Acceptance of Jian'an Literature in Nan Dynasty

  4. 试论建安文学中的生命主题

    A Brief Talk on the Subject Matter of Life Embodied in Jian'an Literature

  5. 论建安文学在南朝的接受

    Jian'an Literature 's being accepted in the Southern Dynasty

  6. 建安文学气的形成要素及力的构成

    The Formational Factors of the Vital Energy of Jian'an Literature and the Construct of Its Force

  7. 在中国古代文学研究中,建安文学研究历来备受学者的重视和关注。

    In the study of ancient Chinese literature , research of Jian ' an literature has always been much attention and concern .

  8. 第二部分具体考察《文心雕龙》、《诗品》、《文选》对建安文学的整体接受。

    The second part studies the whole acceptance of Jian'an Literature from Wen Xin Diao Long , Shi Pin , and Wen Xuan .

  9. 曹丕是建安文学的代表之一,他的文气说涉及风格学研究,为刘勰所继承和发展。

    Jian Cao Pi is one of the representatives of literature , his " Vigour " style of research involved , as Liu Xie inherited and developed .

  10. 建安文学为这个多姿多彩的文学阶段开启了灿烂的第一章,并深刻地影响着魏晋时期乃至于后世的文学发展。

    Jian-an literature for the stage opened a colorful literature brilliant chapter , and profoundly affects the Wei , Jin period and the literary development in future generations .

  11. 南朝对建安文学的接受主要体现在两个方面,一是抒情性文学传统的继承,二是追求美的形式。

    Jian'an Literature 's being accepted in the Southern Dynasty is shown in two aspects : one is the inheritance of lyric literary tradition , the other is the pursuit of beautiful forms .

  12. 谢灵运和鲍照分属于南朝社会中士族与素族不同的两极,对于建安文学的关注自然也体现在不同的方面。

    Xie and Bao belonged to the polars of the society in Nan Dynasty respectively , the gentry and the multitude , so the attention to Jian'an Literature naturally is paid in different aspects .

  13. 第一章、第二章主要是以论题为纲、以相关批评为目,对古人留下的建安文学批评资料进行有针对性的清理。

    Taking topics as " the head rope " and criticism relative to them as " the meshes ", chapter 1 and 2 are supposed to arrange the critical data about Jian'an literature left over by the ancients .

  14. 魏晋南北朝时期是中国园林具有重大意义的转折时期,这一时期的哲学思想,以及建安文学、田园诗文、书法绘画都影响了园林的创作。

    The period of Wei Jin Nan-Bei Dynasties was an very important turning point , during which the philosophy , as well as Jian'an literature , pastoral poetry and painting theory , all had an influence on the creation of landscape architecture .

  15. 《文选》虽然是文学总集,但选家通过梳理文体源流和选录作家作品来体现其文学观点,具体展现了建安文学在南朝的传播接受情况。

    Although Wen Xue was a general literature anthology , the collector reflected the literature characteristic and pinned down the spread and acceptance of Jian'an Literature in Nan Dynasty by the arrangement of the origin and development of literature theme and the selection of works of poets .

  16. 建安文学在中国文学史上一直具有举足轻重的地位,而曹植无疑是建安作家中的杰出代表,其创作实绩代表着建安文学的最高成就,尤其是其诗歌创作。

    Jian-An literature has important status in the history of Chinese literature . And Cao Zhi is the most prominent author without a doubt at the time . His creative achievements ', especially his poems , has been on behalf of the highest achievement of Jian-An literature .

  17. 建安文人文学观念的新旧对峙

    Conflict between new and old literature concepts of literaties in Jian'an times

  18. 建安前期文学创作与文人文学观念的情感深化

    Literary Creation in the Early Jian An Period and the Emotional Experience of Scholars in literary ideas

  19. 论文主以对建安文人文学活动与文学观念的相关文献、史料的梳理、考辨、分析为基础,从两个大的方面对建安时代“人的觉醒”与“文的自觉”来展开研究。

    The paper attempt to study the relation between " the awaking of men " and " the consciousness of literature . " We want to enter this problem from two aspects .

  20. 他在《魏晋风度及文章与药及酒之关系》中提出建安“文学的自觉”说,很有可能借鉴了日本汉学家铃木虎雄的观点。

    In his lectures " Style and Essays in the Wei and Jin Dynasties and their relationship with Herbs and Wine " Lu introduced the theory of " literary self-consciousness " which was thought to have been bo .

  21. 论建安时期女性文学兴盛的原因

    On the Reasons for Prosperity of Female Literature in the Period of Jian'an

  22. 建安文人的文学活动与文学观念

    The Relation between the Literary Activities and the Literary Sense of Jian'an Literatis

  23. 刘宋文学,既有对建安至西晋文学观念和文化传统的继承,又有对齐梁艺术传统的开启。

    Liu Song literature , inheritance the Western Jin and Jian an literature on values and cultural traditions and open the Qi and Liang artistic tradition .

  24. 论建安七子后期文学创作的幕僚侍从色彩

    On the Style of Assistant and Retinue of the Seven Talented Writers in the Jian ' an Period in Their Later Stage Literary Creation

  25. 从建安时代开始,文学开始走向自觉,所以,对文学独立价值的追问也是《典论·论文》一个无法回避的时代课题。

    Jian ' an times from the beginning , literature began consciously , Therefore , Ask the independent value of literature is " Code ? On paper , " an unavoidable topic of the times .

  26. 从建安时代赋体文学对诗歌的渗透出发,详细阐释魏晋时期拟诗兴起的原因及魏晋拟诗的发展过程和艺术特征;

    Fit era compose body literature infiltration in poem set out , explain period plan reason that poem rise and draft evolution and artistic characteristic of poem the Wei Jin Dynasty such as in detail building ;

  27. 建安是中国古代文学史上文人文学家身份基本确立的时代。建安文人文学家身份的基本确立奠定了此后中国文人文学家的基本品性。

    2 , Jian'an is a period in which the capacity of writers was fundamentally established in the history of Chinese ancient literature , and the basic character of Chinese subsequent men of literature and writing was laid .

  28. 曹植是建安时期著名的文学家,在长期的创作实践活动中,也展开了积极的文学批评,提出了相关的论文主张,是魏晋南北朝文学思想和理论批评的重要组成部分。

    Known as a distinguished poet in Jian-an period , Cao Zhi , in the long practice of creation , put forward correlated theoretical advocations in literary criticism as an important component of literary thoughts and theoretical criticism of that time .

  29. 作为一种著名的文学风格,建安风骨几乎成了建安文学的象征。

    As a famous style of literature , the Vigorous Spirit of Jian-an has almost been a synonym of the literature during Jian-an Period .