
  1. 廖满嫦于2013年10月才出任MSF国际主席。

    Liu only became international president in October 2013 .

  2. MSF从每个国际成员国聘请约10名医生,廖满嫦相信他们都是真正的英雄。

    MSF employs a ratio of about 10 national staff to every international member and Liu believes they are the true heroes .

  3. 廖满嫦出生在加拿大魁北克一个华裔移民家庭。

    Liu was born in Quebec , Canada to Chinese immigrant parents .

  4. 在廖满嫦看来,近距离接触疫情所产生的这种影响并不令人意外。

    For Liu , the effect of such proximity was not surprising .

  5. 我们谈话时,廖满嫦准备乘机返回西非,对埃博拉疫情进行重新评估。

    When we talked , Liu was about to get back on a plane to west Africa to reassess the situation .

  6. 因此,廖满嫦反复向联合国请求采取实际行动,而不仅仅是口头承诺。

    So Liu stood up repeatedly in front of the UN and begged for boots on the ground , rather than mere promises .

  7. 安德斯,我们刚刚听了无国界医生组织主席廖满嫦在联合国的讲话,她说那里充满了害怕和恐慌,而在这场战役中“埃博拉会取得胜利。”那是你在塞拉利昂所感觉到的吗?

    Anders , we just heard Doctors Without Borders president Joanne Liu speaking today at the U.N. and she said fear and panic have set in there and that in this fight , quote , " Ebola is winning . " Is that your sense on the ground in Sierra Leone ?